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THX1138 28-08-2008 05:51 PM

Not much I can do about that. She looks like that in my reference also. It's the way she has her head turned. The major thing I changed apart from the reference was her buttocks. It hung a little too low. So I slimmed it up, and radically changed the color scheme. The original color scheme was red and it did not look good, and it did not contrast with her very well either.

Thanks again for the C&C!

mirek03 28-08-2008 05:52 PM

i would love to live in Miami.., its fantasy i have.., i digress!!
anyway, yes you have noticed too.., and you are in another country.., yes people are even judged at times for their thoughts.., cant deal with it

and yes, i have a few.., 'i want a free tutor 'friends'.., i live with it for a while until im sure thats what its all about even if they DONT know it themselves (which i am sure they do).., then the answers are pretty short if at all.., like 'yes' and 'no.

i was thinking more.., the difference between (dont know how old you are) pencil and canvas artists.., maybe before computers and mobile phones.., and the digital artist of today.., im sure pencil and canvas people were more generous with their sensitivity and knowledge?? maybe because one can show someone something on the computer in a few minutes that might have taken them years to discover (because they didnt get lessons i guess).

i dont know, but the forums are telling.., just ask one 'silly' question.., and look out.

anyway.., back to th thread and away from my ramblings

THX.., have you seen her site LOL.., yea i agree.., if she sticks at it one day she'll be .., umm.., OK i guess LOL.

GecT.., we all feel we should do more.., its the times.., there is no time.., and we all feel we should be living 'in the hills' studying our craft..,

but yea, if one hasnt picked up a pencil or a guitar in a year.., you can say pretty well.., 'i have slacked off.'

THX1138 28-08-2008 06:09 PM


THX.., have you seen her site LOL.., yea i agree.., if she sticks at it one day she'll be .., umm.., OK i guess LOL.
I did check out that link she provided. I have seen her gallery at CG talk before. I think her 3D stuff superior to her 2D stuff. I can only suggest that she get to cracking with the 2D stuff. If she wants it to match the level her 3D work is at. Having such a drastic difference in quality all in one gallery is not a good idea. Of course this is just my own opinion as I am not trying to offend.

mirek03 28-08-2008 06:15 PM

did we see the same site?? :)

in the eyes of the beholder maybe :)

ps; (especially post modernism.., my.., err.., favorite??) :) actually i think it plan weird.., with the exception of the odd piece here and there. :) the post modern movement here.

gster123 28-08-2008 06:29 PM

Gect - I understand, I find it condescending, just me maybe?

THX1138 28-08-2008 06:32 PM

What link did she give you? The only ones I saw in her post was the link to her CG talk gallery and a WIP link to a project she is doing here for this site, a kitchen project. Modeling and rendering are really good.

mirek03 28-08-2008 07:10 PM

the one that says my stuff, the work i thought good.., IMO.

i liked it.., the 3d stuff i thought, well, it was good examples of maya, and PS work.., mental ray too by the look of it, but nothing original, looked like very good examples of her knowledge and what she is capable of.

i liked her free style work.


Gen 28-08-2008 08:03 PM

mirek, Miami isn't that great unless you have a place near the beach, and I say the beach because it makes the ungodly heat bearable, of course, theres the fact that you can have a nice bright day, then rain thunder lightning, then sun again all in 30 mins. Then there are the hurricanes and matching power outages and the alarmist news crews who blow things up just to have you rush out and spend $$. I'm not saying it doesn't have its good points but I'm actually thinking about moving. And as far as 'old school traditional artists' being more sharing, you could be right, the digital age is a hassling one, its more cut throat, and one can be a total dick on the internet..because they can, I think all that adds to it, the thing is I was born in 84 soooo I haven't lived the 70s and when I knew myself the 80s were pretty much done lol so I'll have to take your word for it.

gster123, hey no problem, I get it, just had to clear that up.


Originally posted by THX1138
I did check out that link she provided. I have seen her gallery at CG talk before. I think her 3D stuff superior to her 2D stuff. I can only suggest that she get to cracking with the 2D stuff. If she wants it to match the level her 3D work is at. Having such a drastic difference in quality all in one gallery is not a good idea. Of course this is just my own opinion as I am not trying to offend.
I'm not offended and you have a point, but the honest truth, I'm not looking to punch a clock in a studio, I love CG/art I have a lot of fun doing it, I guess seeing my father design then actually seeing him turn them into buildings was cool to me, between that, the video games, comics, kung fu flicks (the old stuff) I was bound to get into it. But I have other passions as well. My boyfriend made that account THEN he told me about it (hes been bothering me about that for a while now lol) so thats pretty much how that came about.

mirek03 29-08-2008 07:04 AM

my dreams are shattered :)

yes, the good old days.., when men drank beer and hippies got high.., way before violence became..,'cool.'

as for working 100 hour weeks proving im an incredible CGI wiz.., then some lam advertising team telling me.., move the little finger a little to the left by ten minutes a go (on a 9 hour a frame render) .., well it might be fun and inspiring for some.., sounds a nightmare to me too.

give me a good script some time.., and a crew of 6 and ill give you a good movie.

what buildings did he build.., i love architecture.., i have a lo of books on buildings.., is he.., err.., post modern ??? LOL

Gen 29-08-2008 12:37 PM


Originally posted by mirek03
my dreams are shattered :)

yes, the good old days.., when men drank beer and hippies got high.., way before violence became..,'cool.'

as for working 100 hour weeks proving im an incredible CGI wiz.., then some lam advertising team telling me.., move the little finger a little to the left by ten minutes a go (on a 9 hour a frame render) .., well it might be fun and inspiring for some.., sounds a nightmare to me too.

give me a good script some time.., and a crew of 6 and ill give you a good movie.

what buildings did he build.., i love architecture.., i have a lo of books on buildings.., is he.., err.., post modern ??? LOL

He did homes (he made all of ours, mom put her bit in since she likes tons and tons of windows) and even did stuff for the hotels, hes had people from elsewhere tell him that he should move to Europe or the U.S because he could make a lot of money, he said he didn't want to leave the Caribbean, especially since we were so young, and so he never did. Then they split up, mom moved to the U.S and soon I followed but thats another story.

mirek03 30-08-2008 10:04 AM

hey mate, thanks for sharing that. appreciated.

homes eh, nice. what a trip, draw, make and live in it.

take good care in candyland.


THX1138 04-10-2008 07:59 AM

Here's one of Elvis I just recently finished. Thought I would share again with you folks. C&C always welcome. :beer:

Joopson 10-10-2008 02:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Haha, don't ask....

THX1138 10-10-2008 02:57 PM

Oh I must, I must...:p

Chirone 10-10-2008 03:14 PM


Originally posted by Joopson
Haha, don't ask....
self portrait? :p

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