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bullet1968 16-08-2010 01:16 PM

Bullet-Horror Challenge
Ok I'm in


bullet1968 16-08-2010 09:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok I am running out of time...I have picked something zi think I can achieve...even if its just the set. Im going Greek and Mythology...Minotaur...opinions please guys. This is a real hard thing for me as I have NEVER done organic...I thought this wouldnt be as hard as a man???

cheers bullet

bullet1968 16-08-2010 09:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And this one...I intend to do a labrynth and make him more evil (I hope).

daverave 16-08-2010 09:29 PM

If I were you Bullet with your lack of organics, I would go for some thing like Jason or scarcrow from batman, modelling not to hard would be down to textures...........dave

bullet1968 16-08-2010 09:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I was thinking of Pennywise dave..or is that too hard?? I did a muck around in my sleep last night....hmmmm I might re-look at gstaers links.....

cheers bullet

elephantinc 16-08-2010 09:45 PM

Surely you want to do some organics eventually? Nows the best time to start ;)
A Minotaur type thing would be much easier than a human.

daverave 16-08-2010 09:54 PM

It would be better for you not to say Minotaur but some beast, think that you would have to learn maya fur witch can be a pain.Im not saying dont do it but remember what the challenge is. Some are already slightly moving away from the path...........dave

bullet1968 16-08-2010 09:59 PM

True dave but what can you call it. It is a beast of horror..though back before TV was invented would remember bahahahaha...oh s**t so woul I..that was dumb.

Thanks elephantic...thats why I picked it..I think it would be easier..yes the fur might be a problem..BUT learning is the goal I was learn I will.

cheers bullet

P.S At least I know any structures will be done!!! I can build those...pipe works anyone??

elephantinc 16-08-2010 10:15 PM


Originally posted by daverave
. Some are already slightly moving away from the path...........dave

Why do I think that is directed at me? :p

Trust me, it will be horrific. I just don't think the (figurative) 'monster' has be covered in gore or have limbs poking out to be horrific. For me, that's really not what makes an effective horror film. For me it's physiological as opposed to a gut reaction of seeing something visually appalling that makes something effectively horrifying.
For example, today I watched Full Metal Jacket (I know it's not a horror film, but bare with me) and I found seeing the fat guy shoot himself/his CO or seeing the other guys get shot by the sniper much less horrifying than thinking about what's going on his head, what damage the events of the film did to him, or wondering what he's going to do next. I find the look of menace he had much worse than if he had an arm drooping off.

Of course though, I'm still going for visual horror but it just want it to be a bit more subtle...

daverave 16-08-2010 10:22 PM

Not realy elephantinc, I think some are thinking more of what is happening around there model, I thought it was about the horrific model, I could be wrong............dave

Edit:yes just went back and checked Horror character not set

elephantinc 16-08-2010 10:31 PM

Well, it says 'a character that could be seen in a horror film', so the character itself doesn't necessarily need to be horrific ( a regular person turned psychopath might look completely normal out of context, but in context he might be far from it.)

bullet1968 16-08-2010 11:00 PM

Its says 'character in film or comics' etc guys. Yes dave you are right...sets are an extra I suppose. Im really only going for the Bull....I wont have time for the set...though it would be nice.

Ringmaster, Elephantic WAS (correct me if Im wrong) in a couple of horror films....if not the persona most definitely. With your character it wont rely on gore as you said...its all in the mind. As with Pennywise which I was going to do originally...not really gory (from the books perspective) but REALLY mentally disturbing.

cheers bullet

elephantinc 16-08-2010 11:10 PM


Originally posted by bullet1968
Elephantic WAS (correct me if Im wrong) in a couple of horror films....

I was in a horror film? I'd love to see that :p

Although god knows what effect that will have on me considering hearing myself imitating a plastercine sealion yelping scares me....

But yes, your right, I haven't seen them but purely by coincidence I was reading about one when I was reading interpretations of the full metal jacket, as it talked about parallels between the drill sergeant and a ringmaster in a chilling movie...
(although maybe it's not a coincidence, that might have been what planted the idea in my head without me knowing it...)

bullet1968 16-08-2010 11:40 PM

Now if that isnt editing!!! bahahahaha yeh well that thought of you is kinda disturbing...plastecine etc etc sealions...hhhmmmmmm sounds like a good childhood.

cheers bullet

Mayaniac 16-08-2010 11:50 PM

Hmm, nice idea with the Minotaur Bullet!

Looks like a pretty good start, though I would smooth it out a bit. There are some sharp edges.

Good start though, and good choice.

On the other subject, I agree visually horrific isn't necessarily the scariest way of doing things. A good psychological scare is great too... but trying to convey that in a still image is going to be hard. But would be great if pulled off. I think with a render a lot of it is going to come down to lighting, placement, and generally building a good atmosphere.

Anyway, good luck Bullet.!

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