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swankymonkey 29-01-2006 04:12 AM

Thanks Matt and Arran!

Today I read through A LOT of Zbrush related material so I may change my stategy a bit to reflect some of the new things I have learned. See you all soon!


swankymonkey 30-01-2006 04:06 PM

Small update ... gotta go to work:(

vladimirjp 30-01-2006 05:57 PM

this zbrush pass is looking much better.

swankymonkey 31-01-2006 03:04 AM

Thank you, Vlad!:beer:

THX1138 31-01-2006 04:20 AM

Awsome render Swankmonkey! :beer: When are you going to change the rezolution on the tusks?

swankymonkey 31-01-2006 06:17 AM

THX1138- Hey dude! The tusks are about 3rd on my list to do. They should go pretty fast but I wanna make sure I've got the lips and snout all sorted. Plus there's the little issue of adding hair ...:eek3:
Heres a side view ... Man, those super smooth ears are screaming for detail ...

vim 31-01-2006 12:34 PM

Look really great man ! continue !

t1ck135 31-01-2006 01:30 PM

nice work dave, the detail around the eyes and the skin in general is looking very good :)

looks like he's had an oil bath at the moment ;)

pbman 31-01-2006 06:49 PM

comming along nicely but the ears are weird to me especialy the back of them , but i suppose this dont matter dempending on ur chosen angle. i alos think some places are too smooth and glossy but its still looks good i likethe bags under its eyes

swankymonkey 31-01-2006 07:25 PM

Yes. The Blinn shader needs work ... mainly 'cause I haven't touched it yet other than to turn down the specularity roll off and what not and turn off reflections. Once I work on what will probably be a very sparse specularity map he won't look like hes oiled up for a pose down at the water hole (when you don't have a body you gotta do all you can to impress the ladies! ;) )

The ears will be my next focus. I tweaked them to get a shape I would be happier with and now they need they need a bit of twist and rotation and texture ... and hair!



Jay 31-01-2006 10:46 PM

Oiled up down at the water hole huh LOL!!

Sounds like me on a Friday nite down the pub!!

Looks better with the Z pass Dave, I was wondering if you'd succumb to it in the end

Kind regards from the oily Ninja

arran 02-02-2006 09:29 AM

Hey, looking good, swankeymonkey.

The pores and folds of his skin are really bring your model to life. I definately agree that the ears need a bit of work. They just look a little rounded, I guess, though what do I know about warthog ears?

Excellent work!

swankymonkey 04-02-2006 05:03 AM

Thanks Arran! The ears are now sorted:beer:

Jay- Dude ... I have given in to the DARKSIDE. Once you start to get a good taste of what you can do in Zbrush its hard to think about not having it. I've been messing with it for some time now, but only in the past week have I begun to get some decent results. And now I'm hooked!

Updates ... I don't know WHAT the hell I was thinking with the old ears ... they sucked. Here are some new ears and what I believe will be the final geometry. The modeled hair is something I decided to do 'cause I was bored and I thought it would make a good guide for some paint effects hair (which is a BIG unknown for me). Let me know what ya think ...

vladimirjp 04-02-2006 05:14 AM

looking good man. no crit from me
zb is a useful tool for any modeler.

im looking foward to see more.:beer:

arran 04-02-2006 05:16 AM

Cool - those new ears look great swankymonkey! And that bottom shot of his nose is excellent.

Good stuff! :beer:

papalatistudios 04-02-2006 10:53 PM

Spot On:attn:

Modeling clean as always.

Texturing as well is just so nice.

I was however curious of one thing. I googled warthog and looked at the pics it sent back and almost all of them have some kind of sprucing of hair on their heads and down their snouts even. Some more mild than others, and it looked like very wirey course hair. Were you planning on adding this fine detail?

Whats your take on this?

Again great work:beer:

t1ck135 07-02-2006 09:16 AM

looking sweet as always dave :)
can't wait to see it hairy and coloured!

dori3d 17-02-2006 10:26 AM

Good work. Keep it up.

swankymonkey 23-02-2006 05:46 AM

Long time no post! My home phone line has been on the fritz so I haven't been online for some time now (except at work). Anyhow, things are semi-fixed at the moment (still a lot of static) so I thought I'd drop an update in here ...

I'll probably re-do the hairy bits cuz the UVs aren't what I need them to be to put a ramp on that will give them a nice fade to transparency at the tips. Also I need to add some specularity to the snout. The tusks aren't textured yet.

