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frayo 22-02-2004 09:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
a closer shot...

frayo 22-02-2004 09:56 PM

possible rigging problem
1 Attachment(s)
ey guys... i think i may have a big problem regarding rigging my character. i wasn't really able to plan out the whole thing...i just jumped in...and made myself a very dense mesh. i never rigged a acharcter b4. do you think i can rig this one....what are the things i should watch out for....things to keep in mind. i dont have enuf time to experiment.

any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

mtmckinley 22-02-2004 10:00 PM

Nice job. :) One thing I might suggest with the model is to have the little horns on his torso seem to actually protrude from the skin more. Right now it's kinda just intersecting the surface, if you get my meaning.

Yeah, the mesh is a bit dense. Might be too late for this one, but in the future, you might want to rig it before smoothing.

frayo 22-02-2004 10:25 PM

yeah i get what you mean Mike....its kinda difficult coz the topoly of the torso is actually messy. i tried putting details like the nipples..i also tried the seams in his pants....but the result is ugly. my topology is badly built i only paid much attention on topolgy when i was trying to build the head this is biggest lesson i learn about topoly. so i was thinking maybe it can be remedied with the texture... some bump or displacement maybe...

about the rigging...well, i still have the unsmoothened mesh. the smoothed one i render is a smooth proxy. is skinning mentained if i use smooth proxy or do i have to use smooth operation...?

well. i guess i'm about to find out...

thanks mike :)

sorry i forgot to reply....yes he's got powers. he can concentrate energy and use it however he wants it. like bolts of electricity...fireball...things like that.. :D

J! hehe salamat bai....patudlo ka maya...way problema na :D nhan kaayo ko mo-share pra daghan ta. hehe suway2x ra gud ni bai...kadaug pa diay ko sa libro...heheh

dragonsfire 22-02-2004 10:36 PM

Real nice and clean :beer

frayo 22-02-2004 10:46 PM

thanks dragonsfire :D

mumbojumbo_13 23-02-2004 12:33 PM

man thats dense
but good luck with it all :D

spekkio 23-02-2004 10:28 PM

cheers! nice work bai...

Stormgetto 24-02-2004 02:49 AM

mY GOSH!!!
U are crazy.....Are u trying "enter in the Matrix"???
Anyway.....great job!!!!!I wish that I could get at this stage.....
So just a question what kind of machine u using????

flib 24-02-2004 03:23 AM

It does look very dense, is it smoothed? Have you tried editing the smoothness level with it's input node.

Looks excellent though! Nice job :)

frayo 24-02-2004 05:45 AM

thanks Darth... :D

thanks man...your doing pretty impressive work yourself. :D
my machine is just an old PIII 5500 with 196Mb RAM. its pretty slow but i got nothing else...i don't have enuf dough yet to buy a new one. heheh )

yah that's the smoothened wire. subdivision level 2. i can still go back on the original mesh though..

here's both of them:

mtmckinley 24-02-2004 05:47 AM

nice job with the mesh. :) Very clean.

It looks like you shouldn't have too much trouble with making the horns protruding into the surface of the skin.

frayo 24-02-2004 05:54 AM

ey...! thanks Mike :D actually there a lot of n-sided polys. i only learned my lesson on quads when i was doing the head. thanks for the compliment :)

Clod 24-02-2004 11:04 AM

I thought the mesh looked good too. I don't think n-sided polys can be avoided completely, unless you want to use loads of extra quads.

frayo 24-02-2004 07:34 PM

about the horns
thanks Clod :D yah i agree. i just discovered that when you apply smooth operation Maya rebuilds the entire mesh as quads...amazing! :)

Mike i've been trying to find a way to attach the horns...while trying to figure out how to rig him at the same time. i have 1 question:

how come if i use union boolean operation (the body and the horns)...the entire mesh disappears...?

does anybody knows y its like this...?

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