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R-Tillery 18-04-2006 11:30 PM


Originally posted by 13th_resident
hey man, its not God who makes the violence.

us ppl were not made to be puppets.

I wont debate you here about that statement, but read the bible and what God told Mosses army’s to do and the reasons why and he goes on to do it to others as well.

mtmckinley 19-04-2006 04:27 AM

I don't mind friendly debate, but just as long as it stays FRIENDLY.

Just a little reminder from your friendly neighborhood mod and aimed at no one in particular... just these topics can get very touchy...

R-Tillery 19-04-2006 04:59 AM


Originally posted by mtmckinley
I don't mind friendly debate, but just as long as it stays FRIENDLY.

Just a little reminder from your friendly neighborhood mod and aimed at no one in particular... just these topics can get very touchy...

Rogger that ;)

Tiago2 19-04-2006 07:22 AM


Originally posted by R-Tillery
These will not answer your questions but it's a good place to start. If you believe in the bible the first thing you should do is open your mind and question all your thoughts, just don’t take a persons word for your own beliefs, question every thing and every one and come up with your own answers. If I may suggest a website for you to go to, it’s a free thought site, they have weekly pod shows, where Theist debate Atheist and talk about every thing.


Ok listen, Im not questioning my beliefs witht this theory, anyone can see this is ridiculous. I just want to see how far I can take it. For the fun of it. Like alot of stuff these days, Its all imagination. You take a bit of truth (eg. painting in deep tunnels) and mix it up with alot of nothing but peer imagination. Thats all it is.


Originally posted by hulkis2001

Last thing. Wouldn't there be ALOT less violence and crimes if none of the religions or God existed? For one we wouldn't be having this War. The war started because of terrorists. What created the terrorists? Islam? What is Islam? It's a religion. So if the religions didn't existed, we would have alot more freedom.

You say religion created the terrorist. Well it wasn't islam. People created them. The palestinians for exaple. They're all muslims. They live in their nice cosy homes until someday some pricks come by and take them out of their house at gun point. Ok, its sad. Some might tolerate that even. Then they're givin a curfew in their own land by foeigners. How would u feel if u were in their shoes. Maybe they lost family unjustly. Like the story about the dad who's kid got shot going to school. Similer sercomstances might build up hate in a person and drive them to do terrorist acts. Its not islam fault. Im not muslim but I don't think Islam encourages terroism.


Originally posted by R-Tillery

I wont debate you here about that statement, but read the bible and what God told Mosses army’s to do and the reasons why and he goes on to do it to others as well. [/URL]

I read the Bible and their were reasons for why God commanded his ppl to do some of those act. Most of the times it were judgement for the idol worshipers. But that was the Old Testament. Read the New Testament. The way Jesus taught us to live. "Love your enemies" "Do good to them that hate you". Thats God's New commandmen. Thats the way Christians ought to live. Theirs no hate in their.

blomkaal 19-04-2006 08:02 AM

First of all, I'd be careful of accusing any religion of spawning terrorists... Keep in mind that one man's terrorist is another man's freedomfighter. Just take look at the IRA. How strong do you think their faith in Islam were?

And 13th_resident, shame on you for not respecting that not all people have the same beliefs as you... :shakehead

R-Tillery 19-04-2006 08:06 AM

Huumm,, So your saying it was a good thing that god told his army to go forth and kill every man / woman / infant and animal because of there sin? Those must have been some really bad babies and animals to be put to death.;)

And doesn’t Jesus say I come not bringing peace but a sword and to hate your mother and brother and let the dead bury the dead? :confused:

just checking;)

13th_resident 19-04-2006 08:27 AM


Originally posted by blomkaal

And 13th_resident, shame on you for not respecting that not all people have the same beliefs as you... :shakehead

Respect!!!!! what the h..ll.
of course i respect religions and beliefs.
i live in a town where 40 percent of the ppl here are muslims (those 40 percent consists of afghans, pakistanis and VERY VERY FEW kuwaitians and iraqis ), and 50 percent are indians and sri lankans.
i've got muslims friends.
when i see my friends or other ppl praying to allah i dont go up to them and start cussing them. or go saying there religion is stupid.


