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13-11-2007 04:41 PM

i take it on the street i actually got stopped with that last night and the cop said its fine as long as i keep it in its case but...

DONT TURN THIS IN TO A BIG DEBATE!!!!i dont wanna get the thread closed
:beer: sorry if i seem angry:ninja:

farbtopf 13-11-2007 04:43 PM

no worries, just don't cut people up please:bandit:

louis56 13-11-2007 04:48 PM

jesus christ. You actually got pulled with that. Wow. You're lucky not to be in jail

starjsjswars 13-11-2007 05:46 PM

lol you do look like a druggie

13-11-2007 08:13 PM


lol you do look like a druggie
lol... thanks?


no worries, just don't cut people up please
i dont plan on it i've just had a lot of bad expeirences with guns pulled on me... eg. last time i was at my dads house i walked out of his building and had an m16 pulled on me and stuffed into my mouth... i didnt know whether to ask where he got it or to give him my cash:p i asked where he got it first lol... bad move...

starjsjswars 13-11-2007 10:48 PM

Lol.. are you? :)

14-11-2007 03:08 AM

not really i smoke pot and cigarettes and drink but thats it:p

ckyuk 21-11-2007 02:28 AM

My view is a bit mixed on this. First i think it's is quite a cool weapon to own, but maybe just as a collectors piece. I'm all for collecting weapons and have a few of my own, i see it as part of growing up as a boy. Most of us at some point think wouldn't it be cool to own one of those swords or go shoot some stuff in the garden. However as for taking something like that out on the streets with you, i'm not so sure. Personaly i think any guy who's going to stick a gun in your mouth to get some cash, is going to do a hell of alot more than just point it at you if they see you coming with one of those. Even with the smaller blades (e.g. pocket knife) i'm not too sure, but i think my view here is to leave it to personal prefference as some ppl might feel safe with one on them. Myself i think i'm safer without as at the end of the day it's not going to stop you getting shot and if you get into a fight just fight dirty it's alot easier explaining why it was self defence that you smacked the guy attacking you with a brick off the floor than if you stabbed the guy.


pbman 21-11-2007 04:03 AM

i dont want to come across as an arse but SM should delete this thread, they shouldnt promote this stuff

as said before u carying a knife will probably provoke a bigger response form an attacker that an unarmed one - wat money do u need to protect, take a card and change so no big loss

i find it hard to believe u can walk down the street with this even in can ( i thought u were only allowed concealed guns ,let alone having a 20" blade out on display but im in england so i dont know the laws over there)

by carrying that i think u just lower ppls expectations of todays youth (and i am only 18 so i get tarred with the same brush)

The Architect 21-11-2007 01:38 PM

Nice... very nice... it makes me jealous, lol :cool:

And as for that whole self defence thing, isn't carrying multiple blades just a tad overkill? :)

21-11-2007 07:33 PM

my buddy managed to break it anyways :headbang: he had it outside in the cold for a fw hours hacking away at a bush then he dropped it and the plastic peice thats straps to your arm broke.... no more killing spree for me... IM GETTIN FANGS ;)

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