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David 22-03-2011 03:49 AM

What was the last movie you watched?
For me it was Rango great movie go see it now!

So whats everyone watching, let us know!

Dave :)

bullet1968 22-03-2011 05:46 AM

Guns of Navarone on telly 2 weeks ago...classic

gster123 22-03-2011 07:48 AM

Fight Club - £3 DVD I got over the weekend

Dango77 22-03-2011 07:58 AM

The Town, not a bad "bank robbers" movie, my girlfriend is a member of Love film and I have a dvd and blu-ray buying habit so I end up watching at least 10-15 films a week, although a few of them are half watching ones I've already seen whilst working on Maya. lol

Mayaniac 22-03-2011 09:16 AM

Well, I picked up a copy of Hellboy for £1.99 so that was the last movie I watched. But I just saw Battle Los Angeles and Rango the other night... great fun!

tweetytunes 22-03-2011 10:05 AM

"Toy Story 3" on Bluray and "Shutter Island" "Kick-Ass" recorded on TV- All last night - but I must have watched 60 + movies the last two weeks. Taking it easy has never been so much fun.

Its also nice to finally have some room back on my "Sky HD" box after deleting all these HD movies.

gubar 22-03-2011 10:24 AM

Animal Kingdom, brilliant Australian crime drama, and Piranah, very dumb but good fun.

David 22-03-2011 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by gubar (Post 316479)
Animal Kingdom, brilliant Australian crime drama, and Piranah, very dumb but good fun.

Been meaning to see Animal Kingdom think I'll go get the DVD while I remember :)


gubar 22-03-2011 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by David (Post 316486)
Been meaning to see Animal Kingdom think I'll go get the DVD while I remember :)


It's really good - incredibly tense stuff. Post back one you've watched it be interested to know what you think,


Gen 22-03-2011 04:52 PM

"The Road" starring Vigo Mortensen. I love post apocalyptic stuff but man, that flick was so well put together it was gut wrenching...

mtmckinley 22-03-2011 05:48 PM

The Social Network.

elephantinc 22-03-2011 05:57 PM

Reservoir dogs.

G-Man 22-03-2011 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by GecT (Post 316490)
"The Road" starring Vigo Mortensen. I love post apocalyptic stuff but man, that flick was so well put together it was gut wrenching...

omg....i hate to admit this but, when his kid just laid in his arms and wailed with complete and utter dispare...i had this...clenching feeling in my chest...then i looked over and saw her bawling...and i kinda cracked too...cried...its sad i know.but couldn't help but think of my son in that scenario....
great movie though...thats what i really figure the world would be like. though the genera is probably my favorite so i am most likely biased.

Last movie i watched "i am number four"...went and saw it last month at the theater.


David 23-03-2011 06:19 PM

Just saw Battlefield LA not the most intellectual of movies :D but a pretty action flick


bullet1968 23-03-2011 09:09 PM

I want to see BF L.A but the reviews werent good David? worth paying for or a DVD job?

cheers bullet

David 23-03-2011 09:12 PM

@bullet worth paying for I'd say, not a great movie but defiantly better on the big screen than the small.

Mindless action, but fun nonetheless.

Jay 23-03-2011 09:31 PM

Ah Battle LA, hahaha, I was so close to making the Aliens on that show but my supervisor wouldnt release me from Marmaduke LOL, theres an article on it over at cgs, the Alien tank featured was textured by my friend and lead texture artist here at Windmill, Leigh Russell. Apparantly he use one texture over the whole model LOL.

Last Movie I saw was Rango, totally top stuff and hoping to view again this weekend!!


David 23-03-2011 09:39 PM

Funny I was also thinking of going to see Rango again :D


bullet1968 23-03-2011 09:42 PM

Yeh my 3 boys want to see Rango...might be an excuse to shove them in the door whilst preggo Jules and I hit BF L.A...thanks David...they kinda panned it here

Jay 23-03-2011 10:10 PM


Funny I was also thinking of going to see Rango again

ahaha simple minds think alike :)


Johnson36 24-03-2011 11:55 AM

The last movie I watched was The Next three days and I watched it last weekend...

David 24-03-2011 09:39 PM

Just saw Salt had to turn it off half way through. Just could not get into it :(


bullet1968 24-03-2011 10:50 PM

I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory the other night with my lads...(the original movie)....LOL they love it...6th time they have watched it I think!! Oh and Battle LA got shitcanned again this morn David...I would assume it will be for the visuals only now LOL....

cheers bullet

tweetytunes 24-03-2011 11:35 PM

I saw "The air I breath" today - had it on DVD for about 2 years but never watched it - really good film, but hit home a little too much for me at the mo got me quite upset.

