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Kevin 29-03-2003 11:12 AM

couple of days left! get finishing guys

Cyrius 30-03-2003 06:21 PM

yep kev !! i think i ll finish my robot tomorrow (monday March,31)
It' s a very good challenge i m so impatient to see the winners because there is a lot of entries !!
i can t wait to see the next challenge subject !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and....... GOOD LUCK ALL !!

wicket 31-03-2003 08:32 AM

Yes good luck to everyone! :D GREAT job this month guys all the entries have been really good and the competition is tuff and tight! VERY close!!! :D
And just remember that if I don't win I do have 3 Gundams and I'm not afraid to use them! ;) LOL!!!

Kevin 31-03-2003 08:51 AM

M will be deciding the winner today... so finish up quick!

Sorry about the pictures not showing on the showcase...we are doing some work atm, but hope it will be done soon

Basura3d 31-03-2003 09:19 AM

At what time GMT?

Kevin 31-03-2003 10:12 AM

not sure ...but very soon so get it done, could be any time today

Basura3d 31-03-2003 10:16 AM

I'm going to follow the rules then...

"7. Finish by last day of month midnight at latest (10 o'clock my time)"

So by midnight I will post my final render

Kevin 31-03-2003 10:19 AM

thats it :)

Kevin 31-03-2003 04:49 PM

guys please note that we simply cannot watch the site 24 / 7

so the shutoff time for the comp will be sometime today... well basically when M feels the need. Try to get your challenges in and complete the day before to stop confussion

Kevin 31-03-2003 04:54 PM

edit...we will go as near to the time as possible but have many things to do so "GET A MOVE ON" :D

M 01-04-2003 02:20 AM

Hey, seeing the large variety of timezones, just this time im going to give some of you some slack. I will announce when the competition is CLOSED. Starting now I am putting on a timer for 4 hours. Sorry but if its not in by then, then thats it. Sorry for the showcase guys, i know its not working right. Hopefully it will be back up during the next competition :D. I will manually go through the competators in normal and noobie class, and choose the winners after that 4 hour period. Please make it clear which render is your final.

Starting next month, the final will be the end of the day in YOUR timezone. The only reason this works is someone from my timezone can get started early on the competition, when someone like kevin in his timezone will only have maybe 1 hour left in that day to work on it. This way everyone has the exact ammount of time from when it starts to when it ends.

Once i choose the winners, i will run them by kevin and then post the next day the winners :D. BTW, the new competition will be starting as of tommorow! The topic this time will be a surprise :). Woohoo, new comp!

adldesigner 01-04-2003 02:30 AM


Originally posted by M
Hey, seeing the large variety of timezones, just this time im going to give some of you some slack. I will announce when the competition is CLOSED. Starting now I am putting on a timer for 4 hours. Sorry but if its not in by then, then thats it. Sorry for the showcase guys, i know its not working right. Hopefully it will be back up during the next competition :D. I will manually go through the competators in normal and noobie class, and choose the winners after that 4 hour period. Please make it clear which render is your final.

Starting next month, the final will be the end of the day in YOUR timezone. The only reason this works is someone from my timezone can get started early on the competition, when someone like kevin in his timezone will only have maybe 1 hour left in that day to work on it. This way everyone has the exact ammount of time from when it starts to when it ends.

Please check link in my sig.
Will help us with this whole Timezones problem.

M 01-04-2003 05:56 AM

heh, funny you should say that adl, i thought the same thing just a day ago. New plans though as of next competition :). Thanks man.

M 01-04-2003 06:29 AM

Ok, sorry for all the timezone problems on this competition. There were mixed words flying around like, has to be done at 12 kevins time, or 12 my time, or things like that. It was clearly stated 4 hours ago that i would end this in 4 hours. Thats now. So thankyou all for competing and im glad that lots of you were able to get your final render in, and wow.. what a lot of work to judge! It has all been wonderful! So the competition is closed and i will be announcing the winners in a little while :). Thanks again, and the next challenge will be started up tommorow morning, or afternoon (depends if i have the time in the morning) I may start the next competition tonight. Ok, cya.

Ultragames 01-04-2003 07:01 AM

A surprise huu? No voting? Ok. I hope its one i can get behind. NOthing like 'realisum' i hope. I trust you M.

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