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Rostoons 16-02-2006 09:47 PM

Short Animation
Hello all, I'm new to the forums, shall i introduce myself...

alright, my name is Dale Rostron and I am currently in the final year of a three year BA(Hons) 3D Computer Animation Degree at Swansea Institute. The final year consists of creating a short film, taking it from pre-production to modelling, texturing, lighting, rigging and animation.

My Short and as yet untitled film revolves around an inept cat burglar trying to steal the world's most expensive diamond from a museum. It is a comedy that focuses on the character's numerous failed attempts to acquire the diamond.

The film has began to move onto the modelling stage which i hope to finish this month. I thought i'd post some of the work up here to get some crits.

A front profile render of the character

A Quicktime turnaround of the finished (model wise) character can be seen at

Insanity Projects 16-02-2006 10:07 PM

That looks pretty damn good. I'd like to see him when he's textured/colored. I especially like how it isn't overly complicated, yet still impressive.

Rostoons 17-02-2006 12:58 AM

Update, started modelling the Diamond display case. The case is mostly finished apart from the pedastal for the diamond to rest on and the laser alarm system, and possibly a lock.
Display Case

Rostoons 17-02-2006 10:03 PM

Update on the case, added a display rope and a plinth for it to rest on

MattTheMan 17-02-2006 10:21 PM

I love your modeling style. This is really really cool!

magicsy 17-02-2006 10:33 PM

Mee too! very nice, has a good cartoony feel too it. :)

Rostoons 17-02-2006 10:46 PM

thanks for the kind words..

I'm definately going for the cartoon style, just need to figure out how to make the rest of the room :eek:

happymat27 18-02-2006 08:28 AM

Good stuff Rostoons,

My wife convinced me to quit my soul sucking job and do something that made me happy so I started my BA(hons) in computer animation in September. It's all about conventions of this and foundations of that at the moment, very interesting and necesary stuff but it is nice to get an insight of what is expected as a third year student. I look forward to seeing more.



Rostoons 19-02-2006 01:43 AM

I've started to move onto modelling the rest of the museum, kind of taking this as i go as i wasn't particularly happy with my prep designs. the back space is going to be filled with a staircase and direction signs, possibly some cameos for my other models as well as art exhibitions.

Grocer 19-02-2006 08:44 AM

rooms and lighting...
hi there,
remember you can "cheat" if your not too sure about
the rooms' lighting...
ie: loose the focal depth, or just on the "Action"
or use a Smoke, in the background, to create an atmosphere
of the Scene....
Just something I would consider, as the Storyboarding
develops along... saves Time as well

carry on the great work, impressive too.

Rostoons 19-02-2006 11:05 PM

thanks for the advice grocer, i am still modelling in the background but i may use some form of fog or distancing to keep the attention on the foreground.

some updates:

I've modelled some staircases in the back room that will not be seen up close but as background objects.

and some shots of the room including spot lights and skirting boards

Bambus 20-02-2006 08:37 AM

Although I like your modelling style very much. The stairs seem a bit out of place, mainly because no museum (nor other building holding such gems) has such impractical use of space (but that's just my opinion as an architecture student :confused: )

greetz Django

Grocer 20-02-2006 09:47 AM

testing your renders...?
just a tip...
even when doing some test renders,
try to render from the area that the camera is going to be,
ie: from the storyboard.
cuz, you will start to get the idea or see where an item
needs to be or not, and especially where lighting should be
and the amount of lighting, etc...
sort off: planning ahead, for the next step in the workflow.

still need to see some textures in there, (eventually?)
but l will look forward as to how it all develops.
keep it going.


azimuth 20-02-2006 02:21 PM

Its looking really nice, I like the cartoony look to the model and especially the surroundings.

I have sent you a quick PM, if you have time I would reeeeaaalllly appreciate your views on the questions I have passed your way.

Cheers! :beer:

Rostoons 21-02-2006 05:21 PM

I'm about 99% finished on the modelling of the museum so i decided to apply some materials as a rough draft of a colour scheme, they will be replaced with textures, just thought i'd have a bit of a play

The first shot is also the first shot of the museum in the film

And the second shot represents where the camera will be when Daff (the main character) enters the scene suspended from the skylight.

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