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# 19 18-12-2003 , 10:07 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2003
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Posts: 2,573
I haven't seen the 3rd one yet.. but just thought I would toss in my .02 about the length of the cuts.

They made these movies, because they loved the books.. The books were not wrote with the 10 sec cut of the MTV or heavy action movie in mind.

Personally I applaud them for having the nerve to leave in all the cuts they felt would help it be truer to the books. I can not count how many movies they cut seens out of that piss me off.

I know, some movies get way to long. And for thoughts that feel this one to long.. just think though, at least in this one they give you some good eye candy and cinematography to look at while your waiting..

oh well to each his own. But if you have ever watched the cartoon versions, these suck only 1/100 of thoughs.. LOL