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Falott 13-05-2005 08:04 AM

transfering UVsets not allowed
something else I found out. but it's no logic thing. when I make duplicate version from orig mesh and map it planar, then try to transfer the new UVset_Costum to the orig mesh it happens that this creates nothing. so I try it again - same process. well the 2nd try did work it created beside the default map1 a UVset_Costum on my original mesh. there is absolutely no logic sense about this. why didn't it work the first time?! there was no warning in the SE. after deleting the new set transfering still doesn't work the first but second time.

first try:

select -r polyToSubd55 ;
select -tgl polyToSubd54 ;
polyTransfer -vc 0 -uv 1 -v 0 -ao polyToSubd55|subdTessShape2 polyToSubd54|subdTessShape2;
// Result: polyTransfer1 //

second try:

select -r polyToSubd55 ;
select -tgl polyToSubd54 ;
polyTransfer -vc 0 -uv 1 -v 0 -ao polyToSubd55|subdTessShape2 polyToSubd54|subdTessShape2;
// Result: polyTransfer2 //

after deleting the UVsets I also deleted history. next try is with a extracted part. extracted the dupe mesh in two halfes maped it planar. no transfer is happening.

select -r polyToSubd55 ;
select -tgl polyToSubd54 ;
polyTransfer -vc 0 -uv 1 -v 0 -ao polyToSubd55|subdTessShape2 polyToSubd54|subdTessShape2;
// Warning: Can't perform polyTransfer1 on disabled selection //
// Result: polyTransfer1 //

I would be so very happy if someone could tell me something about that!

Falott 13-05-2005 09:30 PM

I reinstalled maya now cause I´m depressed, this is hopeless. in this tut on

it sounds so easy. and at my first attempt, when not really knowing what I did everything worked out well. but now after hours of reading and trial & error that damn UV thing just WONT transfer. I just can´t figure out what is going on here! this guy from the tut said ".. as long as no geometry is changed and the numer of vertices is the same". so I thought ->extracting<- leaves me the same number of verts. but logically a extracted geometry though adds verts. whatever. I did exactly what the tut told - no chance. if nobody can help, I will look for another way to lay out the UVs. but in my opinion this tutorial - if it would keep its promise - is best way to lay out the UVs of my fish.

what is this "disabled selection"? is an obj with different counts of vertices a disabled object for transfering? seems so.

still would be great, if someone knows and could lend a helping hand!

orgeeizm 14-05-2005 07:47 AM

when you extract a geometry, you make an exact copy of the selected faces, the tutorial tells you to do that and flatten out the extracted copy and work on its UV and then transfer it back to the original source, so i think you gotta select the same exact faces again. thats why you save it as a selection earlier on. the tutorial seems simple enough, if anything you should try doing it on a simpler object, lets say a 32 polygon rock. cheers and dont give up!:)

Falott 14-05-2005 08:37 AM

thx buddy, I will check that tonight when home. the tutorial doesn't say something about saving selections. also the maya docs don't mention something about selecting same faces for transfering (transfering extracted geometry isn't even covered in the docs). theory I thought is -> select obj1, shift select obj2 and choose Transfer to move the UVset from obj1 to obj2.

but what you said sounds pretty logical to me! I try that on a simple object.

Falott 14-05-2005 07:42 PM

well I tried now, but as I supposed - I got this error message from the SE:

performPolyTransfer 0;
// Error: polyTransfer requires two polygon objects //

so Transfer doesn't work in component mode.

orgeeizm 14-05-2005 08:40 PM

ok. could it be something is messed up in the scene? sometimes i get weird errors and the only way i seem to fix it is by exporting my object as an OBJ file and then reimporting or just starting a blank scene and IMPORTING the objects in instead of opening. if you want i can try and see whats up with your scene.

Falott 14-05-2005 08:54 PM

cool, I didn't try these things. and yes, it would honour me if you really want to experiment with my scene. pm me your mail adress and I´ll send you the file.

I try now those things out you mentioned, cause even with a simple cube it gives me the same error.

silly! allready tried that in a new scene with new objects. same error.

Falott 14-05-2005 09:00 PM

one question ->

could you maybe orgeeizm or someone else create a cube duplicate it, extract a face, map it and then try transfering the UVs to the original cube?

I wonder if it´s even possible by now...

Falott 14-05-2005 11:26 PM

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whatever the problem was, I couldn�t solve it. droped that concept, although if it would work it would be the coolest way to map. instead of transfering UVs I found a mel on
it�s kind of a automapper controlled by painting on the obj. played around with it and found out that me was too enthusiastic with painting the fish.

mtmckinley 15-05-2005 01:45 AM

I have yet to try that tutorial you linked, but after looking through it, I can only imagine that perhaps you had deleted your history after making your seperate parts? Either that or you edited one or more of the parts in a way that made the transfer no longer work (adding or removing verts, for example).

That's all I can think of, sorry. Hope this new method works better for you.

Falott 15-05-2005 08:04 AM

thx Mike! but I tried everything - with and without history. I did not change the geometry exept extracting - what in my opinion is an operation which for sure changes the number of components in an object.

BUT! when I woke up today a workaround came to my mind. did not try it yet but it WILL WORK! hehe.

duplicating - averaging vertices in problematic areas and flaten out the borders - dannyUV the obj.
then I simply do with the UVs in the set what I tried to do with the geometry before. -> split UVs where I before extracted the geometry. then convert the selection to UVs and voila -> move them away. se bon. this is going to be a very nice unwrapping. wheeee!

I found one german tutorial about the same method with maya 4.0 - nobody seems to face the same problem with extracting and transfer.

Falott 16-05-2005 09:53 PM

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the geometry from the fish is finished now. there are some many areas left which still could need some tweaking. but if I don't quit now, I' ll never finish it. also did some tests with the UV layout. the only thing which bugs me is the deformation of the texture after smoothing the obj. in many tutorials there is the advisory to smooth geometry after laying out the UVs and what easy and preferable and whatnot andvantage it is. but no one mentions the crappy deformation after the geometry is smoothed.

here is an update ->

Falott 16-05-2005 09:54 PM

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and some perspective view. I hope to compensate ugly parts of geometry with good textures later.

dae 18-05-2005 08:05 PM

it is looking good Falott:nod: the textures can only make it look better.


Falott 19-05-2005 04:51 PM

thx dae :)
we will see.

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