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Cyborg Corp 08-07-2003 05:35 PM

***Spoiler***Why not in that scene, she just simply beat the terminator up again and *then* go after Connor? I mean, she did know there was no danger to skynet there right? and why didnt her skin come back? she can make it come back at will

M 08-07-2003 05:57 PM

Man, machines get destroyed.. and it takes her a while to regenerate skin. I think regenerating her skin was not a main priority at that time, and she was damaged, her legs were gone and could of been half malfunctioning. I almost felt like arnold powered up and held with his life or somethign.. because that part was one of the best in the whole movie. The way arnold was holding her, and her time remaining was making it hard for her to exactly go and beat the shit out of arnold.. because of course its not like she can do it in 3 seconds either. These are my thoughts.

Cyborg Corp 08-07-2003 07:02 PM

oh right, i forgot the atom bomb was bout to go off. well i still agree with kevin that the old T-1000 'felt' more powerful. Also, t2 had that dark blue look throughout the movie which made it feel machiny, t3 didnt. :(

kornkidpr 17-07-2003 08:48 PM


well i still agree with kevin that the old T-1000 'felt' more powerful.
Agree to that and i didnt liked the movie they did it all for nothing and they didnt explained very well about skynet i hope that in the matrix the damn mainframe doesnt crash and reboot adn restart for the 7 time it would sux LOL

i gotta agree in one thing thats the hottest robot ive seen :P

dave_baer 19-07-2003 05:07 PM

"Talk to the hand!"

I thought it sucked. Tis a bad season for sequals. First The Matrix Reloaded, now T3. What's next?

lun4tic 20-07-2003 05:38 PM

I am still waiting to see it, and i am very excited, and i think it will be cool movie.
though i dont think it has arrived at Norway yet?

Well, i just have to wait and see...

otaku 20-07-2003 07:07 PM

i just think both of the movies are high professional level ok the directors did remix of a story but matrix and t3 are masterpieces of cgi!

i would be very pround of it if im the maker of sutch great cgi movies!

Ghost-VE 20-07-2003 07:21 PM

I don't see what everyones problem was with Matrix Reloaded. It's an action movie and had some story to it what did you expect. I still think it was better then the first. IMHO, I mean the awe and shock of effects isn't there. However the cheography was great for the fight scenes. As well as the continuation of the story line. All in all i enjoyed it quite a bit as a sequal.

dave_baer 20-07-2003 09:22 PM

otaku: I agree that they were both good for their CG stuff, but as for the movies themselves, I didnt like either of them. Not what I expected from them. As George Lucas once said, "You can't build a story around a special effect. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." -- from The Making of the Star Wars Trilogy

Ghost-VE: IMO, it sucked. What did I expect from it? Way more than it delivered. The fight scene was way too long and over-exaggerated. The whole movie was pretty much a "do what we did last time but only more of it" type of production. And as for the story, well... A lot was left out and more should have been added. Some was too hard to comprehend, and other parts were totally unnecessary. In The Matrix, you could follow the characters, you knew who they were and you knew, at least a little, of where they came from. In Matrix:Reloaded, most of those characters just showed up, with no explanation as to what they're doing there or why they were there.

Perhaps they will better the trilogy with part three, but Reloaded needs to be Remade.


Cyborg Corp 20-07-2003 09:57 PM

more like Reloaded needs to be Rebooted :)
anyways, i still think the worst movie of the summer was Pirates of the Carib....I hated it so much, its not funny :banghead:

slickrenderer 20-07-2003 10:04 PM

George Lucas should preach what he says then :-) As the story was boring in the last 2.

PureFire 21-07-2003 06:53 AM

What they forgot in T3 was the fact that no nuclear bomb can be released simply by software. There needs to be human intervention somewhere along the line.

Also the T-X controlling the cops cars etc by remote is plain stupid.
The cars computer chip can control acceleration, but not steering or braking.

Lastly all computers need a power source. So im sure the survivors would have realized this and turned off the power. :P

adldesigner 21-07-2003 07:13 AM


Originally posted by PureFire
What they forgot in T3 was the fact that no nuclear bomb can be released simply by software. There needs to be human intervention somewhere along the line.

Also the T-X controlling the cops cars etc by remote is plain stupid.
The cars computer chip can control acceleration, but not steering or braking.

Lastly all computers need a power source. So im sure the survivors would have realized this and turned off the power. :P

I haven´t seen the movie .. yet I feel there´s no substance to this post.

Did you actually know that to make a nuclear bomb explode .. you need the guy to push the button? How about we get a machine to do it?

As per the power source one, watch Animatrix. (or Matrix for that matter) :p

otaku 21-07-2003 12:43 PM

i agree with some point
dave bear


In The Matrix, you could follow the characters, you knew who they were and you knew, at least a little, of where they came from. In Matrix:Reloaded, most of those characters just showed up, with no explanation as to what they're doing there or why they were there.

yes with some of your arguments i agree, maybe im to big fan of special effects :D :D
of coarse marix 1 had more explosive inside!

my ever favorite trilogie is ALIEN! and Star wars but for me Alien rules mutch as all others!

CU peoples nice talk!

slickrenderer 21-07-2003 01:17 PM

Yep! Alien is cool. Terminator is good as well for pure action.
Otaku 3 more days before it comes here :-)

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