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ericmattison81 23-06-2006 04:08 AM

That silver shader is beautiful. Wow man, lol I might need your help on rendering something for me lol

happymat27 23-06-2006 11:14 AM

Looking really nice there Dilberts, your words have almost inspired me to have a go at nurbs modelling.

Nice to see your work in this months 3D world by the way.

Keep it up,


13th_resident 23-06-2006 12:38 PM

dilberts is the car master here in simplymaya.

pbman 23-06-2006 03:02 PM

ahh neva spotec ur work in 3d world at first v nice

cars lookin great an i like that silver paint

what method did u use for the tyre??

this site has nice side an persp pics of rims for the z4 (after purchase 1s) so u can use those instaed of standard 1 if u want an also has the tyre tread patterns to match

dilberts 23-06-2006 03:37 PM

You know, I didn't even know that the work I had submitted was used. Is it the Rolex Watch? I'm in the U.S.A. and the new issue hasn't come out here yet, so I'm in the dark on this one.

Thanks for the links pbman, another good site is for reference pics. I'll probably go with one of the two stock rims that are being produced for the Z4 Coupe right now, just to keep it current, but the cool thing with modeling is that you can build up a library of wheels/tires, and use them with other models. The tire is the one I modeled for the BMW M3 CSL, and is polys. I used the method of making one strip, duplicating around 50 times in a long row, and then using a bend deformer to wrap it around in a circle. Problem is, these tires are about 1,000,000 polys, so maybe I'll make some nurbs ones to help out with the render process.

Here's another link for some good tips on rendering cars.

I've tried this guys set-up, and it works really nicely. I have the whole weekend to work on the model, so I should have a lot done by Sunday night.

mmoore5553 23-06-2006 03:39 PM

well I think it is great dilbert and links are helpful ...from now on
when I am in nurbs ..I am going to think this




okay time to get tutorials going on how to produce such good work hehehhe
Cant wait to see your work in 3d world are famous now mate . I know that is a big honor be in a mag ... congrats

cant wait to see finished product ..also curious do you do organic also ?

pbman 23-06-2006 03:40 PM

yeah it is the rolex watch btw

oh an thx for the links off to read them now

dilberts 23-06-2006 03:49 PM

Cool, I'll have to pick up a copy when it comes out. I wanted to get the free Renderman trial also, just to compare it to Mental Ray. I'm not sure if I'm up for learning how to use a whole new renderer though. It's hard enough getting used to using all the options in Maya, let alone learning a whole new system. Although, I hear that this new renderman for Maya is getting good reviews, so who knows.

mmoore, thanks for the compliments, it's greatly appreciated. Yes, I have done organic stuff, but it's just not where my interest lies. I love to watch animation, and am a huge fan of the artistry that goes into organic modeling, but I just love the engineering involved in hard-surface modeling. Kinda like the difference between an architect and an artist who paints buildings. Same physical object, but two very different approaches.

gster123 23-06-2006 04:06 PM

Congrats on your 3d World print, Nice one man!! Definatly one to put on your CV!!

mmoore5553 23-06-2006 04:10 PM

just curious dilbert do you have a portfolio online ?

arran 23-06-2006 04:12 PM

yeah - well done dilbert - that's great news. I'd also love to see some more of your work.

dilberts 23-06-2006 04:21 PM

I'm in the process of trying to get enough models finished so that I have a varied portfolio. This car will probably serve as the transportation example, then I have the watch, the pens etc.. I have a friend who will build a website for me when I'm ready, but right now I don't have enough finished work to show as a portfolio. You only get one chance to make a first impression, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I don't want to fill Mike's website up with too many conversational posts, so I'll sign off for now. I'll probably post an update on Sunday. Thanks again for all the support, and please let me know if I can help out with questions (but don't be offended if I don't get back to you right away because I'm away from the computer about 16 hours out of the day).

dilberts 26-06-2006 07:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I spent a whole lot of time filleting this weekend, and adding details. Still got lots of fillets to do, but another week or two and this will be finished.

dilberts 26-06-2006 07:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And a back view:

dilberts 26-06-2006 07:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And a side view:

gster123 26-06-2006 08:07 PM

Great work Dilberts as usual!! No Crits at all!

mmoore5553 26-06-2006 08:13 PM

wow just in shock. .i cant think of how to make it better ... superb work as usual ....

curious if I know dumb question and hate asking fillet ? what is that and curious where on the car did you use it ..sorry about the new question but i have not read about it or used it yet

fillet to just make the small holes and larger ones ?

