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maheshsubbiah 13-04-2010 05:40 AM

image planes

How to have two image planes in a single view port?

for eg. how do i import image planes of a front and back of a car in a single viewport and toggle whenever i want to work on the front and back of the car.

Is this possible or am i expecting too much?


Ceryni 13-04-2010 12:14 PM

You could always have 2 planes, give them separate layers and have them directly in the same place. Lock them both as usual and only have 1 visible at a time.

Using the layer pane on the bottom right of your interface, you can toggle visibility on and off whenever you need the front or the back.

Unless there is of course a special way specific to doing that job that I don't know about.....?

stwert 13-04-2010 04:15 PM

One straightforward way is just to load up the other file (just browse to the other image) when you want to toggle, not super fast, but it works.

Otherwise you could create two planes with the appropriate textures instead of using the "image plane" function, as mentioned above.

ctbram 13-04-2010 11:57 PM

This is another of my Maya pet peeves! There should be marking menu options for ALL views including BACK and RIGHT and BOTTOM.

What you have to do as it stands is go to predefined bookmarks and select one of those ORPHANED views and it will reassign that view to the CURRENT viewport but does not change the name (for the love of god!!!).

So that now you will have a persp view for instance and it will be the BACK view! It's the very definition of RETARDED!

You could create another camera for each of the orphaned views and assign them to the new cameras. Then you could attach images to the camera, then create links on you shelf to the orphaned views and after 40 minutes of diddling you can have a cludgey way to do what you should have been able to do from the freaking marking menu in the first place (lol).

Rather then pull my pud for an hour setting all that crap up every time I want to model I just do what was suggested earlier and create plane for each of the orphaned views and then put them on a layer and toggle the opposing layers on and off as needed. It's still a cludge but I find it the least annoying solution.

Messing with view port in maya can be one of the most confounding exercises ever! I have been using maya since maya 3 (over 10 years) and I still get wrapped around the axle trying to figure out view ports. Just recently I ended up with all three of my orthogonal views so hopelessly messed up that every time I loaded maya I got a nasty gram saying it could not find any of the standard views and was creating all new ones, then I would end up with 7 cameras and top1, front1, side1 OMG! I was ready to toss the machine at the wall! I had to completely blow away my maya start up folder and regenerate everything then rebuild all my shelves. As a result I do not try to do anything with view ports anymore. I just sit and grumble and stew every time I have to have a right, back, or bottom view!

Ceryni 14-04-2010 12:56 PM

I think it's safe to assume ctbram doesn't like mayas view port functionality... :)

ctbram 14-04-2010 05:15 PM

Yeah it definitely is safe to assume I hate Maya's view port functionality. I am sure if someone ever really explained how the camera / view port associations work and I could make sense of them I would be less upset.

But hell I not a retard and have spent a lot of time trying to figure them out and have been unsuccessful.

As I said at one point trying to set up cameras attached to view ports for back, top, and right side I ended up having to delete the maya folder because ever time I started maya it could not find the regular view ports any more!

I have yet to see anyone explain how the view ports work and how to set up the three missing views.

maheshsubbiah 14-04-2010 08:04 PM

hi all,

first of all thanks to ceryni, stwert and off course ctbram for your help but sorry to say that i have still not figured it out.

Ceryni. which is this menu where we can change the visibility as you mentioned in your reply.

well, i was going through this tutorial on car modelling and saw that the tutor was switching to back and front easily in Panels--- orthographic... (Please see the attached image.The image is from the exercise files.).

I checked and dont find any back command as in the photograph.

Ctbram... (the name of the view port mentions back for the back image)


NitroLiq 14-04-2010 08:59 PM

Nobody googles anymore. Try this:

It includes a link to a script for setting up various missing views. On a related note, I had actually started updating/modifying's KB's old refplanes script awhile back adding some of the missing views and updating some of the syntax for 2008+....syntax is updated but only one new view so far and I can't remember offhand if it was for "back" or "bottom"....most likely, "Back". If the script mentioned in the link I posted doesn't work out for ya, maybe I can finish the script up. I was just working on it on an "as needed" basis for my personal projects.

ctbram 14-04-2010 09:22 PM

thanks nitroliq. I half heartedly looked a long time back. not sure that link was available when I was running into my problems.

