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kbrown 20-10-2003 01:11 AM

Sliced my hand!
1 Attachment(s)
This is just a little match moving practise. I posted it in here since I will most likely not continue this any further (had no actual plan what to create ;)).

here's the clip:

and here's a frame from it:

ragecgi 20-10-2003 03:25 AM


That is frickin awsome!

It's just long enough to use for reel-filler too!

How ya do it might I ask?

mtmckinley 20-10-2003 03:31 AM

eew. ;) Cool stuff.

kbrown 20-10-2003 07:22 AM

Thanks guys!


Originally posted by ragecgi
How ya do it might I ask?
It was pretty straight forward. Tracked the dots I marked in my hand (which i later removed in AE) in Maya Live. Then created some simple geometry and attached it to the tracked object. Few textures and shaders, some paint effects and soft bodies. Rendered them separately and composited in AE and voila...

... in a nut shell :p

EagleKing 20-10-2003 09:55 AM


that scares me O_O

iron_tick 20-10-2003 03:06 PM

I've been trying to figure out maya live. Know of any tutorials for Live?

kbrown 20-10-2003 06:09 PM

Thanks again guys.


Originally posted by iron_tick
I've been trying to figure out maya live. Know of any tutorials for Live?
I do have some previous experience on match moving. The Maya docs have been enough for me to get started. Have you done the instant maya live tutorial?

Witchy 20-10-2003 06:22 PM

That's really cool.

dragonfx 21-10-2003 01:10 PM

hey k-man what compositing program AE stands for?

[icarus_uk] 21-10-2003 01:21 PM

After Effects, Im guessing.

kbrown 21-10-2003 03:42 PM

yes, after effects.

cavalt 21-10-2003 04:09 PM


That's awesome K-Man!!
:D :D

iron_tick 21-10-2003 04:10 PM


Originally posted by kbrown
Thanks again guys.

I do have some previous experience on match moving. The Maya docs have been enough for me to get started. Have you done the instant maya live tutorial?

no, but I am now....

dockode 21-10-2003 08:04 PM


Kevin 22-10-2003 12:22 PM

hey looks great k man!!!

nice bit of work there!

kbrown 22-10-2003 01:02 PM

Gee thanks. :)

Inspires me to do more of this stuff :)

[icarus_uk] 22-10-2003 01:10 PM

If you can make something grow out of your head, that'd be jolly to see.

dockode 22-10-2003 03:11 PM

Eek... out of his head...?

[icarus_uk] 22-10-2003 04:21 PM

Yes. Out of his head.

dockode 22-10-2003 06:08 PM

What like a walking brain or somthing?

[icarus_uk] 22-10-2003 06:44 PM

If you like. I was thinking plants, or tentacles. But if brains float your boat...

[icarus_uk] 22-10-2003 06:46 PM

Oh heres an idea Kbar (yea Im trying out a cool nickname, I dont think it works). Hows about setting your hand on fire? No I dont mean in stupid "Ive got a sweatshirt to protect me" way, I mean add the fire in afterwards with some clever CG.

dockode 22-10-2003 06:46 PM

Plants are cool.

kbrown 22-10-2003 06:54 PM

Hehe, cool ideas guys. Let's see what I can come up with...


dockode 22-10-2003 06:58 PM

Yeah do the fire thing... use the same footage!

NitroLiq 22-10-2003 11:21 PM

I told ya to throw out that year old spaghetti...:)

dockode 23-10-2003 02:36 AM


Ra1Der 21-11-2003 11:38 PM

That does look pretty cool!

kbrown 22-11-2003 01:03 AM

Gee thanks. I wish I had the time to do more of this stuff :/

Pony 22-11-2003 01:15 AM

I'll add a nother WOW to it.. that looks so cool !! really a great job. Very insparational !!

Ra1Der 22-11-2003 09:40 AM

And heres me trying to make a fish :P lol out of curiosity how long have you guys been modeling for?

kbrown 22-11-2003 01:41 PM

I started somewhere around 1995 with Real 3D. Quickly changed to 3D Studio Max and about two years ago I switched to Maya.

Ra1Der 22-11-2003 02:14 PM

I used true space some years back, but I never really got into 3d modeling until now, I am a lil dislexic and I find it hard to follow hand written tutorials, so when I downloaded the PLE edition and found it came with some training videos I was very very happy :) out of interest how do I get back to polygons from a smooth proxy group ?

Zyk0tiK 22-11-2003 02:23 PM

what would be really cool is see someone do this sorta stuff to their face, make say... their skin peel away and there is a metallic skeleton left in its place. kinda terminatory, only not costing someone millions :D

DukerX 14-12-2003 02:56 PM

I've been looking around for a tutorial on doing match-moving but it's hard to find.

I tried to figure it out myself, but I can't seem to make it work right... he camra is bouncing around and stuff...

If you could just give a quick introduction to how you did it, it would be awesome!

kbrown 14-12-2003 06:43 PM

In this case I didn't track the camera as it was static. I tracked the dots I had painted on my hand and removed them in post.

Anyway, matchmoving is an artform in itself. Every shot is different but what is common to them is that you will most likely need to try to solve it several times with different settings. What works for one shot will not work for another.

Have you done the Live tutorial in the Maya docs?

LSphinx 15-12-2003 07:57 AM

you could expose the brain on your head,.... and then cut it and bake it or something.. lol... eew...!!>. but that's what is maya is for... eeh?... lol

DukerX 15-12-2003 07:52 PM

Still can
Yes I`ve done the tutorial.... But it was about match-moving the camera, not matching the movement of an object in the scene....

I tried to replicate the idea of painting dots on my arm, and stuff, and tracked them without a problem. The problem came when I tried to "solve" it.
It resulted in the camera flying everywhere but not matching the relative motion to my arm at all, and the locators wich is created, is not placed correctly, but are skewed so the upper locators are much closer to the camera and oposite for the lower, so it is useless to try to attatch geometry to them.

kbrown 15-12-2003 08:11 PM

Well, I can only guess here:

- Make sure that you're actually solving As Object
- Make sure you have at least six tracking dots visible all the time
- Make sure your trackings are clean
- Try entering some survey data
- Try to solve a shorter (good) clip first. Then use that as a basis for solving the rest.
- Try with or without various survey data entries.

As they say in the docs, matchmoving is an iterative process. There is no magic button which would make it all happen automatically. It takes time and patience :)

DukerX 15-12-2003 08:27 PM

As object ?!?!
Where is that box where I select "As object"???

It didn´t say in the tutorial... Or at least I don´t think it did....??

If you can reveal that magic secret to me... Then it gets alot more magic right away!

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