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# 76 29-08-2005 , 01:02 AM
alienscience's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: In the middle of nowhere in VA
Posts: 749

Originally posted by Nurb Herder
So I walked up to this hot chic at the bar last night and said, "So, do you live around here often?".
She said, "You know, you're wearing different colored socks."
"I don't wear them by color, I wear them by the feel", I replied.
"How do you feel?", she asks.
I told her,"Y'know how when you lean way back in your chair and you almost fall over but then you catch yourself at the last minute? I feel like that all the time."

Originally posted by Total Rookie
Vedic Queens
Samurai Jackass
VIM-->Invader ZIM
Sloxic Spunny
Junky Funnies
NOTE: I DON'T WANT TO OFFEND ANYONEuser added image!!!!

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmaouser added imagee ar god, you guys are fu**ing hillarious. I especially like "Gaylienscience". Makes me feel............important. I cant even begin to compete with the comical geniuses TotalRookie,
shadeblade, or mister nurb herder. But heres a stupid pic anyways.

EDIT: I am putting this up so I can reach it at school.

The Renaissance
World History II ADV.
Koetrge B4

-Ryan Schultz


The renaissance was a “cultural rebirth” that started in the mid-1300s and lasted until about 1600. During this era numerous philosophers, writers, artists, and musicians came to the lime light and produced what would become history. One of these was Michelangelo Buonarroti, who painted and sculpted many famous works such as the Pieta and the roof of the Sistine chapel of Rome. There was also Leonardo Da Vinci, who not only was a revolutionary painter but also excelled in many other fields. But, the renaissance was not only for the artistic revolution, but also for the mechanical minds as well. Many inventors flourished in this time period coming up with many helpful and innovative technological advances. One of which was Johannes Gutenberg, who invented a movable type printing press that reformed how books were created. So, as you can see, the renaissance was a significant time in our world’s history.

The famous Michelangelo Buonarroti, simply known as Michelangelo, was perhaps one of the time’s most prolific sculptors. Now world renown, Michelangelo was a religion influenced artist that focused on realism and pinpoint detail. His attention to detail is highly noticeable in his “David of Florence”. Which was a sculpture of David, the young man who fought the giant of biblical times, Goliath. But Michelangelo’s most notorious work would have to be the ceiling of the Sistine chapel of Rome, it stretched for 41 meters by 14 meters (that’s almost 5,000 square feet of paint) and it took him a little over 4 years to complete. Obviously, Michelangelo was a very busy person.

There was also another prodigy that seemed light years ahead of his time and the current outlook on life. His name was Leonardo Da Vinci, and he was magnificent at many trades, some of which included botany, anatomy, music, architecture and many more. His famous pieces include The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, both unearthly masterpieces that will never be forgotten. But, in the publics’ eye, Da Vinci was not always seen as…“perfect”.

Da Vinci’s interest in the human body (anatomy) and how it works often left him curious and without any specimens to study. So, at night he would sneak into graveyards and dig up recently deceased specimens to take back to his house to examine. This eventually left him in the courts for necromancy, which is attempting to raise the dead. Basically Da Vinci was a sane man, or at least as sane as a genius can get.

And lastly, there is Gutenberg, a man who created a printing instrument very similar to a wine press, which is where Gutenberg most likely got his idea, seeing as how he worked on a vineyard for quite a while. His first model was a crude imitation that used a wooden frame to house the movable type letters (his first prototype was created using wooden letters) while a large piston like rod pushed the wet letters onto the paper creating a print type effect.

This method completely changed the world of printing. Books that were at once hand written and took a life time to create could be replicated in a matter of days. But, at first Gutenberg was not credited with his design or invention. He was (not yet to be proven) betrayed by his sponsor and accused of plagiarism and was sued for everything he owned, including the printing press. To Gutenberg, this may have only been a small dent though, compared to how he affected and paved the roads for the world to explore new realms of media.

Ultimately, the renaissance was not only a change of mind but also a step forward in self expression and one that did not come effortless. Countless hours of toil that went long into the night conducted by some of the world’s most significant talent helped this era become one of the most memorable times of our world’s history. Without it, I highly doubt that we would be as open to talk about our opinions and self expression as we are now.

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Last edited by alienscience; 19-09-2005 at 11:25 AM.