I don't mind friendly debate, but just as long as it stays FRIENDLY.

yes i want to make this a friendly forum and conversation. tiago2 theory is dumb (and funny).
i just got a little bit out of hand when he said i dont respect beliefs.
bloomkall you shouldnt always jump to conclusions of what ppl say. yes i did sound like i was against his beliefs. but it was more of a joke. i dont go around converting ppl to christianity. i dont go to church. perhaps your're taking this thread a bit to seriously.

blomkaal 19-04-2006 08:44 AM

13th, I'm not jumping to conclusions, I was just referring to your comment on Hulkis being an atheist... What's wrong with being an atheist?

hulkis2001 19-04-2006 11:14 AM

Let's not start a war please.

It doesn't matter what we believe in, as long as each and everyone of us do the right thing. That's what really matters.

Now all i have to ask is, how come you believe in God when you can't even see him or him even showing a sign of his existen? I just want your opinions that's all. I want to know the reason behind it.;)

blomkaal 19-04-2006 01:24 PM

Hulkis is right, and what I said probably came out more harsh than I meant it to... I'm just curious how one who accepts that people believe in different Gods can't seem to accept that some people believe in no God?

I'm not accusing you of discrimination or anything 13th, but that's how your reply seemed to me... Just curious is all... ;)

No hard feelings from my part :beer:

13th_resident 19-04-2006 02:10 PM

then lets all just get along. ;) :beer: ;)

R-Tillery 19-04-2006 06:39 PM

Ok now to put this forum post back on track. First off I see a lot of holes in your story. If you believe in God and are a Christian, then he made the earth 5,000 years ago, not enough time to create any modern technology that we have today. If we were looking for such advancements (And we Have) we would be finding it in Africa according to scientist, but we haven’t, that’s because the people back then were to busy attending to their masters and worshiping them. People back then did not have the mental capacity to be as smart as we are today.

Now about the Ice age. This statement blows the theory of God out of the way because of the time frame. Scientist have found with fact that this took place over millions of years ago from carbon dating and from ice cores and fossils. So it would be hard to make any kind of technological advancement in that time frame.

Now as for your Nuke Hypothesis,, Man you should become a SiFi writer, cause that story is way out there. I mean like L.Ron Hubbert stuff. With out any way to prove such a theory, this might sound a little odd. If a person could be as advanced as you said that this person could go thru different dimensions, then what would keep him from going back in time to stop the war from even happening? Your theory don’t hold water..

If it weren’t for the dark ages, we would be more advanced then what we are. Over 8 hundred years in that time frame if any one was to make any kind of technological advancement would be considered of hearsay and burned as a witch. So we putted along as we did till this day.;)

Thats just my take on it:beer:

hulkis2001 19-04-2006 08:21 PM

You know who God really is? US! Yeah, we are God. But we are God only if we're "ONE". Do you see where i'm going? If every human on this planet learn to coperate, respect each others, help each others and work together, puting our races and colors aside. Imagine what we can accomplish? We'd be unstopable. If you really think about it, that really makes sense. If we believe in each other, show respect and do the right thing, then we are winners. This world be much much better place. Close to perfect i say.

Sadly half the world has gone crazy. Actually most of us has. Now days it's all about money, power, oil.....ect. This is what we are fighting for each and everyday. Bush and terrorists go bomb the hell out of each other for this. All this is doing is killing inecent people in the center who clearly has nothing to do with the war. Men, women, children, babies have died and are dying in the middle east. That's a shame expecially when they are completly inecent of any crimes. There is no good side in this way. No way in hell Bush is good and no way in hell terrorists are good. Good people don't fight.

