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David 24-11-2010 08:30 PM

Whats the #$%#% point of Facebook and twitter
1 Attachment(s)
Seriously whats the point. I'm in the process of integrating Facebook and Twitter into the new site because I've been asked to do it.

After a frustrating couple of hours the integration is complete, but i really don't see the point of Facebooks 'like' WTF does it even do, and why anyone would ever tweet anything is beyond me.

Everywhere I go now sites are asking me to 'like' this re-tweet that, users ask for it so as i developer I'll include it, but i'd like to hear from the people that think it's a good idea. Do you want to be able to tweet out forum threads. Like tutorials etcetera?

Let me know your thoughts on business sites that integrate Facebook and Twitter. I know you can just ignore it if you choose to, but I'd like to know who among us actually re-tweats and likes stuff. Someone must! :confused:

Dave :)

David 24-11-2010 08:40 PM

I just have to add that sometimes the 'LIKE' button seems a bit out of place. There was a story on the BBC website with the headline that went something like this

'18 people dead in horrific bus accident'

Then underneath was the sentence '14k people liked this'

All i can say is i'm glad i was not on that bus. Must have been filled with a right bunch of #@$#$%

David :)

Ozgalis 24-11-2010 08:50 PM

I dont usually pay attention to that type of stuff..I have a facebook but its more or less not used, I add some WIP stuff to it but I dont go out of my way to talk to people or do any of the "facebook" stuff

halfloaf 24-11-2010 09:16 PM

Couldn't be bothered with the rubbish. Is just another way to waste time if you ask me.

Productivity in our office has gone down about 50% as just about everybody has an iPhone is tweets away all day.

So 'no', I'm not interested in a twitter or facebook feature...

POLL PLEASE!!!! :beer:

bullet1968 24-11-2010 09:24 PM

I use FB to keep in contact with old school chums etc David and family mostly. I have everything set to private (ie friends only). I also use it to give people shit when they dribble shit....

As for business etc...well forget it...if you want to get the SM name out there sure but I dont think you need that.

Most people on there just say things like "Im having a pie for lunch" or " so and so is an a***hole" etc etc mate LOL.hence why I give them shit.

Twitter is the same. My 2c

cheers bullet

stwert 24-11-2010 09:44 PM

Hahaha... great thread. Yeah, it's all pointless. I quit facebook a few years ago, haven't missed it. I use twitter to make up random crap from the point of view of a mythical farmer. So yeah, nothing there either.

What's that South Park? "Mom, mom, Stan likes that I had pork chops for dinner!!" Hahaha.

I feel like this is the evolution of blogs, in that all the people that used to have blogs with nothing to say are now using twitter and facebook to still say nothing, leaving the remaining blogs with a point. (Maybe that's hypocritical, but hey).

Edit: But in all seriousness, maybe someone would tweet a new tutorial, or post links to their WIP threads... but they could do that anyways... so what's the difference?

jsprogg 24-11-2010 10:33 PM

The reality is that both Facebook and Twitter are a pointless waste of time, but unfortunately a hell of a lot of people are pointlessly wasting their time these days. Also an unfortunate reality is the fact that people use these pointless things to measure the popularity of a product, just like many people think that if you see a product advertised on TV it must be good. It's not true by any means, but there are people out there who will think "wow, this got xxx number of Likes or xxx number of tweets so it must be good".

Rhetoric Camel 24-11-2010 11:50 PM

Facebook - I use to keep in contact with friends back in my home town, along with some family members. Maybe I'll throw in an update of where I'm going and what I'm doing, and sometimes a friend will meet up with me there.

Twitter - I use to advertise new updates to my blog, and say as much as I can in 140 characters. Also keep in contact with a couple old friends from back home.

Most of the stuff on twitter is useless but some of it can be funny. I also use it to keep updated on blogs I follow. I mostly follow people that will make me laugh or that have the same political views I do. A lot of garbage on there though.

