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brian_ellebracht 10-09-2003 12:45 PM

hey guys... someone is supposed to email me and give me a time for the interview, but my email is all messed up.. I can't even check it anymore. I wonder if it is my computer....or if it is the mail server.

can someone try going to the site, and let me know if they get the same error??? that would be cool. the error that i get is:

10061 - Connection refused
Internet Security and Acceleration Server

the email site it:

please let me know if you have the option to sign in or if it is the same error page. Thanks alot guys,

mtmckinley 10-09-2003 12:48 PM

The Page Cannot Be Displayed.

brian_ellebracht 10-09-2003 01:13 PM

Grrrrr.... thats the right address to... Thanks for looking. That really sux. What a mess, I emaild the company that I am going thru... but I haven't heard from them yet. Thanks for looking for me Mike,

ragecgi 10-09-2003 03:00 PM


Lemme know if you need a quick email address setup that you could pass along to them!

I can set one up for you here at Rage.

Just lemme know:) PM me.

brian_ellebracht 10-09-2003 03:31 PM

Rage, thank you very much for the offer! But, My mail just came back up... I hope that its working now, that would be nice :) I think it is, now I can send stuff out atleast. Thanks alot, hopefully I will hear something today, who knows... Sorry for the lack of updates! Been really busy and stressed out.

Hey, Last night I wasd playing ET (Enemy Territory) and My video card over heated. So I restarted it and when windows was comming up... Smoke was comming from my machine, and I had that really
"uh oh" electrical smell... some of you know what I am talking about :banghead: Then my monitor went off.... what happened was the memory and stuff in my videocard fried :( But the good thing, is that now I know why my CPU and Ram kept on overheating, because of the ambient heat caused by my video card getting to hot the last few weeks... So I went out and spent "a little" money on a GForce FX 5900 card. So much better than the Gforce 4 cards!! it runs much much cooler, and the temp of my processors stays around 50 degrees, and it doesn't lock up anymore. Pretty cool. so now I think that my hardware issues are fixed, just need to reistall windows, I think I will upgrade to xp. The only bad thing about the video card is that it takes up two slots... that means something else has to go
:( i have my sound card, nic card, capture card, usb 2.0 card... not sure what to remove, for now I removed my sound card, and used the built in one on the motherbord. Talk to you all later,

brian_ellebracht 10-09-2003 05:48 PM

hey guys, my interview is tomorrow at 3pm :) just found out, I will post and let you know how it goes. Thanks!

ragecgi 10-09-2003 05:53 PM

ROCK ON BUD! Good luck!

Vectorman 10-09-2003 08:33 PM

Good luck brian we are all crossing our fingers.

Vectorman 10-09-2003 08:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
SEE!? (only took me 17 minutes too)

aldudeau 10-09-2003 10:07 PM

good luck brian

brian_ellebracht 12-09-2003 04:41 PM

Hey guys. :) the interview went really welll. Much better than expected. (unofficially, he said I should be hirred :) Just got to wait untill Oct. To see when I would go in for the personal interview and then find a place to live.. I would move in in the end of November. I am very excited. THey really liked everything i did on my demoreel besides the matchmoving... He asked me if I had anyother models besides my jeep... I said I had a few... lol so now they want me to send in a demo with modeling, if it is good enough, i iwill be one of two people who get to move around a bit in differet departments, modeling/matchmoving... This is what i wanted to for my first job in the film industry because if for some reason I would leave or something, I have more than just one area of experience. Anyways, needless to say I am very excited, sounds like it is pretty much for sure, just need to go thru the rest of the steps of the process. :) :) So... now I need to make a modeling demoreel. I think I have plenty of stuff, I just need to put it all together. he said it doesn't even need to be rendered, as long as they can see the wires, thats all they really care about. So, I think I will put a bunch of good quality playblast together. Now I really need to get cracking on this truck so i can get it done for my demo. Talk to you later,

Kurt 12-09-2003 04:49 PM

God luck bud... You will get it your stuff rocks...

oh and if they need a character modeler or animator give my name muhahahahaha

roach105 12-09-2003 04:50 PM

Well Brian, this is great news. Hopefully it gets better.

dave_baer 12-09-2003 05:19 PM

Good luck Brian! Can you say what company it is? :D


aldudeau 13-09-2003 12:17 AM

YAY congratulations Brian!!!!

Can I ask what company that was? Just curious :)


ragecgi 13-09-2003 06:14 AM

Alright Brian!

Vectorman 13-09-2003 07:37 PM

Grats, well deserved. Keep us posted about it, oh and don't forget to model you're truck.

kbrown 13-09-2003 09:50 PM

Whee... another hidden talent about to be recognized! Way to go.. good luck!

brian_ellebracht 15-09-2003 01:38 PM

Thanks guys... I really hope that it works out... Hey... what does it mean when you render with MR and it says no photons emited after 10,000??? its very annoying...Grrr. THanks,

ragecgi 15-09-2003 02:04 PM

Not very familliar, (yet) with MR, but is there some sort of possible "user-controlled-photon-cap" setting in the MR settings that needs to be upped in your case maybe?

