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ridicule 29-09-2007 12:14 PM

Maya unusable to me now because of the veiw cube help !!!need veiw compass
i am using the new maya 2008 and it sucks

i like to model in the perspective veiw and now i cant do
its the only reason why i use maya

i want the veiw compass back

i cant use maya 8.5 because its stuffed

all my menus go while after clicking them and they cant be used


maya 2008 sucks because of this ....

gster123 29-09-2007 12:17 PM

You cant as far as I know.

better get used to it.

Theres a lot of good things in 2008, just work around it, space bar hit or a flick with the hotbox, thats it.

29-09-2007 12:29 PM

gster’s right. I’m getting sick of people complaining of how big of a deal it is, and how they can’t use Maya anymore because of it. :rolleyes:

I can’t make out the rest of your post…… Care to rephrase it?

gster123 29-09-2007 12:42 PM

Its something that you might find irritating for a bit, like when the menus changed over, took me a few weeks to get used to maya 8.5 from 6.

Having one little option as the only reason you use maya seems a bit far fetched, just work round it you'll get used to it in no time.

Ive been using the smooth preview and slide edge tools as im making a head at the moment, really good tools, aswell as the edge selection hotkeys, although they might have been in 8.5.

ridicule 29-09-2007 04:49 PM

its the only reason why i use the prgram i got max and all that but meh

29-09-2007 04:56 PM

Re: Maya unusable to me now because of the veiw cube help !!!need veiw compass

Originally posted by ridicule
its the only reason why i use the prgram i got max and all that but meh
………What? You only use the program for the compass? Sorry, but that’s kinda lame, and it makes no sense. :rolleyes:

Anyway, your first post is really confusing.


Originally posted by ridicule
i like to model in the perspective veiw and now i cant do
its the only reason why i use maya

What are you talking about? You can’t model in the perspective view? Last time I checked, you could……


Originally posted by ridicule
all my menus go while after clicking them and they cant be used
Can you post a pic and describe this better?

starjsjswars 29-09-2007 08:10 PM

Lol i never even use it anyways..

ridicule 30-09-2007 12:40 AM

i first started 3d with blender and with blener u use the perspective veiw to model

but now with the 3d thingy u cant see the grid when u click side ways thats how i switch veiws ./...

ctbram 30-09-2007 01:37 AM

Sorry but I just cannot resist chimming in on this...

As others have said your post is not clear.

As far as I can tell modeling in 8.5 and 2008 in ALL views is EXACTLY the same. You can model in the perspective view. Space bar brings up the hot menus, and you can switch views. It all behaves exactly the same as it used to except now there is a cube in place of a compass(axis doodad). So I am not sure what you are having trouble with.

I would not go so far as to say there are "lots" of new features in 2008, and anyone that thinks that has clearly drank the Autodesk coolaid (Jonestown referance).

The most irritating thing I find about this new policy of suffle the menu's adding a couple trivial fixes here and there and calling it a new release every 6 months to a year is that it really plays havoc with all my scripts and menus and preferences and hotkeys and MOST importantly my plugins.

It is not a simple matter of just copying your maya 8.5 prefs into maya 2008 because some of the plugins have to be installed with an installer and they pepper the preferences folder with lots of stuff so trying to copy all your 8.5 stuff over can introduce instabilities. So then I find myself manually recreating all my preferences, scripts, shelfs, etc. I don't know about others but once I get all that stuff tuned I pretty much forget how to set it up again by the time the next release comes out so its a really bloody nightmare getting the user environment back to the way I like it. Then a couple months go by and they play musical chairs with the menus again call it a new release and cause me to spend 6 months of fiddling with my plugins and prefernces again. That is what is annoying me!

I am all for improving Maya but breaking my plugins every 6 months to replace a compass with a cube quite frankly frosts my nads!

gster123 30-09-2007 01:58 AM

Thats one of the things that gets me to be honest, plug ins going up down the pan, but no ones making you upgrade.... If your on platinum then its free, so no biggie there, just wait till the plug ins are updated then install, and if your shelling out your cash for upgrades that you then cant use plug ins for, and dont like reconfiging, for "little" (as i'm guessing you mean) improvements then maybe youve been on the Autodesk Coolade too.

