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# 9 07-07-2007 , 12:29 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 31

Originally posted by AnthonyCg
The model looks good. I look forward to seeing how you texture the rust. You'd think a bounty hunter would have enough money for a drycleaner though.

Boba's armor is Mandolorian, its ancient alien technology that is extremely hard to reproduce.
(the clonetroopers look the same, but its different material)
Fixing his armor would cost him more then half a spaceship armada user added image

Oh well, back to real life, and the model... its looking great!
Cant wait to see his weapon user added image

In ICT there are two kinds of people : Technically challenged artists, and artistically challenged technicians.

I am, without a doubt, the latter.
- Dave