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Snich 27-04-2003 03:52 PM

Wow!! Looking very good! I'll have to figure out this UV mapping thing someday. Keep at it Pony, can't wait to see the final.

Vectorman 27-04-2003 04:48 PM

Hehe, yeah oscar is cool, but most people go nuts over the 1foot madagascar red snakehead, also posted there. He has 3 rows of teeth, can breathe air and water, and is a nasty little sucker. He can grow up to 3 feet in the wild, but we expect he won't get much bigger than 2.

Glad to see you're making progress! This is really gonna be AWESOME!

wicket 28-04-2003 01:18 AM

WOW!!!!!!! That is great!!! I am loving seeing this thing go! I REALLY need to learn the whole UV thing so I may pick your brain later mate! :D Looks good talk to ya later!
Are you still having problems with RAM?...

Pony 28-04-2003 02:27 AM

Yeah still probs with ram. becouse I had to repace motherboard I didn't have money for more ram. so I will be up aginst that pritty soon..

Pony 28-04-2003 02:28 AM

Thanks Vector. I hope to make it awesome. thanks for telling your frinds..

Thanks Snich !

Pony 28-04-2003 12:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
well at long last after much work..

He is fully UV maped. there are 11 maps.
2 at 1024q pix.
8 at 2048q pix
1 at 4096q pix

my computer dosn't like it when it first loads, and after the second smoth.. but other than that its fine and I can even play with it..

Thease textures are just for me to start getting some kind of idea of what I want to evenutaly be there..
The UV maps still need some tweeking..

it will be a lot better than this ! I promis.

Vijay2004 28-04-2003 01:07 PM

WOW!!!!! Unbelievable mate. :wow:

drknow 28-04-2003 03:11 PM

Hey, on the screenshots on the page before this one, how do you get it to look like that. I am a newbie, in case you dont lknow

Pony 28-04-2003 03:24 PM

Well I'm not sure what you meen exactly but.. The real soft wight renders are done with a script called GI_Joe. - Global Ilumination. last page from this one I started textureing it.. the pics with the flattened out wire mesh are the UV maps .. so it knows how to place the textures..

but I think you meen how did I get part of him to disopear ? that I did buy selecting all his poly faces. Telling maya to show me only thoughs. Show > Isolate select > View Selected. and thin I hide the faces that I just UV maped as I go.. Show > Isolate Select > Remove selected objects. So I know what arias I still need to map.

Did I cover the one you were asking about ??

drknow 28-04-2003 03:31 PM

Yes, thanks, Ill try to remember that. Also, how did you learn Maya. Did you take a course or what?

Kühl 28-04-2003 07:12 PM

Pony - nice unwrap.

Did you do all the projections yourself or did you use dannys script... By yourself...?? It must have taken you HOURS of work..?

But I like what I see - keep it up.

Vectorman 28-04-2003 09:08 PM

still can't wait!!!!!!! Looking great man, which one got the 4 megapix?

DRKnow, Pony does have a huge Backround in all sorts of art, and this is only his second real model. I'm interested too pony, did you just learn from tuts and these boards??? You're SOOO good. I'm so glad that you have found our collective love.

drknow 28-04-2003 09:12 PM

Wow, I am in Awe. I have had maya 2 weeks and I can barely make a modified cube. is helping me a lot, but quicktime is so slow. I also ordered a cd from, but I dont expect it in anytime soon. Anybody know of a great way to learn maya for free?

Vectorman 28-04-2003 09:15 PM

There are lots of free tutorial sites, i'd be happy to give you a bunch of links, also Simplymaya has some free tuts.

drknow 28-04-2003 09:51 PM

yes, I have downloaded most of their free ones, and I am working on, but any more great sites would be nice.

Vectorman 28-04-2003 09:55 PM

These are some Tutorial sites
non-maya Tuts, but some cool ones.
Same site, Maya section
Omg, wish i could do this one.......soooo cooool......*drools*
Some fur basics
A bunch of random ones
5 Part photorealistic texturing for dummies. Amazing really a good start. Not a tut tho.( PDF and html )
Gnomon Workshop
NICE UV Mapping tut.

ereitz 28-04-2003 10:52 PM

been so busy and missed so much action! looking really good there Pony! :)

Pony 29-04-2003 12:30 AM

LOL Vijay. thanks..

drknow, I learned buy reading and falowing the tutorails in the doc's of maya. On line tutorails of other places. And a lot from this websight.. both the tutorals hear and also reading through the threads and seeing what others have done and how they did it.

Kuhl, yes I did them buy hand. What I did was like dannys script though. Yep it toke a LONG time with this one thought becouse of all the inside twisted wire, so many peaces in so many difrent directions.

Vectorman. thanks.. yeah the wings got the 4k becouse of the amount of space they use of the model. Yeah no training just lots of reading and tutorails, help hear.. Basicly nasesity is the mother of invention. I know what I want to do so I go out and figer out how to make it happen.

