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# 21 04-11-2006 , 02:59 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Posts: 891
gster123, I have to say that the cgsociety forum really did not mention too much about how they are exactly testing thier systems so they are a bit questionable in my opinion. Anyways, hyperthreading is a not as good as Intel portrays it to be.

As for your link to tomshardware, well the link just took me to another 'page cannot be found' error and I don't wish to pursue it any further (too hard).

mirek03, you mentioned that you get so many warnings from Windows that its become standard. Are you absolutely sure that nothing has overheating and power problems? Its best to check just to be sure.

'I may have ,meant 'which is the best way to use a dual processor', As Eric has mentioned one can make a dual processor into a single one. Did you know that soon there will be quad processors??' - mirek03

You can make a dual core processor into a single one? I thought that it was disabling one of the cores... And yeah, I heard about those quad core processors (is this the start of the 'core myth'?) and about those 8 core processors due in the next five years...

Hope you get this render thing sorted out...