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# 3 10-08-2011 , 08:03 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 19
there are many ways to do this but the way i would do is (which is easiest in my opinion)

hypershade>select the texture>click input, output connection>texture window>in its properties in side window> go to repeat uv (by default it is 1 and 1, that means whatver your texture is, it will be covering whole plane with only 1 times if you make it 2, the texture would be on plane two times and so forth,) so increase the values to your liking and you will have repeated texture!


above mentioned method, repeating plane would work too,(maya is flexible) but for a person like me, who has limited ram, the file would become heavier and it might increase rendering time! user added image
