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# 6 24-07-2006 , 02:07 PM
NeoStrider's Avatar
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Posts: 1,541
it says the last time i played was 06-19-2005... lol

the rest of the members of my guild haven't played since early '04...

i've only got 14000 gp so i have no idea what my rank is (and i'm sure it's dropped from gold battleaxe+ by now), but i do still have 142,800 gold left in my account heh.

and from what i can remember, i've got a robot x, a pharaoh hat, a magician's robe, one of those floaty bot things (the one that adds heart), and a magician's hat (which i only wore while getting $$ in the no-stat channels)

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