Thread: Idea
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# 8 13-06-2007 , 05:57 PM
tweetytunes's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Posts: 2,457
take the steam punk challenge. Mike was going to get us all to swap models - but ditched the idea because of the software issues.

Obj are rubbish as a file type if you need the to have separate parts to it. Mayas separate tools does not always work and you lose any group/laying with them.

Also hardware wise I`m better my quad core pc could take the heaviest of models but I`m betting that others could not even open some of the files I work with, without crashing maya. I`m not trying to be like "My PC better than yours" or anything but thats just the it is sometimes.

The only way a challenge like this could work is if there was a lot of restrictions on it. One of the reasons I like the challenges here is because they are quit relaxed here on the rules.