Thread: how...
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# 10 07-11-2006 , 09:54 PM
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even though 99GsTurbo said that 2d courses and drawing courses were considered crap, you've got to understand that after you can animate your own drawings fluidly it makes creating an animation in 3D that much easier... there's so many kids out there that take a straight-forward approach to their animations because they don't know that keying the major poses and in-betweening are still a major part of the animation process. they don't learn that when performing a 2D animation there's keying (drawing the major poses during action sequences) and then in-betweening (completing the frames that connect the major key frames). this is what helps us 3D animators (with 2D experience) in not only making sure our animations are fluid and believeable, but also in retaining a fast turnaround.

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