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# 20 28-12-2004 , 07:56 PM
Billy_Cat's Avatar
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: USA, CA
Posts: 351
Thanks, I started with a cube and made the head first by basically making some divisions in it and moved those around to get a basic shape, then I just made even more divisions and made the model even more detailed, then I just extruded the neck and kept extruding the faces to make the body and shaped it the way I wanted it to.

I used a script called MJ Poly Tools( ) and used the the thing called edge loop split to make more divisions.

I did make only one side by using MJ Poly Tools to make a line down the middle of the cube, then I deleted the faces of the left side, duplicated the right side, and I made sure that in the duplication options I had "Instance" checked instead of copy.. then I scaled the duplicated side across the X axis with a value of -1 in the channel box/layer editor. This made the part I duplicated go to the left side and so because it is an instance, whenever I move vertices around or make divisions in the right side, it edits the left side exactly the same way and makes the model symmetrical.. Hope this makes sense..

Last edited by Billy_Cat; 28-12-2004 at 07:59 PM.