Ereitz THAnKs ! LOL.. yeah know what you meen about bizzy .. I'm getting my back up aginst a lot of time walls.. Hay how are you doing on your model ?? would love some updates..

oh yeah.. Vectorman, thanks for helping out, both me and others with the links man.. they help save time..

Vectorman 29-04-2003 12:40 AM

Glad to help. Those took alotta searchin, so just understand those are not just "some tut sites", they are Vec7or's Pic s

Pony 29-04-2003 07:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Vectorman 29-04-2003 07:23 AM

omg, getting close man!!

wicket 29-04-2003 09:40 AM

Wow man you just keep getting better and better! I REALLY need to find some time for Maya again... :( starting to go through withdrawls and all these noobies are beating me! :D

Great job!!!

hey check out for RAM they have some great prices and you should be able to do same day delivery cause they are through Fry's electronics and we have lots of those in AZ or just going to one works as well! But when you got the money right! :D Later mate!

Kevin 29-04-2003 10:02 AM

looks good mr pony!

certainly you have improved much since I first see you here!

well done mate

Pony 29-04-2003 10:11 AM

Thanks Vector, Wicket, Kevin !!!!!!!!!!

yes getting better and better.. and it will really start to rock with bump and spec maps !!
Got some cooler textures comeing also.. getting down to the detailing now..

ereitz 29-04-2003 03:53 PM

I've been learnin about texturing at work but unfortunately haven't had any time to work on my model - I'm living vicariously!

One more day left and I haven't looked at her for a week. I don't think I'm going to get a final render in. But I'm looking forward to seeing the final results of the contest here. Pony you've really progressed with this model - what's your next project? :)

brian_ellebracht 29-04-2003 03:55 PM

I really like this! Can't wait to see the rest of the textures!

M 29-04-2003 04:00 PM

Wow, pony.. this is great! I love the muscle you have and then the tail part :D. I dont get why you rendered it off like that though :(.. next one make it more crisp ok? But i can see what has been done and its wonderful :D. THe muscle color may be a bit dark.. but thats just me :P. Keep up the great work

Pony 29-04-2003 04:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)

PonysGirl 29-04-2003 04:15 PM

hey M... long time ... LMAO....
he had to edit and repost the render ... so that is why////
should look better to you now... :D

yeah the muscles are dark ... personally I like them because this is Lucifer after all.... not just any ones muscles... and he is a "dark" character .....:rolleyes: ...:p

ok am taking charge now.*snickers* .. it is definitly bed time....way past... will be picking his eyes off the floor any minute... :D

drknow 29-04-2003 10:49 PM

Thanks Vectorman. Those tutorials are a big help. I may learn maya yet...

Vectorman 29-04-2003 10:54 PM

No Prob Bob

strarup 29-04-2003 11:33 PM

Hi drknow,

you may also take a look on this site... -->
it has a lot of links to Maya tutorials... :)

there are also some tutorials sites mentioned here... -->

To Pony,

your Hell dragon Lucifer looks very awesome, and has eveluted a lot... looking really great... also nice texuring... :)



M 30-04-2003 12:03 AM

IF your going for a dark muscle scheme.. then make sure you also make the ribs flesh dark as well ;). BTW, there is a website link on this website that you can upload your sites to :).

Pony 30-04-2003 02:47 AM

YEAH !!!!

Love and rockets..
"My head is full of MAGIC baby and now I can share this with YOU."

Yeah.. grrrrrrawlll..
512mb added..
768mb total..
Time to rock !!

M 30-04-2003 02:56 AM

:O.. pony is on FIIIAAAR! Heheh. Well best of luck to you man :D... i will be trying to finish the basics of this roman armor today :).. maybe get some detail going on ;).

M 30-04-2003 04:11 AM

Gah, i was thinking about our battle thats going to be fierce. BTW to all you people out there.. tommorow is the last day of round 2 at the tournaments in the battle arena forum... i suggest you go there and check out me and ponys battle as its going to be CRAZY.. seeing we both have until midnight tommorow and were in the same timezone! Hah, cant wait!

Pony 30-04-2003 04:15 AM

yes every one stay toned to hear and the tournament.. This will be intence .. will update as often as I can !!!

You all get to watch me get blisters on my clicking finger !!!

PonysGirl 30-04-2003 06:41 AM

well you ARE my magic man .... :D

Indeed....getting tense and exciting.... here and in tournament

Just standing by with the first aid kit for those blisters.... LOL

drknow 30-04-2003 03:00 PM

Thanks strarup. I just made my first model, and it looks pretty good. I still haven't gone into much detail, but it is still pretty nice looking. When I finish I will upload a pic to let you guys tell me what you think. I am using sub-d's, is that good to start with???

Pony 30-04-2003 03:13 PM

drKnow. Yes there a good start, there probly more conferitable than pollys for you right now. Looking forward to that pic..

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