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# 5 29-05-2012 , 05:58 PM
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The Nurb Herd
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: London
Posts: 2,381
2D tracking is a bit different. matchmove is matching a camera and its move in 3D space. so ignoring maya for a moment (because it really doesn't matter what you render in.) if the track is correct in syntheyes you should have exported a camera and depending on the camera data you have, you should have set the film back, the focal length have a correct frame range and set the fps correctly.
When you export your camera from boujou,3de,pftrack it will have all the frames baked. it will have all the camera information you used to solve the track. this should be correct (or close) or the camera solve will be wrong and you will see objects swimming around or things will no line up in a sensible way (circles in the plate will be oval when modeled for example.)

I think what you were explaining is shutter angle. this determines the amount and type of motion blur. generally this is set to 180 degrees.
it works like this..
if you look at a film like apocalypto the DoP/director set the shutter angle to an acuter angle so you have less motion blur (frame exposed for a shorter amount of time) but you get a kind of strobing effect.
in maya MB is calculated on the half frame. if you render anything with MB you can see the time line move 0.5 left and right of the frame you are rendering.