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PonysGirl 13-05-2003 02:36 AM

Wow, thanks R-T

R-Tillery 13-05-2003 03:18 AM

no prob any time, ;)

PonysGirl 15-05-2003 04:22 AM

Well I am going to keep with this.... think I might do a little advertising else where... :D

But seriously, tell people about this, you all might be surprised at the possitive return it gets you.

R-Tillery 15-05-2003 07:22 AM

II’m glad you like it, I enjoy helping people out especially when they try to do something positive in their life and I don’t want to sound like a TV commercial ;) but there is million of US dollars out there and specifically targeted at Home business and Education. Not trying to be a financial advisor for this site but, It might be possible for them to get a Educational Grant for there service’s and not have to pay it back.

PonysGirl 15-05-2003 09:35 AM

I am not sure about the reasons involved, so I will seek an answer from the appropriate sources. I believe it has to do with nationalities....but DO NOT take that for fact. I will let you know what I find out. :-)

PonysGirl 19-05-2003 09:22 AM

Hey R-T I almost forgot to ask that question for you .... (blushes)
But I just sent an email to Kevin... soooo hopefully I will have an answer.

What do friends and family think about The Matrix Reloaded???

I freaking loved it.

adldesigner 19-05-2003 10:51 AM

I´m sick. :(
I have the flu, and my body is counterattacking with fever.
I´m even seeing halucinations at times.
I feel sick.

End of rant.

caligraphics 19-05-2003 10:55 AM

I hope you get well soon ..

Cheer up !

PonysGirl 19-05-2003 11:25 AM

Dear adldesigner... poor baby....*honest sympathy*.
Have you taken anything to help you deal with the symptoms? Or things to help your body fight off the worst with out making you halucinate?? I mean halucinations can be good if you are looking for an epiphany or a spiritual revelation, but not while dealing with the flu.
Wish I could wave a magical PonysGirl wand and Poof... you are all well. But tis not possible...*sighs*
Vitamin C, echinacea,(an herbal imune system booster) and lots of rest and liquids. NO not the 12oz. curl kind of liquids..LOL... fruit juices and LOTS of water.
Hope being able to rant here helped you.
Take care...

PonysGirl 24-11-2003 04:23 AM

Well on the hope that someone showed some interest in my thread even though I was offline for over 4 months I came back in here.... **sniffs*

well maybe getting it back on the first page will help. I am still into doing this one sooooooo...

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