Nilla 25-11-2010 01:39 AM

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Isn't that what life's all about though in the end of the day, wasting your time on pointless stuff:)

And you can't really get away from the fact that these are very powerful channels for free communication between people and allows for interesting phenomena, like flash mobs, that would otherwise never occur. This of course also adds other less interesting things to our lives, like getting a daily update on what Frank who I met only once in a bar is eating for breakfast.

I'm in the process of adding like buttons all over the place, so you better like us a lot so we don't look unpopular;)

stwert 25-11-2010 03:55 AM

The major problem with the "like" button, is that there's no official "meh" button (or a "dislike" button I guess would be more logical). I think "liking" something, simply due to its unwarranted ubiquity, has lost virtually all meaning. I'm glad I don't have facebook, because if I did, I would be constantly frustrated that beside the "I like this" there was no "I really don't care" button. That's no reflection on this site, or your "like" buttons, Nilla, I love this site... I just wish people would use them much more sparingly and where they make sense.

Nilla 25-11-2010 04:58 AM

stwert, I agree with you personally I've never registered for any of these social networking sites and I belong to those people who just don't get it. I find skype distracting enough and there you at least have real conversations with people, so I've never really felt a need to connect with people on facebook and twitter because I'm not interested in recieving info on what bar my friend might be going to or that she just came back from a holiday.

David just handed over the whole facebook thing to me, I get the less popular jobs around here:) so I'm just speaking to people I know who are hardcore users and they're telling me about some of the reasons for why they think it's great such as staying in touch with friends abroad and organizing student events etc. So I can see some positives for certain people, even if it's not my thing, but as an online based business you are a bit of an idiot if you choose to ignore 500 million members based on a personal preference. The new site design is extremely clean and it looks great, so it is with slight pain in my heart I blast facebook all over it we're still in doubt about to what extent we should integrate things like "like" buttons.

For blogs oh my god, I hate those things. I read a lot of cg blogs and there's some really good ones, but why every single person who has nothing of interest to say has to have their own personal blog about their life I don't get. It's a nightmare when you have to spend a lot of time searching on google and you keep coming across these nonsense things. I think they help turn the internet into a giant junkyard and defeat the whole purpose of free information flow.

CGWolfgang 25-11-2010 06:56 AM

I've used facebook off and on but I don't buy into the facebook/twitter revolution that seems to be running rampant. It's usefull for keeping in touch with people that I have a solid chance of not seeing in person for a long time especially since my job requires me uprooting every three to four years and moving to who-knows-where.

But the one thing I CAN NOT STAND about this is the useless comments people put on it every seven seconds. people don't need to know that you're out at a barbeque (especially if they weren't invited), or that you cried at the end of the Expendibles, what Justin Beiber ate for lunch, or that you have gained the wholly inappropriate ability to send a twitter/facebook update while sitting on the John (and then tell people this fact)

As for twitter I know myself well enough to know that there is nothing that pops up in my head in 140 characters or less that will not get me into hot water, somehow, at sometime. So its one of those things thats better for me to avoid like the plague.

gubar 25-11-2010 11:00 AM

Though I’m indifferent to either, they are hugely popular and only going to become more so. It certainly won't hurt to have integration.

bullet1968 25-11-2010 12:35 PM

Bahahaha Wolfgang...PMSL...I would sit on the John and tell people that on FB if I could...for one reason...BECAUSE I hate people that do that. I have done it a few times now...just for the hell of it....and people write back WTF?? was all that about...then I say..the same as the other 95% bulldust on here...just keeping up with everyone LOL.