This 911 that happened. I feel so sorry for the families that lost their loved ones in the WTC bombing. I don't know if it were the terrorists who did or american government planned it. But who ever blew the towers and killed thousands of inecent people is a no good son of a B****H! Sorry for the swaring but they deserve it. It must feel terrible to loose someone you love.

Frankly Bush and the terrorists don't understand that. That's just my opinion. Read the first paragraph.....again. That's how i want the world to be.:beer:

MattTheMan 19-04-2006 09:03 PM


Originally posted by hulkis2001
It doesn't matter what we believe in, as long as each and everyone of us do the right thing. That's what really matters.

See, that's what I think is wrong. As long as we all do what's right. So... there is no God, let's say. Then who makes the rules? Who establishes what is "right" and what is "wrong"? Can you tell me? Can government tell you? Then, who tells them? They tell eachother. But they will always disagree on something. That is because what they decide isn't allways what EVERYONE decides.

Therefore there will allways be disagreement- unless there is an ultimate lawgiver- God.


Originally posted by hulkis2001
Now all i have to ask is, how come you believe in God when you can't even see him or him even showing a sign of his existen? I just want your opinions that's all. I want to know the reason behind it.;) [/B]
Ok, there is no God. Explain me this- can you rise from the dead? I HIGHLY doubt it. But, if you insist you can, can I go and beat the crap out of you, then nail you to a cross and sticking a spear between your ribs?

Ok, that happened about 1975 years ago (Jesus died at around 33 years of age).

So, what about miracles. I know- you will deny them first chance you get.

How do you explain a person with terminal colon cancer getting instsntly well, with the cancer completly leaving them? Or, howabout a person that is dead, proclaimed dead, but comes back? How about dying people- they claim to see loved ones.

Ok- I don't care if this makes my reputation go down - I stand up for what I think is right.


Originally posted by hulkis2001
You know who God really is? US! Yeah, we are God. But we are God only if we're "ONE". Do you see where i'm going? If every human on this planet learn to coperate, respect each others, help each others and work together, puting our races and colors aside.

The only way that could happen is if we all were perfect. unfortunatly, we are not all "good" on the inside. We all have sinful natures. Some people are really close to being perfect (like mother Teresa), but the only way they manage to do that is by obeying God's commandments.


Originally posted by hulkis2001
Sadly half the world has gone crazy. Actually most of us has. Now days it's all about money, power, oil.....ect. [/B]

our sinful natures- none of us is born "good".


Originally posted by hulkis2001
No way in hell Bush is good and no way in hell terrorists are good. Good people don't fight. [/B]
I don't say that. Bush claims he is a Christian, but, honestly I disagree.

Tiago2 20-04-2006 02:55 AM


Originally posted by R-Tillery

Now about the Ice age. This statement blows the theory of God out of the way because of the time frame. Scientist have found with fact that this took place over millions of years ago from carbon dating and from ice cores and fossils. So it would be hard to make any kind of technological advancement in that time frame.

Thats just my take on it:beer:

According to carbon dating? And ice cores? Alot is being said that carbon dating does not work for more than 50,000 years. So it would be nearly impossible to date millions of years with that method. ( Ice cores also has its draw backs. Annual rings found in ice cores aren't anual rings at all. After watching the seminars found in I have a new outlook on scientist's proclamations. I took the liberty to upload the section where he talks about Annual rings just for u. Feel special. lol. This guy is a Scientist with a PHD and whatnot. He discredits evolution and similer theories like there's no tomorow. All with scientific evidence. If nothing else its interesting to hear a different argument for the age of the earth. Heres the link to the annual rings section, @ 3.4MB.


Originally posted by R-Tillery
If a person could be as advanced as you said that this person could go thru different dimensions, then what would keep him from going back in time to stop the war from even happening? Your theory don’t hold water.

Thanks for stating the obvious. But to defend my
Maybe it wasnt possible to go back in time. Maybe we only get one chance and what we do now is done. There's no second chances to go back in time and fix our mistakes. Even with all that technolodgy the mad scientist still wasn't able to turn back the hands of time. It a one way ride and there is no reversing.

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