I would still argue that setting up viewports and associating a camera for the missing views is more tedious then need be though.

NitroLiq 14-04-2010 10:50 PM

That's Maya in general—a lesson in tediousness.

G-Man 15-04-2010 12:45 AM

Nitro Mate, i for one would be a big fan of an updated script for Kbrown's ref planes, i use it religiously.
My only beef with it all in all is that it should have Front, Back, Top Bottom Left and Right views, and possibly the option for a 3/4 view that would be locked at a 45 degree rotation off the x and z axis in the - direction.
Also it should set up a layer for Front top and side ( presumably right side ) .. and also a separate layer for Left side, bottom and back. and give separate locators for each one linked into the transparency node of the shaders.
Ohh yea, also just for ease in the out liner, Have it automatically group the ref planes in a ref planes group.

That will do it for now
can you have it ready by tomorrow?
don't ask for much do i?
sorry i had to mate

maheshsubbiah 15-04-2010 03:06 PM


downloaded the script but now how do i get it working. how to install it

i am a novice . confused: . please


G-Man 15-04-2010 03:18 PM

copy the script into your maya scripts directory
Documents/maya/ what ever maya version you have / scripts

then in maya open the script editor ( its a box on the lower left of the screen next to the command line )
file, source script

open the script in note pad and look for a line that says " global proc"
for k browns ref planes i think it was ref_planes
but i cant remember for sure.
anyway, what ever comes after that line mentioned above will be what you type in the box next to the command line at the bottom of your ui
after you type it put a ; at the end, and hit enter, that should execute the script.
if you want to make a shelf button for it just hit the up arrow key with your cursor still in the typing field for the command line and high lite the text, click it with you middle mouse button and drag to a shelf you want to put it in and drop it there.

hope this helps.

maheshsubbiah 15-04-2010 04:47 PM


Thanks a lot.

a diagolg box opened after i loaded the file in source script as per your suggestion.

There was no need to work in notepad.

Thanks again for your help



NitroLiq 15-04-2010 05:00 PM


Originally posted by legendofzombi
can you have it ready by tomorrow?
Yeah, I'll get right on that. :ninja:

maheshsubbiah 15-04-2010 05:05 PM

sorry on my last reply.

i did had to go to notepad to copy the script to add it to shelf

my apologies


G-Man 15-04-2010 07:07 PM

maheshsubbiah : Thats what we're here for :)
a note for future reference, sometimes the command to execute the script doesn't match the name of the file the script is saved as, so keep the notepad trick in mind for future scripts you may use.
also if you use a script like Jp quick commands ( or something like that i forget) you may not want to use his original shelf, or all of the scripts in his package, so you can search the script file for each one involved and create your button for each.

I'll keep an eye out on that around midnight tonight LmAo


jsprogg 15-04-2010 10:27 PM

legend Nitro wont have time he's writing me a script for a WOW shelf button (one click and it does an instant mentalray super render) 2 clicks and it textures your model and renders it gotta love MEL ..hehe

G-Man 15-04-2010 11:22 PM

Dude!...even better then mine...scratch my idea go with Js's!!!! mine later LoL

gster123 16-04-2010 06:36 AM


Originally posted by jsprogg
legend Nitro wont have time he's writing me a script for a WOW shelf button (one click and it does an instant mentalray super render) 2 clicks and it textures your model and renders it gotta love MEL ..hehe
I'm working on the ultimate MEL script.

Make cool button with a slider, can be used on models, render settings, textures, materials and lighting.

G-Man 16-04-2010 06:50 AM

But see, i just thought of something.
If ever there was a Make cool script with a slider or a Wow button then....we'd all be out of jobs..
atleast those of us who work freelance or in production..because..
....anyone could come in and be like " lets see.......double click the wow button.....those are nice textures...o0o0o even does dirt maps and bumps for me..Nice!....ok we set the slider to " uber awesomness".....and poof. we're all jobless.

of course, the up side to that is, for all of us working on lighting and rendering...the learning curve shortens its self quite a lot.


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