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# 1 06-04-2016 , 11:51 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 1

Issues with materials/normal mapping.


Sorry if this is basic and poorly explained, I'm still a beginner.

I have been trying to model a building for a project I'm working on at Uni and I seem to be having multiple issues with my mesh. The first is the materials: when I add a basic texture to my mesh and go into the attribute editor it shows both lambert 1 and the material I assigned to my mesh.

I think this is linked with the second problem. After I UV mapped the object and attempt to bake a normal map in Maya with transfer maps the envelope doesn't show up. I tried exporting the low and high poly as OBJ's to bake the normal map in Xnormal instead and that doesn't seem to work either.

I was told to try re-importing the OBJ's into Maya and received this message: " Your OBJ file contains faces shared by multiple groups. Maya cannot create multiple objects for this file. A single mesh object will be created instead. The OBJ group information will be captured in Maya sets."