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Bingbiggen 09-05-2004 03:19 AM

I hung me a pirate today
Some retard blaitenly told me he downloads maya and sells it. So I put that punk in his place. I reported him to Alias today, and hope to hear about it. To think that this guy actually makes money off of the things he downloads and the people that buy it from him dont think once about it. Oh well, he'll be gettin his very soon.

David 09-05-2004 03:59 AM

From file sharing to the FXP scene, cracked software is going to get where it was never meant to be, sad but true.

People downloading software, well it shouldn't happen, but it does of course, and will continue to do so. Everyone likes something for nothing.

I've come across two places selling my stuff now (both charging more than I do LOL) and that really pisses me off :( Don't get me wrong if someone was giving my stuff away for free, I wouldn't exactly be jumping for joy. But its inevitable that someone will burn some tuts for his mate, or stick some on his FTP site somewhere, for his friends to grab. It's not right but how many of us haven't lent a book or DVD to a friend.

People giving stuff away that I've written, or paid to have created gets on my nerves and costs me money. People selling stuff I've created, however makes me want to beat them to death.

We've been quite lucky up until now. Most people understand this is a small business, with I think fair prices. Most people are content to pay the price asked.

Alias give away the PLE, I give away 6 hours of free video on this site alone. But it's not enough for some people. Everything for nothing seems to be the motto of the time.

Selling other peoples stuff (without permission) makes you the scum of the earth IMHO.


mtmckinley 09-05-2004 04:09 AM

Hear hear!

Go tell it on the mountain!


dannyngan 09-05-2004 04:19 AM

Right on. Kick some a$$. :D

Kurt 09-05-2004 04:26 AM

Yes.... I agree 1000 percent....

NightPhantom 09-05-2004 05:51 AM

OMG, and he actually sold that stuff??? There is no shame now a days :(
You have to let us know if you hear something new about that. I hope he get's it big time.

ransick 09-05-2004 11:44 AM

is it a 12 years old punk or a 21 years old punk without brains...

Reimo005 09-05-2004 12:13 PM

I can understand that when a person don't have money and downloads the soft for himself, but when he's gonna sell it to others, this isn't right. In our country here is allowed to download pirate soft but it isn't alowed to sell pirate soft :D

train_ucl 09-05-2004 12:45 PM

someone who uses cracked version for private porpose ... i dont care,
but if someone uses a cracked version for comercial use then he must be insane ...

NightPhantom 09-05-2004 07:46 PM

hey Reimo005, what country are you in?

Bingbiggen 09-05-2004 08:21 PM

Yeah im waiting to see if anythings going to happen to this punk. Im not sure how old he is but he sounds to be older than 18 from the email he sent me.

Here is his email he sent me,

Hey there, the reason I ask that you email me first is because there are a few details you need to know before hand.

These are not original CD's. We do have the originals, but those are what we make our copies from. We make exact copies of our software on CDR’s. Even so the software is useless without attaining a license for it. That is what we basically sell along with the software.

We make our own licenses that enable the software completely. Once the software is enabled it works perfect and there are no limitations what so ever. You get a fully permanent working retail product minus the tech support.

The downsides... Since it's not the company that is creating the license for you, it will obviously not be able to be registered and thus you will not be eligible for tech support. We supply upgrades as they become available.

We mostly sell these to college students, regular people, small companies, and even a few large ones. Everyone has their own reason. Some want to learn the software to make themselves more valuable, others because they are barely learning it in school, small companies because they can't afford it. Mostly people tell us it's because they want to try the software out first and see if provides what they need.

1- Can you get in trouble? If you don't go around telling everyone, there is no way you can get in trouble. You simply install it discreetly and put it away until you need to reinstall it again.

2- Is it illegal? Of course it is. Look at it like downloading music and movies from the internet. It's illegal but so many people still do it. It comes down to your comfort with it. If you feel real bad and guilty then this is not for you. If you don’t mind and it's not a big deal, then go for it. You won’t be disappointed.

Everyday we get emails from people either saying "Thank You So Much" or "I'm Reporting you". It all depends on you.

3- What about security? This is the biggest issue people have. How can you be assured your software will arrive and work?

It’s simple... by using paypal. Paypal provides both buyer and seller protection policies. If I were to send you something that doesn’t work or not send you anything at all, even after you’ve sent payment they allow you to make a payment reversal. The only way we can stop that is by having proof of shipping. Since we don’t want people reversing our money, you can bet were going to send out every order and it will work perfect. If you don’t have a paypal account we accept money orders as well. Paypal accounts literally take 5 minutes to create, and paypal is an ebay sub company. Please check out their protection policies here

4- You have Zero Feedback, what gives? Ebay has a VERO program that constantly search for these type of auctions. They will only last somewhere around 1-5 days Max. After that the account is suspended and we have to create a new one, which resets us back to zero.

In any case… if you're comfortable and interested please reply and we'll get started right away. There is no need to bid and drive the prices up. If you're interested each title is $250+$10 S/H. We ship world wide.

NightPhantom 09-05-2004 09:38 PM

OMG, that's "almost" funny. "We 'make' our own licenses". LOL, that's an interesting concept; can you make me a wad of money in $100 bills too?

Did he sent this email before or after you reported him?

Where did you find this thief? It sounds alot like he uses eBay. You should report him there too. And you can probably report him to Paypal as well. Heck, you should report him to everybody and his mother.

Also, $250 for illegal software???? Hey, if you are going to go that way at least keep it cheap. Maya Unlimited is like $700 for students (me me :D) That's only like half the price :p

Bingbiggen 10-05-2004 12:35 AM

Yeah, he's on ebay alright.

There's his page.

NightPhantom 10-05-2004 04:03 AM

Reported to eBay. (just in case no one else already did)

Reimo005 10-05-2004 12:19 PM


Originally posted by NightPhantom
hey Reimo005, what country are you in?
in Estonia :D

RickStefani 10-05-2004 06:43 PM

That would be funny if it is Alias fishing for medium to large companies. If not, that person either has a spiderweb of dead ends to find him or is incredably stupid.

Bingbiggen 10-05-2004 09:10 PM

I was thinking about that too. Either way someones getting nailed.

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