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THX1138 08-07-2008 11:03 PM

Cheers Jay!!:beer: You said it man, Erin was "THE BABE" back in those days! I found both seasons on rapidshare. I downloaded both of them and burnt them on dvd. As corny as Buck Rogers may be, Erin Grey makes up for it all.

Cheers mirek03!!:beer: It's good to always have someone who can give honest C&C. Glad you like the Cheeta. I am really pleased with how it turned out.

Jay 08-07-2008 11:09 PM

Hey Guys

cool stuff THX enjoy!!

Mirek, thats cool, I used to have a Eumig Super8mm which was brilliant for stop motion, I thn upgraded to a Canon, again a super8 job, I did some great footage with it in Paris one year for the finish of the Tour De France...ah I can smell the nostalgia from here...


THX1138 11-07-2008 05:51 PM

Ok, got another one for you folks. This one is hot off the drawing board. Can anyone guess who it is?

C&C are welcome.

Chirone 11-07-2008 05:59 PM

i think something is wrong with my eyes... did you actually draw that? it's NOT a photograph?

THX1138 11-07-2008 06:02 PM

Yeah I dew it.:beer:

Chirone 11-07-2008 06:21 PM


i'm going to cry at how cool you are :bow:

THX1138 11-07-2008 06:27 PM

Cheers Chirone!:beer: Glad you like!

mirek03 11-07-2008 06:57 PM

excellent mate, the shading under the eyes is a touch too dark. looks like heavy partying going on there :)

very nice.., would have taken a few hours there :) a few days?? a few weeks??

Gen 11-07-2008 07:01 PM

Hey love the eyes and I think thats Kate Beckinsale? (not sure I spelled that right :x)

THX1138 11-07-2008 07:32 PM

Cheers mirek03 ! :beer: Looking back at my refference, your right on. The shading under the eyes is a touch too dark. I cant believe I missed that. Guess I got caught up on all the other details that I didn't notice that small feature.

Anyway, I worked off and on this piece for a few weeks. This piece was really difficult, and trying to get it to look like Kate was chore. Doing portraits is no easy task. I have seen a few that I would swear was a photo until I saw the extreme close up. I will fix the eye shading when I get back to it. Thanks again for the C&C!

Cheers GecT ! :beer: Yes you guessed it right, it's Kate Beckinsale and you did spell it right. I have seen a few other pencil portraits of her on the net from the same reference I drew this from, but they suffer from anatomy problems, so I decided to do one of my own.

Thanks again for the comment!

THX1138 25-07-2008 03:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Just finished another one. This one is from famed fantasy painter Julie Bell. Wasn't trying to get exact with this one, don't quite have the patience for it. This is just a tribute sketch. C&C are always welcome. :beer:

mtmckinley 25-07-2008 04:00 PM


THX1138 25-07-2008 04:09 PM

Thanks Mike!:beer:

mirek03 25-07-2008 07:37 PM

great stuff mate.., but i'd be looking at the shading and depth of the 'hat'.., there's no 'fall off'.., dont be scared of the 6B (and make sure its sharp :) )

for sure portraits are not easy, i used to do them but they became so photo realistic i began to think.., why not just take a photo..?? really!!!! there was nothing there that was.., 'me.' I believe there should always be a little 'style' in a portrait .., some character/styleing.., maybe the lines, maybe the dynamics (shading).., whatever.., something that applauds the artist and gives a little 'more' to the subject.., if yu know what i mean :)

dont stop mate :)

THX1138 25-07-2008 07:57 PM

Cheers mirek03! :beer:

Yeah, you have a very valid point. If they start to look too much like a photo, whats the point. That has crossed my mind many times. I'm just getting back in to this after a 15 year layoff. Trying to slowly develop my own style. So I'm trying different styles with each piece. I really don't want it to look like a photo, but not too much like a drawing. Kind of a mix if that makes any sense.

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