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# 48 19-01-2003 , 06:28 AM
ereitz's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Germany/Canada
Posts: 545

Originally posted by Garry1953
The Tree consists of a subdiv cylinder tapered stretched twisted and duplicated a few times...

duplicated how? I mean is the tree one mesh or is it a bunch of meshes grouped? could you show a wire frame?

I made mine by stetching a cylinder and then extruding faces off it for branches and putting it thru various deformations but as a method it sucks - all the branches are square or rectangle shaped and then by smoothing them the poly count just skyrockets - not that that's such a concern for a scene but when one tree has so many and you want to duplicate it a few times it gets silly.

Check out the subsurfacescattering on my tongue...

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