dilberts 26-06-2006 08:22 PM

A fillet is a thin surface that connects two adjacent surface in order to give a smooth tangent transition between the two. Every single edge on this model has a thin fillet on it. It just makes the model more real to life, so if you render up close, the edges will be nice and smooth, rather than razor sharp. The edge of the wheel well is a perfect example. Look at the way the highlight is nice and rounded/smooth, well that comes from the fillet.

mmoore5553 26-06-2006 08:35 PM

oh okay i see now thank you for the explanation. Sorry to sound so new ..

pbman 27-06-2006 03:24 PM

lookin smooth

good to see u went wiv the roof on cos the car is ugly without it

nice detail too

dilberts 28-06-2006 02:06 AM

Quick question pbman, which issue was my rolex watch printed in. I just bought the July issue with the light bulb on front, and I don't see it in there. I think we're at least one month behind in the U.S.A. though. Thanks for the heads up.

mmoore5553 28-06-2006 02:16 AM

yeah dilberts i got the issue with light bulb on top also ...and didnt see it thought i might have missed it ..

gster123 28-06-2006 06:04 AM

Think you might be a little behind as that I ssue was out a month or so ago in blighty. Have a look on the website as that should have the most up to date issue on there.


ericmattison81 28-06-2006 08:06 AM

how does that bend modifier work. What are your settings to get the circle because I can never seem to get miens to work so I always bring it to max, use their bend modifier and then bring it back to maya. Thats too much work for me

dilberts 28-06-2006 01:32 PM

Could someone verify which issue it is in before I order it online? I haven't bought that magazine for a while, so I may have missed it. If so, I'll need to order a back issue. Thanks guys!

Ericmattison, I've never had a problem with that deformer. The only tricky part is rotating the line icon in the right direction to have it bend in the right direction. After that you just keep bending until the ends meet.

happymat27 28-06-2006 02:22 PM

It's issue 80, page 15, picture of a gollum on the front, focusing on open source software.

pbman 28-06-2006 03:21 PM

yep thats the one

for once america is behind the uk in the release of a product :attn:

dilberts 02-07-2006 09:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, almost done. Just gotta do the windshield wipers, rear lights, exhaust, and possibly a basic interior (seats and a steering wheel+dash). I'll import a set of tires that I already have. Comments welcome.

dilberts 02-07-2006 09:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And here's a close up of the wheels. (These were actually pretty tricky to model, and took about 6 hours all told).

dilberts 02-07-2006 09:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And here's a close up of the handles and wing mirrors. Once again, the handles were trickier than I thought to get right, and the mirrors for this car have unique curves that made it a pain to model.

dilberts 02-07-2006 09:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And finally here's the rear end. It's the details like the little lines in the window that can really add to the realism of any model. Rule of thumb, if you see it in your reference pic, model it. Sometimes it's the tiny details that pull the eye in the right direction.

arran 02-07-2006 09:39 PM

Wow - This is looking just amazing - those wheels look really cool too.

MattTheMan 02-07-2006 11:01 PM

a man in one of these just stopped at my neighbor's house, and after looking at it and yours- i can come up with only one word to describe yours-

perfect :eek:

younglion 03-07-2006 04:24 AM

nice work dilberts. are those black lines around the rear windsheild textured or modeled

MattTheMan 04-07-2006 02:07 PM

1. this is not your thread
2. this is dilbert's thread
3. I don't like your BMW, it's lumpy
4. stop spamming :angery:

edit- he removed his previous post, which had pics of his own models

ericmattison81 04-07-2006 02:09 PM

lol matt your funny

hosein 04-07-2006 02:13 PM


Originally posted by MattTheMan
1. this is not your thread
2. this is dilbert's thread
3. I don't like your BMW, it's lumpy
4. stop spamming :angery:

ok guy.
im sorry.
i will delet my post.
but i have a question.
are you ok?
i dont think.

MattTheMan 04-07-2006 02:31 PM

I'm ok, thanks for your concern :)


pbman 04-07-2006 03:07 PM

lookin nice dilbert - i like the rims!
6hrs is a lot of work but they came out nice

matthemamn - who u havin a go at im confused?
also what happened to ur ferrari i havent seen ne updates :confused:

ericmattison81 04-07-2006 03:25 PM

pbman, you wont see itbecause the guy deleted his post. He post his bmw in this thread and was asking us to rate him.

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