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t1ck135 02-09-2006 06:00 AM

Roman heads
Hi Guys,

Aftern my jolly jaunt to Italy I photographed a couple of Roman busts (heads) from the museum in Napoli and have decided to model them.
The first (if I remember correctly, I forgot to note his name down) is from the Brutus family and I'm currently on with him.
The second is the emperor Hadrian and I'll be doing that next.

Here's a reference shot of the first:

t1ck135 02-09-2006 06:01 AM

the following pics are from the progress I did on the train before the weekend and today.

First one:





then I decided to redo the loops so that they might work better. I'm currently at this undetailed stage and will be refining the shape more before adding some proper detail:

and a side view:

pbman 02-09-2006 06:07 AM

thats a hard topic u picked good luck with it

cant really say much on the model as its still early
basic form is looking good though

will u be using zbrush fro ne of this?

gster123 02-09-2006 06:43 AM

Nice Idea, looks like a Zbrush sculpt would help to bring out the details on these (if you have it of course!)

Looking forward to updates and textures on these!

t1ck135 02-09-2006 06:49 AM

hard but hopefully fun pbman ;)

I dont have zbrush yet so these will probably be done as much as possible in maya this time. Then in the future if zbrush comes along I'll take some of the pre-detailed meshes and have a go with that.

I dont know what to do with the textures yet gster123, might do a stone version first and then experiment with trying to make them realistic :)

gster123 02-09-2006 06:58 AM

Yeah man the stone textures should be a bit of a challenge themselves what with trying to create weathering etc..

Have you had a look on CG talk in hte hardcore modeling challenge, the last one was creating Da Vinci's Vitruvuan man which might help you out with modeling the hair.


t1ck135 03-09-2006 01:11 AM

thanks for the tip gster, I'll have a look as soon as I get the chance - fingers x'ed it has some good stuff. I dont have fur and hair though so they might stay bald - a bit annoying as both heads also have beards...

t1ck135 04-09-2006 04:45 AM

Little update, added a bit more detail around the nose and eyes. Still got to get the shape around the mouth properly blocked in and then refine everything quite a bit


smoothed (showing lots more still needs doing!):

t1ck135 05-09-2006 07:28 PM

just realised I didnt post the ref shots - so you wouldn't know what he should look like - d'oh!

Heres the ortho pics:

And here's where I'm currently at. I've removed the beard and will be adding that separately. I added a bit of detail around the mouth (where it would be under the beard) but still have lots of areas to do:

arran 05-09-2006 08:03 PM

Good work T1ck! :beer: I really like the way you are modelling this head - it's already looking very good and pretty close to the reference image.

It's early days i know, but it looks like the crease from the corner of the mouth needs a bit more definition and the chin looks like it is protruding just a touch.

This should be an interesting project and I think it would definitely be cool to do a stone version and a real 'flesh and bones' version.

t1ck135 05-09-2006 11:25 PM

thanks arran :)

you're definately right about the chin - its hard to guess how much the beard takes up and how much under it is skin and bone!
I think the mouth crease will be accentuated more when the beard is laid on (well thats what I'm hoping) ;)

Here's a slight update, moved the chin slightly and blocked in the eyebrow creases in the centre of the forehead:

Jay 06-09-2006 12:48 AM


Great so far, mesh is excellent too.

Watch those cheek lines though as they are a little far away ....

A quick tweak though should sort


t1ck135 08-09-2006 02:42 PM

Hi Jay,

Hows things going?
Thanks for sweeping your eyes over the mesh - it needs some good crit :)

I've tweaked the cheek lines a little as suggested to bring them in and filled out the jaw cheek area too. Just started on shaping the forehead and then it'll be onto an ear.

Steps after that are adding a beard, hair and then maybe the clothing from the 1st picture in the thread.

updated mesh - playing about with the lines on the head at the minute:

Jay 08-09-2006 03:12 PM

Hey Si

Yeah really good going. The cheeks are much better now.

What you need to do is put those fine indent lines coming from the sides of the lips going down to the chin.

Good stuff


arran 08-09-2006 06:33 PM

yeah, this is looking really good. As jay said, those lines at the mouth will help. also, I think the nose might be just a bit big. good work mate!:beer:

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