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jsprogg 07-04-2004 03:49 AM

thanks Mike ..yeah you are right about the textures, they seem to be a little plain to me too ......still working on them though so hopefully I can improve the look by the end of the month.
As for the lighting ...there isn't any yet ..hehe just the default with a couple of extra to help, so that will imporve toward the end.
Thanks again it's always great to get feedback from someone who knows whats what so I can improve.

jsprogg 09-04-2004 02:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
update ..

jsprogg 09-04-2004 08:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Update.. the buildings are almost done, just a few tweaks here and there and a couple of more textures to add.

I-Iybrid 14-04-2004 05:28 AM

Looks too clean for me. If it were me, Id add some diffuse to the textures. Just my pref tho. Other than that, I like. :)

jsprogg 14-04-2004 06:12 AM

thx I-iybrid ...I am still strying to sort this texture thing out...I haven't had too much imput so I am have to search the web and read a lot...hopefully I can make the scene a little more interesting and dramatic by the end..we will see, but this has been a really good learning experience all the same if not a little frustrating too :)

All said and done this is my first ever effort so I have to be happy with it as a first go.

Garry1953 14-04-2004 08:06 AM

Nice scene.

Why not add a bit of fog and drop the lighting to resemble early morning?

jsprogg 14-04-2004 09:45 AM

thanks Garry ....yes that is one of the possibilities I am playing is proving to be harder than texturing to me

Garry1953 14-04-2004 11:33 AM

I have found the Spotlight is the best one to play with, lots of possibilities.
I generally use three point lighting.

1. One overhead or main direction. (Shadows turned on)
2. One Backlight to soften shadowed edges (Can be coloured to match Object - using low Intensity - No Shadows)
3. One Parallel to object to be lit (Low Intensity - No Shadows)

You can map an image to the spotlight to give interesting effects and shadows. (Simulate a cloud casting a shadow etc)

The Best thing to do is to select the Light and use
---- Panels/Look Through Selected ---
to see what objects are iluminated by it. You can then control your lighting a lot more effectivley.

I hope this helps :)

jsprogg 14-04-2004 11:52 AM

thankyou Gary ... I really appreciate the tips . I will certainly be playing with lights for a few days to try and get some kind of atmosphere :)

jsprogg 14-04-2004 06:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
update... I may go with this sort of scene, I still have trees and a few things to add.

Jack Of Spades 14-04-2004 09:16 PM

To me, the mountains in the back look kinda blank/dull, I would add some stuff there too.

How did you do the fog?

NightPhantom 15-04-2004 04:01 AM

just put some fog around the mountains.

jsprogg 15-04-2004 04:19 AM

Jack for the fog I turned on Environment Fog in Render Globals and set a max height and played around with settings to get colour, spread density ect .
NightPhantom thanks for the tip..I will try and get some fog round the mountains too , although for now I can't envision where to place it ( top , middle ,bottom or a couple of whisps here and there ?).

MainlineX 16-04-2004 03:42 PM

Coming on nicely!! For a "newbie" this is some VERY impressive work!!!! Keep it up!!

jsprogg 19-04-2004 10:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have struggled with all sorts of rendering issues for about 4
This is where I am atand I am thinking that this is pretty much done.

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