I adjusted the contrast and brightness so right now a lot of the fine hair detail is lost ...

arran 23-02-2006 06:03 AM

Sorry to hear that your internet has been down. I am really glad to see that you are still in the contest, though.


Your warthog is looking sweet. The wiry hair really adds to your model. Just not sure about the direction of the hair on the lower cheek, but as you said, you are going to redo. Also, I am wondering if the bags under his eyes could do with a bit more definition. At the moment they are looking a bit blurry.

I really like the hair coming out of his ears, the creases on his nose and his eyes. good work!


magicsy 23-02-2006 08:43 AM

very very nice work, those eyes really bring him to life very well done on those! u could do with giving Mcflury a tip on how to get the eyes that good!!!

t1ck135 23-02-2006 09:11 AM

and us all :)

very very nice work dave, this is looking pretty damn good!

jramauri 23-02-2006 12:12 PM

Fantastic work. Fortunatelly you've changed your mind about ZBrush! I wasn't understand what's was the matter using ZBrush. You and Jay were talking as if were a sin using this new tool! ZBrush is fantastic and soon it will be essential for any 3D artist. I'm very glad you're back to the contest and using the powerful new tool you have in your hands. Keep your great work, dude! :attn:

Jay 23-02-2006 01:54 PM


No we weren't.

we were joking, we both know about how fantastic zbrush is, its damn cool.

Hey Dave

Nice going, I think its in need of some 'sweatcularity' though and perhaps a nice edge light behind it with some hi intensity, otherwise its all good


vladimirjp 23-02-2006 03:33 PM

2 words.


THX1138 24-02-2006 10:57 PM

Very Nice progress Swankmonkey!

papalatistudios 25-02-2006 01:42 AM


THX1138 25-02-2006 06:55 AM

palpa, are you still working on your entry?

For got give Swankmonkey a bow aswell. :bow:

swankymonkey 25-02-2006 08:04 AM

Thanks for all the nice comments!

The specularity and reflections on the eye were done by mapping a painted texture in the ambient attribute of a lambert and then compositing it in PS. I've really only started to get into render layers and don't really feel like I know what I'm doing but damn they are cool!

Jay- Dude, you read my mind on the lighting and specularity.

Thanks for the crit on the hair and eyebags Arran. Its always good to hear when things look strange.



Jay 25-02-2006 09:38 AM

Hey Dave

Its my job to do these things to keep you on the right path...LOL

Its a great job Dave, are you going to give it a background image of any sort or keep it as 'white space'?

Cheers Dude

papalatistudios 25-02-2006 01:19 PM

THX- You talking to me, I didnt know if you were. You said palpa.

THX1138 25-02-2006 04:00 PM


THX- You talking to me, I didnt know if you were. You said palpa.
Yep, was talking to you. :)

papalatistudios 25-02-2006 11:01 PM

I dont remember starting on one. Did I? :confused:

I thought I was taking a break? :confused:

Oh well. I guess Im not finishing mine then. :p

But looking forward to seeing whats coming up for the next challenge.

swankymonkey 26-02-2006 06:36 AM

Jay- I haven't really thought much about a background:shakehead

I'm also a bit annoyed with myself for not modeling more of the chest and shoulder area. I thought for a while about creating a wooden wall mount to make it appear as if it were a stuffed head.

Anyone have any constructive thoughts?


THX1138 26-02-2006 06:38 AM

Palplastudios, were'nt you working on a fox or dog like animal?

arran 26-02-2006 06:47 AM

I know what you mean swankymonkey - i was considering quickly building a rough shoulder shape for my model, but there isn't much time... Perhaps you could have him bashing through a wall or something, or maybe that idea is dumb.

Your model is looking amazing by the way - definitely one of my favourite in the contest. Great work:beer:

Jay 26-02-2006 01:24 PM


Maybe add a hint of Shoulders in PS during post then blur it to fake DOF


papalatistudios 26-02-2006 07:35 PM

THX- No, neither one of those animals. I thought about joining this contest but work was to crazy at the time.

When I was contemplating doing something, I was thinking of doing a baby emperor penguin.

But alas poor Urik, I did not do it.

Like I said before though, work has let up and I am looking forward to the next contest. :attn:

THX1138 27-02-2006 04:32 AM

Palpastudios, for some reason I was confusing you with Legolas_hv, sorry for the confusion.

t1ck135 01-03-2006 08:48 AM

come on dave, get that entry in! :)

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