Dont upgrade for upgradings sake, if everythings fine in your pipeline then dont mess with it unless you need the new features/imporvements.

ctbram 30-09-2007 02:13 AM

As a rule I do exactly what you suggest. I have several systems and all my main machines are still running 8.5 and one system still at 7.0 to be able to run RATMAN.

I have one machine that I upgrade to test out the new features and determine if it's worth the trouble to upgrade.

My point is that Autodesk is adopting a policy of releasing a NEW release every 6 to 12 months, regardless of whether they have added any features that truely diserve to be called "new release".

I worked for a couple computer companies and I have seen this strategy. It is basically marketing bastards saying straight to your face "We think you are an idiot because we can change a letter in the name Maya from lowercase to upper case and tell you it's a new improved version with the earthshattering capital "Y" feature and and you will shell out $$ to us so we can come up with a new way to screw you over 6 months down the road!"

This is a policy that is not in the customers best interest and it gets me angry because it's so transparent what and why they are doing it. Yet they are convinced that they a being so clever.

gster123 30-09-2007 02:30 AM

It probably is, I personally think that 2008's got some good features, mental ray core, non destructive rigging, speed enhancements, bettter stability, smooth mesh preview, ncloth winds etc etc, which ive incorporated into my workflow.

End of the day i'm not going to stick up for them doing this, its pretty straight accross the board for every software, probably due to if they left a version for a while (say 2years) as they develped various bits, other softwares would have incorporated theose features, look at how fast computings moving along in the past 2 years, multi threadeding, multi core (dual, tripple (with the new AMD's) and Quad) 64 bit OS, new OS's, graphics cards etc etc.

The software has to be re written to take advantage of these facts, how p£$$£d off would you be if maya had a rubbish version of mental ray, which has loads of bugs really slow, memory hungry, just because the policy is to upgrade every 2 years, bet a lot of people would jump ship

If you dont use the features then theres no worry, dont upgrade.

If people see it as an option not a necessity, which Autodesk want them to, then its fine.

30-09-2007 04:29 AM

Woah, ctbram, chill out! Have you even tried 2008?

ctbram 30-09-2007 04:54 AM

Yes, as I said I have it on my evaluation machine and I still do not believe any of the changes are all that earth shattering.

I don't believe performance improvements and bugs fixes qualify as a "new release". Furthermore the point I made is still valid - "new releases" that break plugins, and preference settings, and scripts without really providing any significant improvements in the the program only hinder productivity and are simply a way for marketing to get people to buy the same program every 6 to 12 months.

gster123 30-09-2007 05:17 AM

Theres more to it than just a bug fix.

I would consider performance incerases and multi core calculations an advantage, especially when working with particles, fluids, cloth etc. Also mental ray rendering previously hardware rendered particles, as well as being faster a pretty big thing.

Again if you dont use them you wont find them earth shattering, but again no ones forcing you to upgrade. You chose to, if youve got it then you must have either shelled out the cash or downloaded it via the platinum membership, which if its the latter just uninstall it, if its the first then you would have known about plug-ins being disrupted.

The Architect 30-09-2007 05:33 AM

ctbram > 'I don't believe performance improvements and bugs fixes qualify as a "new release". Furthermore the point I made is still valid - "new releases" that break plugins, and preference settings, and scripts without really providing any significant improvements in the the program only hinder productivity and are simply a way for marketing to get people to buy the same program every 6 to 12 months.'

I absolutely agree. I think a few minor performance improvements and bug fixes qualify as patches, not as major realeases. And they should be free patches too. If Autodesk tweaked every single line of code, streamlined the interface and the way you do things so everything from the program to the workflow is faster even with fifty new features, then they can call it a major release without doubt and I might just praise it.

gster123 30-09-2007 05:42 AM

betide the fact that that there was 8.5 SP1, and prior to Autodesk, Alias released 7.01, all were both bug fixes, and free.

AnthonyCg 18-10-2007 03:47 PM

Re: Maya unusable to me now because of the veiw cube help !!!need veiw compass

Originally posted by ridicule
i am using the new maya 2008 and it sucks

i like to model in the perspective veiw and now i cant do
its the only reason why i use maya

i want the veiw compass back

i cant use maya 8.5 because its stuffed

all my menus go while after clicking them and they cant be used


maya 2008 sucks because of this ....

If what you say is true, and you really can't model in Persp, then make a camera and model from that.

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