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tweetytunes 09-04-2009 06:15 PM

Tweetytunes - Earthling Spaceship
Going for good old human`s - blow ever thing up ask question later. But I think I`m just going to model and see where it takes me.

tweetytunes 09-04-2009 08:50 PM

Well here`s the start of the engines

tweetytunes 09-04-2009 11:29 PM

Another update.

Still playing with a lot of idea`s in my head and ruffing them out in 3d. Got 4 of the same engines at the mo but will add some more personal details after I lock down the idea a bit more. Took an hour to do a Occ pass - dame another long ass render time project for me then - thank god I learnt alot the last one..

stwert 09-04-2009 11:46 PM

Wow, looks great so far! I'll have to get started on my entry today...

vladimirjp 10-04-2009 12:26 AM

this looks pretty sweet

Rhetoric Camel 10-04-2009 12:35 AM

awesome, looking great so far

Dango77 10-04-2009 03:06 AM

Looking really nice so far, I'll look forward to seeing it progress, and your Evil-Lyn too! Are you still doing the Doctor Doom? Hope so, it was going well last time I saw your update, keep up the good work, all of it!

Chirone 10-04-2009 03:44 AM

dude, stop being so cool!! :bow:

how many guns are you going to shove onto it?

mtmckinley 10-04-2009 05:33 AM


tweetytunes 10-04-2009 09:04 AM

Wow - thanks for all the kind words. A little blown away this morning. If you really look its just a bunch of slightly changed primitives.


Originally posted by Chirone
how many guns are you going to shove onto it?

At the moment the idea in my head is for this to be a big bomb carrier (one big enough to blow up a planet) but that could change as its still very early.


Originally posted by Dango77 I'll look forward to seeing it progress, and your Evil-Lyn too! Are you still doing the Doctor Doom?
Evil Lyn is still on going but I`m never going to finish it in time for the CGTalk comp so I just keep working on it. Dr Doom project is dead I think. The file got messed up an that comp looks dead, and what can I say Simply Maya projects come first.

Chirone 10-04-2009 11:32 AM

im mainly amazed because you could think up of such detail... unless you were looking at something else as you did it....

tweetytunes 10-04-2009 11:40 AM

Ep 1 - pod racers and a lego ship my niece sent me a photo off. I also have the shape of Battlestar stuck in my head as I love that show and still have the final ep fresh in my mind as-well. (but I don`t want it to have the same shape overall). There is also about 30 - 40 very ruff scribbles to figure out what I`m going to do. Going to try and draw up a overall plan while watching a film while having some food - might have to whip out farscape/firefly.

I also have a name for it now as well - "The Omen" - because when you see it - your going to hell ... hehe

tweetytunes 10-04-2009 01:42 PM

Think this part is done

tweetytunes 10-04-2009 03:35 PM

started some guns

Pandinus 10-04-2009 06:00 PM

This is looking amazing so far!
However, are you going to fix the guns? The two barrels on the side look like they were just "Ctrl-D'd" and placed beside the original. They seem out of place without a proper attachment...Looking great!

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