Tutorial Overview

In this tutorial we show you how to model a golf ball in Maya with the GeoSphere script and how it will create a better result than using Maya's platonic solids and smoothing an icosaderon. You'll learn how to use MEL scripts in Maya, what the five platonic solids are, as well as some modeling basics like chamfer vertices, subdividing edges, offsetting extruded faces and smoothing geometry. The GeoSphere script used in this tutorial is free to download and can be found here; http://creativecrash.com/maya/downloads/scri­pts-plugins/polygon/c/geosphere Key Features: - Installing & Launching a MEL Script - Maya's Platonic Solids - Creating an Icosaderon with GeoSphere - Extruding & Smoothing Geometry This tutorial is free to all, if you would like to open an account at SimplyMaya please use the register link at the top of every page.


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