But a film with Kevin Bacon, Brendan Fraser, Andy Garcia, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Forest Whitaker had to be seen. And I loved the opening line

"I always wondered, when a butterfly leaves the safety of its cocoon, does it realize how beautiful it has become? Or does it still just see itself as a caterpillar?"

murambi 25-03-2011 07:35 PM

Just watched Rango really good movie and i absolutely love the lighting on this

bullet1968 26-03-2011 11:38 AM

Well I finally opened the Xmas present...Predators...hhmmmmmmI love Predator and the concept but this movie was pretty lame. It had a few good action moments (Yakuza and Predator) and I actually liked the big Russian chap...but f*****g hell...humans are cast as so damn dumb!!! First off the chick finally reveals thay see in infrared...but do they do anything about it...nnnnnoooooooooo. Then Fishburne (or whatever his name is) has a helmet with cloak...but do they use it......nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo....and then the bloody lovey dovey crap at the end...well that just ruined it totally man....sigh.

Not a patch on the original and scary?? NOT...even my kids came in and watched it, the cat watched it...the goldfish watched it....waste of $40

cheers bullet

P.S I actually enjoyed the extras...especially the art dept what a job...I would give my lefty for a job like that!

tweetytunes 26-03-2011 12:40 PM

I liked predators - but then I am one of the few people who think predator 2 was better than the first - simply because it explored the predator as a character more than the dumb humans it was hunting. And the Alien skull moment was priceless.
First off the chick finally reveals thay see in infrared
Err yer brodey covers himself in mud towards the end.
Then Fishburne has a helmet with cloak...but do they use it.
Thats because Fishborne has it when he traps them in the room.

Saw Limitless last night - really enjoyed it - if only it was not so predictable in places.

David 26-03-2011 11:53 PM

Just saw The Warrior's Way. Ninja's, Cowboys and a Circus. Very odd movie got mixed reviews, but i thought it was great.

Very surreal.

Dave :L)

Some Guy 27-03-2011 12:59 AM

Been having heaps of Movie Marathons at uni. Lots of B-Grade Cheese but its good fun! Best one so far was 'From Dusk Till Dawn', Rodrigez and Tarintino. Such a good film!
Saw Animal Kingdom and Alpha Dog last night. Those movies are intense!

bullet1968 27-03-2011 01:11 AM

I didnt see it in his hand tweety??? I will have to watch it again! Yeh they are dumb but...he does do the mud thing in the end...I will say the fire thing he did confusing the Predators infrared was cool. I thought #1 was the best for action/thrills.....#2 I didnt think was to flash..though like you the skull moment was awesome...he he he he

I thought #3 wasnt bad but I think they concentrated too much on the humans...there REALLY wasnt any depth to the Predator characters...only what Fishborne told all could have been better

Chirone 06-06-2011 10:33 AM

haven't seen rango, but the last movie i saw Coraline just the other night. I've never seen a trailer for it before, never heard anything about it, fully did not know what to expect...

I can't get over how brilliant the film is!
it's so creepy but just presented sooooo beautifully!
i feel as if something in my life has become more complete

ben hobden 06-06-2011 12:24 PM

I made an effort to get through the Pirates of the Caribbean boxset last weekend. Was actually slightly disappointed on the whole. Though I liked the story of the first, which was probably overall the one I enjoyed most, the stand out part of all three was the sequence in the last one where you first see Johnny Depp on that Island....when it seems like a dream sequence at first, and all the crabs come up and take the ship away...from that point on there was some quite impressive when they work out that they need to roll the ship upside down and the battle scene in the giant whirlpool.

David 06-06-2011 12:26 PM

Last movie I saw was Cedar Rapids highly recommended!

Dave :)

murambi 07-06-2011 08:42 PM

Just watched from Nada to Prada with the wife.........I daydreamed through the whole movie, since it was movie night I couldnt duck this movie

Chirone 07-06-2011 09:35 PM

was it that boring huh?

saw xmen first class yesterday night, it was pretty cool. I like character development, i know everyone else hates it, but i like it.
i did hate the people behind us talking and letting their phones go off though...

ben hobden 07-06-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chirone (Post 320563)
was it that boring huh?

saw xmen first class yesterday night, it was pretty cool. I like character development, i know everyone else hates it, but i like it.
i did hate the people behind us talking and letting their phones go off though...

ha ha..........

Chirone 26-06-2011 10:47 AM

just watched cloudy with a chance of meatballs
it was halarious!
i wish people were capable of such exaggerated facial expressions as you see in animations... the world would be a much more funny place

mastone 26-06-2011 12:26 PM

True Grit ..........effing awesome

marlonjohn 27-06-2011 07:13 AM

The Social Network, which was pretty interesting.

Jay 27-06-2011 08:54 AM

Ahh yeah True Grit was a brilliant film, even for a remake. Jeff Bridges as Cogburn was great. Also saw Astroboy which was good, and also RED, which was brilliant, I didnt expect half the stuff in it, and John Malkovich was just awsome an absolute nutcase, and you gotta love his pig- funny movie I recommend it.


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