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# 6 21-07-2005 , 04:45 PM
Posts: n/a

Thanks guys. I gotta think of this a bit more carefully. Right now I'm dealing with instability issues with the machine

Number 1 suspect is Ram as pointed out by azimuth.

Number 2 suspect is cpu heatsink/fan not fitted correctly.

Number 3 suspect is power supply esp if it came with a cheap case or used from old system. Remember new AMD`s and Intel chips have much higher power requirements, ditto with videocards.

Number 4 suspect is a driver issue. Try a clean install of OS. Run for a while, see if it locks up/crashs if not try installing drivers one at a time. Use the latest drivers if possible.

To test ram try Memtest86 [HERE]

Test single stick at a time !

Make sure cpu heatsink/fan is installed correctly, easy to get it wrong on AMD not so on Intel. If you remove heatsink, you will need to remove the remains of the thermal pad and replace it with some thermal compond, just a very thin layer.

See if you can loan a higher rated PSU from someone and test system again.