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# 2 07-01-2006 , 09:56 AM
blomkaal's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Denmark
Posts: 816
My mate's girlfriend gave me to go to modelling her, so I'll get started once I get some refs... Here's an eyeball for ya

EDIT: So far the eyeball is just a smoothed poly sphere. If I have som spare time in the end, I might have a go at actually modelling an eyeball, with a cornea and stuff. Also, I didn't paint and bloodvessels in the texture, 'cause I tried and I sucked user added image Again, if I have some time left when everything else is done, I might try again...
The shader is just a basic blinn atm, but I'm thinking of changing it to a phong as they seem to have much sharper specularity (although I guess you can just tweak a blinn to have that too). Any suggestions/experiences on what to use?

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Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"

Last edited by blomkaal; 07-01-2006 at 10:25 AM.