Like it or hate it...they are big and here to stay.

cheers bullet

Some Guy 25-11-2010 12:41 PM

Facebook is useful for keeping in contact with folks or if i run out of phone credit. I hate this whole like thing though, makes opinions seem cheap and worthless. its like you can sum up your outlook on life with a 'like' and a Facebook group (most of which have no discussion).
Ive never gotten Twitter, i dont care if celebrities are taking a poop, I've got better things to read about...
Ultimately though if people want to waste their lives they'll eventually get hit by a bus whilst tweeting away so really we all win!

murambi 25-11-2010 03:00 PM

my bro used face book to plug his travel website and got a tonne of business from it

but i absolutely hates that social networking nonsense do it at your own time in the office we strictly prohibit it warranting warning letters

there was once we had a two week deadline to do a 30sec animation and the modelling department were spending nearly 3-4 hours a day on that nonsense as soon as they were done with their side of pipeline we got rid of half of the department ........:angery:

s2-speedy 26-11-2010 10:38 AM

speedy "likes" this thread :)

tweetytunes 26-11-2010 11:21 AM

I mostly use it to speak to family and friends from back at my home town and university, but I am finding it more and more useful to find out about future games and films.

Marvel vs Capcom, Gears 3 and the saw films kept me updated with what they were doing without bothering me too much (up to me if I want to find out more by going and looking on their wall) or having to go and search for the information. As artiest its great because I saw a lot of W.I.P for the films I chose to "Like" while they were being made - most not shown on the official site. But granted if I searched for it I would have found them - but I would have to make that extra afford instead of just being told. On those same lines I can see the integration working very well for Simplymaya. News of updates or new tutorials will def-o get to a much larger network of people. I can also seeing this as a good thing for the challenges - more entries more fun ...

Facebook has a few bad points but also has a lot of good ones too. I just don`t get twitter or at the time myspace (is that still going ?)

And also if it was not for facebook I would not know a hot female school friend of mine is now a major porn star in Europe - all good ;)

s2-speedy 26-11-2010 11:59 AM


And also if it was not for facebook I would not know a hot female school friend of mine is now a major porn star in Europe - all good
Whats her name...and are you gettin it on with her? lol :)

tweetytunes 26-11-2010 01:41 PM

Evgenia Diordiychuk is her name but we used to call her eva. She moved to the UK for about 4 year when me and my sister were younger and living in Cardiff. I think she was from the Ukraine. Her dad ran a chain of hotels. Anyway my sister told me she had added her on facebook and asked me if I remembered her - I did too a point - a couple of days later she added me and I thought I would jog my memory by looking though her profile and thats when I found out her "Star" name - Katie Fey. As you can see she`s now a playmate.

Answer to second question - oooh I so wish....

but what do you say to a porn star you not seen in about 16 years over facebook - Hi hows the job going ???

Why I love facebook. - Always checkout what your old friends are doing - who knows what you`ll find.

Anyone thinking I`m lieing - some of you have me on facebook - check out my friends list - be my guest

tweetytunes 26-11-2010 01:43 PM

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Sorry pic did not work

stwert 26-11-2010 06:20 PM

I guess we can't really complain when there are solutions:

... and to get this thread back from the brief porn star detour.

Gen 27-11-2010 05:55 AM

ROFL stwert, "mythical farmer" tweets?!

Yeah, I don't do the Facebook, Myspace, Twitter scene, I barely use Skype as it is. Change can be good, I always liked the SM site design, especially compared the sites with the obnoxious, million and one gifs, banners and links. I don't get the appeal of those social sites either but if so many are into them then they can be good for business, /shrug

mastone 27-11-2010 09:45 PM

I personally don't like it but hey to each his own

Chirone 30-11-2010 11:04 AM

you always hear about how people are 'addicted' to facebook and twitter and do stupid things like post how they killed someone or how much of an ass their boss is

as someone who was never really a part of society (not really by choice) i don't understand the appeal of it, but you have to admit that the masses use it, it's everywhere now, and you hear a lot of stories about how it's such useful marketing tools. i think jsprogg is right in what he said though. the whole thing where people look at ratings or how many people 'like' something and decide if it's good based on that are just people that you can abuse for their money. easy manipulation. There was some movie that became a flop just because someone started tweeting it was bad (was it Juno?). i don't think anyone actually knew if it was true or not. but it's easy to manipulate the tastes of people and even easier now with facebook and twitter

i had to put some facebook thing into the Anne Geddes iPad app we did a few months ago where users could post that they like a picture in the app.
and i can say i did end up wasting a lot of time trying to get that s*** to work. (although my colleague managed to do twitter in a few minutes because it's easy)
So miss nova when/if you have trouble with facebook and integrating it here you will have my sympathies.

