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NextDesign 14-10-2012 06:02 AM

Hi Matt, sorry to be getting back to you so late. I've never encountered this bug before. In your render globals, do you have anything set in the file output section? Are there any errors being reported during the renders?

MattMurphy 18-10-2012 10:08 AM

Hi John,
There are no errors reported while rendering. As for Render Globals, I've tested both with leaving them at default values and entering what I tell the script, but the results are the same.

I did some further simple tests- and I think I've deduced that Vue is indeed causing the issue with your script. I know the script works on a scene that doesn't use the Vue plugin, but once you introduce Vue into that same scene you get what I mentioned in my last post, it picks a number within the frame range, then proceeds to render the full range while saving over the same file.

If you've any ideas at all please do let me know, I had to put this project on the back burner due to these very strange rendering issues, by now I could have probably rendered them individually and saved them manually but it isn't very practical.

To think, all these issues, simply because the batch render result displays strange glitches not present in single frame renders. Maya has driven me up the wall since I started using it as a student, but this issue really takes the cake!

Anyway, if you've any ideas/anything you want me to check/test do let me know. If you have access to a copy of Vue 10 for Maya I could even sort out a copy of the scene file for you.

Thanks John

NextDesign 18-10-2012 04:00 PM

What product are you using? Espirit, Studio, Extreme,...?

MattMurphy 22-10-2012 06:10 AM

Vue 10 xStream.

NextDesign 26-10-2012 05:05 AM

Hi Matt, this is most likely an issue with Vue. Sadly, I don't have access to it, so I can't reproduce your issue. You would be better off asking a Vue-specific forum for any oddities with rendering frames. (Perhaps an option somewhere that's causing it)

TalRo 04-11-2012 01:31 PM

Thank you, NextDesign!!
I also had some problem with the batch render and I wanted to say that you are a life savior!!! This thing works great!

I have one question - is there any way to render two render layers in one image? (as if I click the render button). Both the Batch and your script make two folders for each layer and then I need to go to After or something. Just wondering...

But thanks again!
I think I will use it forever

NextDesign 06-11-2012 04:37 AM

Hey TalRo, glad to hear it helped! It should be possible with OpenEXR support. I'll take a look into it. I'm just a bit weary of writing all passes into one file, as in production, it's nice to see the renders come out while they're being completed. It also means that if a job dies somehow, ALL of the data in that frame is lost, not just that pass.

jaminunit 22-02-2013 03:40 PM

Hi, wow this was what I have been looking for.

But would love love love a "by frames"

That way I can render out ever 10th frame.

This is useful because on static scenes I can build up a final gather map by setting rebuild to off and animating the camera around the room.

Then rendering every 10th frame or what ever is needed and it will build up the FGmap.

I can then go in freeze the rebuild and render out the room.

I would love if this scrip had this feature.

Thanks for your great work NextDesign!

NextDesign 22-02-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by jaminunit (Post 346528)
But would love love love a "by frames"

Hi jaminuit, glad it helped you out.

Adding by frames is actually quite simple.

Simply change the line:

for ($i = $startFrame; $i <= $endFrame; $i++)

for ($i = $startFrame; $i <= $endFrame; $i += 10)
Where 10 is your by frame value.

Best of luck,


stwert 23-03-2013 11:52 PM

Well it's my turn to say a big thank you for this script. Using it to solve my shading switch problem.
If I could be so bold as to make some comments/requests:
-Esc didn't seem to quit the whole process, it just cancelled the current render and moved to the next one
-Option to choose the camera to render would be great
-I tried adding my above "exr" support, but I'm getting files called myrenderimage.exr.img so obviously I'm doing it wrong. So it would be great for exr to be included in the list.
-I don't know if this is possible, but specifying the number of render threads... by default it uses all of them and sometimes I like to batch render with all minus one.

NextDesign 24-03-2013 08:00 AM

Hi stwert, sure; I'll make those revisions in the next release.

flashmastermac 26-03-2013 06:41 PM

will it work in maya 3013
Hi, I've been having a problem in which a moving IBL doesn't appear to move when batch rendered. Been trying for two day to find a solution and your Batch Render Script seems to be the answer, so can I join the many people who have come before me in saying thank you.

However, I'm using Maya 3013 and when I paste the script into my editor and click execute I get an error that reads # Error: line 1: invalid syntax #

Is it me or maya 2013?

PS I've never used scripting before

Any help would be appreciated and again thanks

NextDesign 27-03-2013 05:41 AM

It sounds like you're trying to run it in a Python window. In the script editor, press CTRL+T and click "MEL". Paste the code in the new tab in the script editor, and it will run.

Good luck!

iwanoo 02-04-2013 09:06 AM

really feel the need to register just to say thanks..

maya's batch rendering screwed my transformation so i was looking for the solution. luckily i stumbled into this thread. not only it solved my problem, it also did the rendering faster.


NextDesign 02-04-2013 02:55 PM

No problem, glad it helped you!

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