I only guess, so don't take my word for it, but I had the idea from seeing the Subd poly conversion cap that was user-controlled.

...I'm most likely full of it, but it's just a thought:) ??

fredriksson 15-09-2003 03:28 PM

If it says "No photons stored after 10000" or something similar, it's a warning that after 10k emissions, no photons were stored in any photonmap. If your scene still looks fine there is no reason to worry (probably a pointlight that shoots half its rays into infinity), but if it comes out black or without GI (or caustics) check for "recieve photons" in the scenes objects. Good luck with the job.

brian_ellebracht 15-09-2003 03:31 PM

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thanks for the tips guys... one of the first things it says, its no photons storred...ect then it just kinda stops... so I delete my dome and stuff and made a new one with the same settings, and it works, lol... here is a new displacement test render... I know its not huge mud, but i think it looks decent. Thanks<

brian_ellebracht 15-09-2003 04:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
don't think this looks to good... could use some help/opinions :bow: :bow:


soreel 15-09-2003 05:06 PM


I love seeing the progress you are making with the truck.

How are you able to get those nice bevels man??

the bevel tool in maya just doesn't cut it for me - it adds extra geometry which messes up the smoothing

what's your secret?

brian_ellebracht 15-09-2003 05:41 PM

well there are two ways of doing it... atleast the way i do.. I use the bevel tool, and make tons of clean up... where it makes those unwanted edges, and verticies? yeah, i know it sucks, and it is very time consuming, or you can do a soften harden edge after you convert to Subd's. For this one I just used the bevel took before I converted to Sub d's so that it would keep the mesh count small in Subd's. THakns,

unfortunatly...there is no major secrect... just lots of time :(

JasonA 15-09-2003 05:50 PM

Its a great looking truck so far:) could you post a low poly wire?

brian_ellebracht 15-09-2003 06:11 PM


I tried to access your site... but it doesn't seem to b working?

brian_ellebracht 15-09-2003 07:05 PM

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hey guys.. by the time i am done with this, you won't be able to tell that i used the photos of my truck that i took... It allready looks totally different. The previous pic was with the modified photo textures, this is with even more dirt, water spots... like it got rained on, and then got muddy again... What do you think?? I will post a close up,

BTW I am using all entirely seperate specular, diffuse, displacement, bump, Transparancy maps, and reflective maps for each piece of the truck... unfortunatly, it takes forever to load all of them, when rendering a frame in MR

fredriksson 15-09-2003 07:39 PM

The model is as usual awesome.
The mud looks a bit 'hard' more like molten metal (would probably be a very cool molten metal look with some shine, alas I don't think that is what you are after). A more subtle displacement or slight filtering?

Vectorman 15-09-2003 07:47 PM

I think some filtering would "round" the edges a bit thats a good idea bjorn. Although i too know nuthing about displacement so i could be wrong. Why is the colour map white wherever there is mud? Should it not be brown?

ragecgi 15-09-2003 07:58 PM

Mud's not quite there yet, but DUDE! nice shader!

Keep that one for a cool-ass ice-covered-car-paint!

(looks a little like cool dirty ice bits, tho, my monitor is crap, so that may be it too) :)

AS USUAL, killer modeling dude!

brian_ellebracht 16-09-2003 03:35 PM

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thanks for the support guys... well.. still needs alot of work esp the door... I have been concentrating on the fender, to make sure that I remember the changes that I am making so that i make sure i add them to the door... what do you think (about the fender) any better??? looking for fine clumpy dirt, that is partially dry. Thanks

ragecgi 16-09-2003 04:50 PM


I think you got it closer now!

Vectorman 16-09-2003 05:18 PM

it still looks to me like a Mesa-range instead of a mountain range. There is a flat face in the mud, at the highest elevation (of the displacement) planar to the truck panel its on. I don't know if you can fix it, but i think having patches of completly white on the displacement map, may cause it. Try to keep everything in the grey range?

The colour is looking much better, although some varicence in colour might look a little more natural.

brian_ellebracht 16-09-2003 05:43 PM

man this is hard... driving me crazy!

ckyuk 16-09-2003 05:54 PM

This will probably get me banned for spam but ... :bow: :bow: :bow:

brian_ellebracht 17-09-2003 01:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Umm... here is an update... Just to show my bump maps and updated displacement... I think I got rid of the flat high points. THanks,

kbrown 17-09-2003 01:29 PM

You're crazy :p

ragecgi 17-09-2003 02:26 PM

WHOOHOO!!! Looking good bud!!!

brian_ellebracht 17-09-2003 02:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks guys!! Here is the first test with the tire.. I lightended it up in post, so that is why the highlight is so bright on the wheel (sorry)

Me :)

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