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tinyzoo 15-09-2005 04:51 PM

Game choice question
I was just wondering, does it have to be from a previously made video game or can it be from any known game? Like a board game or such?

And Um... if it's not too much trouble, since there seem to have been a few revisons during the course of these 3 pages of postings, could you possibly re-post the rules as they are currently stated?


t1ck135 15-09-2005 06:42 PM

think you might want to update the prize info on the rules page (or do a posting) as according to the newsletter its a 7800 GTX gfx card :D

mtmckinley 15-09-2005 06:47 PM

The rules in the first message are the most up to date.

hmm, I've been waiting to receive that newsletter in order to have up-to-date info, but never got it. When did it go out? Think you could forward one to me?

Legolas_hv 15-09-2005 07:10 PM

1 question:
can I change from noob to normal once I've begin my thread?


dae 15-09-2005 07:12 PM

yes you can, it is up to you, just let one of the mods know and they will change it in your thread title.


mtmckinley 15-09-2005 11:33 PM

Prize info added! sorry for the delay!

t1ck135 16-09-2005 07:19 AM

oops, missed that earlier request, sorry mike.

tinyzoo 16-09-2005 03:15 PM

I see that Lightwave and other 3D art programs are listed. Is it acceptable to submit a model drawn in Milkshape?

Thanks for your time. Blessings to you.

stylish_chemist 16-09-2005 04:33 PM

Poor mtmckinley, always answering the same questions again and again...

mtmckinley 16-09-2005 05:07 PM

I'd prefer you stuck with the applications listed.

tinyzoo 16-09-2005 06:54 PM

Alright well I can't participate then. Good luck to you all.

Blessings to you.


the_podman 16-09-2005 08:14 PM

Hey, tinyzoo, you could always use Maya PLE. It's free.

I wonder if it would be ok to use MayaPLE to actually model the entry, but then use Milkshape for final rendering. I think it takes .objs

I use Silo and Wings3d sometimes, but for this comp, I'll be doing it with 100% maya, being that it's the SIMPLY MAYA site and all.

athos 17-09-2005 03:49 PM

is LeChuck allowed?
1 Attachment(s)
I´m not sure if I will participate on this challenge, but if so, I´d like to know:

Are the early adventure games for pc allowed? They are made of sprites too.

Because If I participate, I´m going to try to model a redesign of LeChuck, the bad guy trying to kill Guybrush in the Monkey Island series.

mtmckinley 17-09-2005 04:20 PM

sounds good to me

shaneH 20-09-2005 01:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Could someone please enlighten me on the name of a certain game.
It was called something like Raidon or the legend of..?
This character had a yoyo type weapon.

the_podman 20-09-2005 03:48 PM

I believe the game you are thinking of is "RYGAR". There are currently 3 versions of it. The arcade version , the NES one and the PS2 remake .


shaneH 21-09-2005 06:36 AM

Thanks dude.You have no idea how that was driving me insane.

j5ive 22-09-2005 08:38 AM

Just a quick question; Is the judging of this competition based on the character alone or it's aparant environment as well as several are modelling scenes as well

mtmckinley 22-09-2005 02:51 PM

character is the focus.

Legolas_hv 24-09-2005 07:20 PM

mtmckinley, please can you change my entry name from noob to normal?
its named "Sept/Oct - Noob - Legolas_hv"
thanks a lot!

gohan1842 28-09-2005 07:05 PM

Wow. No offence to anyone at all or mentioning anyone, but I never thought it'd be this hard to understand the rules.

I understood that it wasn't preferred that your character wasn't already modernized, but if it was, make it look even more different than it is already supposed to be.

In my opinion, I just think that a lot of people aren't really reading the rules.

To my question. How will the video be sent?

mtmckinley 28-09-2005 07:55 PM

if people's entries don't follow the rules, they won't win. Simple as that. They don't seem all that difficult to understand to me.


the winning participant's prize will be mailed to them.

