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# 1 12-05-2009 , 08:59 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Jaen, Spain
Posts: 208

Spaceship challenge, earthling

Hi there, this is the basic shape of my entry. It is not as it looks an exploration ship, it is a Black Hole Thrower, that is, a spaceship designed to locate, capture and transport mini black holes, and eventually aim them toward the enemy planets.

It is an earthling weapon and its suposedly capable to deal with all the other species except perhaps the unity as it is not known if these entities will be capable of survive if the black hole swallow their planets or space installations.

I made the main body with 2 basic nurbs shapes transformed by a latice and cutting one from the other with a boolean operation.The upper part is polygonal.

I dont think I will have time or the skill to detail it properly , but I wanted to participate with something.

On the top of the structure there is a device (now only a raw shape) wich is in charge of keeping the black hole from absorbing the ship.
The tecnology used to achieve this is still unknown to us.

The mini black holes used are not the microscopic ones created in the big bang, but a little bigger ones with enaugh mass to be capable of performing their task.

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Last edited by taquion; 13-05-2009 at 01:07 PM.