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metallicjet66 27-03-2005 01:32 PM

PLease, the only reason my robot had a boost of details and became more precise with reality was because of funky bunnies, he chats with me everyday, and iask him for help on what i should do in this part and that,im not norm dudes, i really am noob, please get me back,

if u think i belong in noob, then u obviously think im gonna win or something (i just doubted that) atleast let this challenge be over, and see who wins, and wait a second

ur boosting me up to normal, rite? i've been usin maya for what, A MONTH, but colto over at lightwave, has a better and more detailed bot than mine, he's been usin lightwave for what, almost a year, and he's still in noob, see what i mean

please let me get back to noob category, its not fair, really,and if i dont win, my parents arent givin me maya 6.5:(

please, i have alot to learn before i get into normal, all i know is a few animation stuff, big time on polygon and very little on nurbs, and learned a bit on shaders, thats it!!!, please u guys, dont u think i feel if im a noob or not...?

:( this is really unfair, truly.....

metallicjet66 27-03-2005 01:44 PM

and one last thing, this whole week, i had a boost of progress, only because it was spring break, tomorrow skool starts, my friend is coming over today to finish a prject, and now if i have to live with bein normal for this challenge, Oh MY LORD, than i would have to go full speed with my robot, and i cant do that on the last quarter, when everything counts, and if i dont do good this last quarter, im dead, no more maya, including the summer, and i usually get straight A's, i got a few B's when i had maya, so please, cmon

loosen up, just this challenge, if i win, i move up to norm, if i lose i stick with noob, cmon:(

metallicjet66 27-03-2005 02:23 PM

thanks u guys:)

thatdudeyoulove 27-03-2005 02:34 PM


you don't need to be extremely experienced to put in lots of detail. Everyone should learn that "beauty is in the details" at one time or another. Metallicjet simply learned it early on. this looks excellent, by the way. I don't think this knowledge is any reason to penalize him.
I agree completely. I know metallicjet has been working hard for quite some time this week. He may not be as skilled as the other people but he puts time and effort into his stuff and that is what makes it great. I am the same way. I have spent countless hours trying to make my challenge entry as detailed as possible. I don't really think detail is a reason to bump him up. If you have seen the "mainframe I made for my bot at SimplyLightwave it looks somewhat detailed but is really just a bunch of rectangles I beveled about 30 times each. hehe. Plus I think that it would be healthy to keep us noobs in question in right now because we are creating some major competition. Hopefully this can help inspire others to see that even a noob can create nice looking models with time and effort. IMHO I think he should stay noob. But that is just me.

thatdudeyoulove 27-03-2005 02:37 PM

O yeah and I don't really have that much modelling experience. I kinda tried to avoid modelling for as long as possible. O yeah if any of you are getting confused by this conversation I am colto from SimplyLightwave he was refering too. Cheers guys and good look on your bots!

metallicjet66 27-03-2005 04:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
here is my spinners im adding to my bot for ventilation from the mechanical stuff inside, which will then flip into a speaker if needed ina scrime scene

metallicjet66 27-03-2005 04:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i just rotated my spinner 180 degrees, here is the speaker side...

needs more work tho, both of them do;)

thatdudeyoulove 27-03-2005 05:31 PM

Ok if you have a vent it would have to be empty on the otherside because that is where the air goes. If you have a speaker there then there is no air flow and it is pointless to have a fan. On the ventilation fans on my bot there is an empty shaft which leads to the insides of the bot. It SHOULD be like that in your case. Why not just have some vents with speakers next to them. It would give the effect of more detail!

metallicjet66 27-03-2005 05:59 PM

didnt even have to say that dude, i alraedy have fixed that, dont worry;)

thanks alot,:) good luck on ur bot

metallicjet66 27-03-2005 06:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
hooked the speakers and spinners onto the body, hope u guys like it...

thatdudeyoulove 27-03-2005 07:00 PM

looking good. I better step it up to keep up with this one!

mhcannon 27-03-2005 07:51 PM

Looks great, but if you're going to animate it and your new to animation, you might want to allow yourself the time to learning the rigging, timing, weights, and batch rendering too. I'd say at this point you have a pretty good grasp of modelling, just don't underestimate how long the animating side takes. :)

Either way, keep on truckin'

Funky Bunnies 27-03-2005 07:55 PM

on the contrary, though I am not very experienced with maya, hydraulics are actually fairly easy to do once you get a firm grasp of it. A few other things (springs perhaps?) may take a bit of blendshaping, but you shouldn't have much trouble with it, methinks. Perhaps, though, I'm a bit partial to modeling ;) Just use your time wisely and be sure to leave yourself a week or two to tweak animation and renders.

this looks nice, man. Keep it coming, I'm interested in seeing how this will look :)

Pony 28-03-2005 12:01 AM

ok.. welp I was wrong. shrugs. sorry about that. Didn't meen to sound like i was pushing for something you didn't want.

metallicjet66 28-03-2005 01:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
its ok, modified the positions of the spinners and speakers...

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