Ricmage 30-09-2005 01:43 PM

Please, i want enter in challenge, i am thinking make the batleatoads, i never see a game 3d of batleatoads, but have a game battletoads in battlemaniacs where apear a image 2d and your wireframe, but dont know if gone model 3d.

i want know if i can enter in challenge making 1 of the battletoads. and i want know too if can make cenário or only the character.


dae 30-09-2005 02:50 PM

sure you can enter
go ahead and do the character as that is what will be judged, and if you have time left over go ahead and do a scene for the character.

good luck.

mtmckinley 30-09-2005 03:42 PM

If you read the rules in the very first post, there is no mention of your character choice having ever been 3D or not. That is no longer a rule and hasn't been for a number of weeks now.

Go nuts.

papalatistudios 03-10-2005 10:17 PM

Hey Mike,

Gotta question for you....

Is it possible to change from noob to norm?

Also why is the date different on the forums than realtime?

Thanks in advance.

mtmckinley 04-10-2005 12:35 AM

Yes. Let me know in a PM or whatever and I'll change it for you.

Not sure about the date thing.

mayafreak3 08-10-2005 10:20 PM

Hey Mike could you add my name to the thread I started?

I forgot and left my name off it. It should be:

Sept/Oct Normal mayafreak3



RupertFaraway 13-10-2005 09:57 PM

Not that I'm even in the competition, but I think 3000 polys is a bit low for, even for low-poly standards. The new XBox360 is going to have vehicles and characters going as high as 40,000 polys apparently and if modellers for these games are going to compete, they wont go very far in the buisiness making 3000 poly models for games.

I'm not saying it's an invalid idea for a contest, I just think it's not going to practice up the contestants if they plan to take the career further.

mtmckinley 13-10-2005 10:45 PM

It's just a suggestion. Doesn't have to be followed. I think a couple people who are doing game-art entries are going higher than that.

I can see that it's not too clear that it was a suggestion, though. I'll fix.

RupertFaraway 13-10-2005 11:42 PM

Ahh. I see. I may have just read in correctly.

Oops I wrote 40000, I meant 20000

t1ck135 14-10-2005 11:35 AM

Dont forget that handhelds are low poly still and as mobile phone games advance they will start at the low level too.

In a way I've found it great to start learning what will soon be 'old skool' modelling techniques, great fun :D

mtmckinley 14-10-2005 02:25 PM

That's very true. The handheld game I'm working on has a character polycount limit of around 250!!:eek:

And starting out low will also get you trained in being efficient, which, even with higher poly models, is still important.

3Demon 25-10-2005 11:17 AM

Sounds cool and I wish I could have joined it but work always gets in the way so I haven't been about a lot at all. I'll be in the next one for sure, with my new computer, to stir things up again ;)

So few people I remember..... At least I'll be able to see what I'm up against :beer:

THX1138 26-10-2005 12:48 AM

Mike, can there be an exception to the rule for the max file size limit on the final entries? I would like to post at 825 X 480 if it's possible since I have no free hosting service. My entry is long and thin and framing at 640 X 480 is just a tiny bit too small of a frame to show off enough off my model and the detail. If 640 X 480 is "THE LIMIT", then I will have to do my best.

mtmckinley 26-10-2005 01:00 AM

Ok, that's fine. The size limit is mostly to prevent stuff like 1024x768 images (or larger).

THX1138 26-10-2005 01:29 AM

Yeah, thats understandable. I personally wouldn't want to post at that size. It takes me long enough to render at 825 X 480. Thanks for the help mike. :)

dae 26-10-2005 07:39 AM

Ahh man, I wanted to post 1024x768, ohh well nevermind

t1ck135 26-10-2005 08:50 AM

I like 640x480 as it *might* obscure some of my crap rigging ;)

mtmckinley 26-10-2005 01:00 PM

Don't forget, the size limit is only for when you ATTACH images to the forum. If you host them yourself, they can be as big as you want (within reason).

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