David 01-12-2010 05:35 PM

Well no like buttons all over the place I could not bring myself to do it. Maybe in the future after I've had a few beers.

Dave :)

urutum 01-12-2010 05:41 PM

i say dump facebook/twitter

David 01-12-2010 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by urutum (Post 310745)
i say dump facebook/twitter

I'll keep the links at the bottom of the page but that will be about it for now.

Dave :D

stwert 01-12-2010 05:48 PM

Yeah, a well chosen compromise. It's there, but not intrusive.

Jay 01-12-2010 06:06 PM

To be honest why bother plugging it on Fakebook -Farcebook or whatever.

The site gets enough coverage without resorting to the social networks.

I did tinker with FB myself but found it pointless. I cant understand the point of groups, for instance theres a muffin group, wtf!! I mean what do you do after that??? Have an annual general meeting discussing muffin toppings and consistency!! Such turd!!

Anyway I need to fart and then go tweet its pungency!!



Nilla 01-12-2010 06:12 PM

Haha Jay, you just gave me the laugh of the day. This thread will have to leave the forum at some point or no one will dare to like us on Facebook:)

Mayaniac 01-12-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jay (Post 310753)
To be honest why bother plugging it on Fakebook -Farcebook or whatever.

The site gets enough coverage without resorting to the social networks.

I did tinker with FB myself but found it pointless. I cant understand the point of groups, for instance theres a muffin group, wtf!! I mean what do you do after that??? Have an annual general meeting discussing muffin toppings and consistency!! Such turd!!

Anyway I need to fart and then go tweet its pungency!!



Yep, that's a definite 10 on the pungency scale!... must be all those muffins.

elephantinc 01-12-2010 06:41 PM

I can understand the concepts of groups, like mini forums where you can talk about topic X without having to join a new forum (also easier to find out what your friends like). But things didn't really work out like that...

Nilla 01-12-2010 11:47 PM

So I've just signed up for Facebook in order to post a proper "like" for Simply Maya so I can follow David's progress on our Facebook page (he took it back in the end:)) and see what we'll put the rest of you through in the future. Thanks for the likes btw.

I found their registration process genious, especially the part where I ended up entering my date of birth and a profile picture of Garfield even though I had no intention whatsoever to enter anything other than my e-mail address. The default picture must be made that ugly intentionally to suck more info out of you, I've been on skype for ages and it's not until the other week i felt the need to enter a pic of my cat. Facebook got that out of me straight away, if I wouldn't have been so paranoid about sticking info about myself online they would have had my full life story with friends and pictures and all the rest.

Incredibly clever site. Even with general muffin meetings.

marlonjohn 02-12-2010 06:18 AM

I mainly use it to chat-up old high-school teachers which i had a crush on. The females ones of course LOL :P

Chirone 03-12-2010 01:30 AM

Marlon that is just WEIRD:mask:

Nilla 03-12-2010 01:49 AM

This is turning into a juicy thread with porn stars and sexual fantasies about your teachers. It's definitely become very Facebook like :mstickle:

Chirone 03-12-2010 02:14 AM

on a off topic note (topic being porn stars and sexual fantasies about your teachers) i have to put facebook and twitter into an app and twitter is no longer simple and facebook just seems to have become much more complicated...

i !love social media

(+32 points to anyone who understands what i just said)

bullet1968 03-12-2010 02:16 AM

Onya Marlon!!! We had a Phys Ed teacher who was almost an identical twin of Officer Callahan from Police Academy...whoa hoh ho man what a did affect male students some what...LOL

cheers bullet

THX1138 03-12-2010 02:51 AM

Facebook and myspace have now become partners. Got an email about it a few days ago.

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