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deviantdreamworks 20-09-2002 02:05 AM

Gnomne 3D School
Is this a good place to learn maya and get a good job? Please let me know looking around for a school to learn maya profesionally, so i can get a good job.

ragecgi 20-09-2002 02:59 AM

That would be the place that I would suggest, but beware, I believe they are a little expensive, but Alex is a KILLER modeler, and teacher, so if you want to attend any Maya shool, Gnomon would be a good choice in my opinion:)

Download the VIP movie tutorials here at SM first so you are prepared for your first class!

Kevin 20-09-2002 06:10 AM

To be honest I havnt heard to much about it, but I know the teachers there really know there stuff...

my advice is, look around all over the place first.. Im sure there are a few schools that may suit you and your budget better.

The chap who visits here has a maya school, Im sure you will find his posts around the board.

Best of luck whatever you decide dreams

Protheus 20-09-2002 09:36 AM

what yo can do is subscribe to Gnomon online, and then you can download a couple of movies and see for your self !!

and tit is true, they are not cheap ! But I think when you are done it will be/hope be worth it ! :)

Kevin 20-09-2002 09:50 AM

what i would do dreams is practise hard for a year or you have a good understanding, as the tutorials (so I have heard) are quite advanced from gnomon.

Im not sure how they teach..maybe more from a beginners point of thing is maybe send them a mail and ask them loads of questions..sure they will be happy to help.

Protheus 20-09-2002 10:11 AM

well it depends, I have a couple of videos (nurbs patch modeling) and that on is quit clear. Alex is guiding you step by step. ANd there are also tutorials showing you the way in the whole maya interface... I am not sure if the VIP section has a tutorial on that one !!

Maybe an Idea on there next tutorial, a quick guide through maya.

You also have to do a littl epart of your self, Read the books that come with the software. I know it is alot, or what you can do is look for txt tutorials on the internet:

The all have excellent tutorials on maya. If you are working with a tutorial and you can't find anything just lookit up, that way you will learn it much and much quicker because you will stumble in to other things that are interresting also.

And as far as I know the total submission is aprox: $30000 :o , so make sure you knwo what you are doing. ( and there are possibilities to follow seperate courses !)

kbrown 20-09-2002 12:12 PM


Originally posted by Protheus
what yo can do is subscribe to Gnomon online, and then you can download a couple of movies and see for your self !!
Has anyone here actually been able to subscribe to the Gnomon online? I've tried several times, sent number of emails and called couple of times their customer service but no matter what I do, the system won't accept my credit card (MasterCard).:(

Btw, they seem to have a new section in there consentrating on Maya basics.

Protheus 20-09-2002 12:21 PM

I had the sameproblem with my mastercard ! I used another card and it worked fine. I think something wrong with the mastercard part!

Try another card, VISA or American Express.

mrmacca 20-09-2002 03:37 PM

If i were to choose a school for Maya in the US it'd be the Renaissance center where Jason Busby teaches. You'll see the link to the school on the home page of 3dbuzz.

Protheus 20-09-2002 03:57 PM

Is it a good school, never heard of it ?

mrmacca 20-09-2002 07:46 PM

From all i've heard it's one of the best and so is Jason Busby. I have a few of his Video training magazines and he's a great teacher. I'm seriously tempted to attend his Maya course next summer. A 4 week intensive course to include books and accomodation for $2500.

Protheus 20-09-2002 07:59 PM

will check out the website !

deviantdreamworks 24-09-2002 12:50 AM

Just so you know i live in ohio, U.S.A so i will travel within the states but not that far. RSAD is a posibility

brightfire 24-09-2002 04:00 AM

ive heard of rsad and gnomon.... but not the res center ill have to check it out... has anyone heard of
expression in cali? its attractive to me because they issue a ba but dont teach anything but entertainment themselves.... eveything else transfers and im close to a ba anyway with all the different classes ive taken ...
peace kyle

kbrown 21-11-2002 11:19 AM


Originally posted by kbrown
Has anyone here actually been able to subscribe to the Gnomon online? I've tried several times, sent number of emails and called couple of times their customer service but no matter what I do, the system won't accept my credit card (MasterCard).:(

Btw, they seem to have a new section in there consentrating on Maya basics.

Just FYI: I got the MasterCard issue solved with the forbearing help of Darrin. There was a problem with the way that Master Card verifies CVV2 numbers. Maybe it works for other people too now. Great movies they got there but it's been a while since they last posted new videos (except in the foundation section).

3djoe 21-11-2002 08:47 PM

I subscribed last month and viewed all the movies but quit after 1 month as 1 hour of new stuff a month for $45.00 is just crazy:argue:

Kevin 21-11-2002 08:52 PM

where the movies any good 3djoe? how is the set up over there? any good, I would love to have some feedback

3djoe 21-11-2002 09:02 PM

The movies were great!

They got a very indepth.
The one I loved the most was arc lengh to motion path where they did custom scripts to determin the rotation to path.

The only problem is you cant save:rolleyes: (Well maybe you can:beer: )

The movies here are fantastic also(well the free ones is all I can vouch for). AND HECK I CAN SAVE THEM:banana:

But $49.00 for a month is to much!

laz 22-11-2002 01:56 AM

i was actually thinking about taking some classes at gnomon as i live in L.A. but was kind of scared of the pricing. i thought that that was normal in this kind of classes. is this not the case? does anyone know any other schools that offer 3D courses in L.A?

ps. learning on your own sucks. every time i overcome a problem, another one pops up. very frustrating.

3djoe 22-11-2002 02:01 AM


I know what you mean!:rolleyes:
You just figure out one problem(after a few wasted days) then another pops up(just a viscious cycle).

In a class room you can just ask and BAM you have your answer:eek:

adldesigner 22-11-2002 02:05 AM


Originally posted by laz
ps. learning on your own sucks. every time i overcome a problem, another one pops up. very frustrating.

Lol, the very same thing happens to the guys at ILM, Pixar and such. :)
What Im trying to tell you mate is that, this kind of situations are quite common among us 3d-people, and that won´t change ... The very same thing that frustrates us, drives us into a little bit more of knowledge of 3d so at the end, you end up learning anyway. :)

adldesigner 22-11-2002 02:07 AM


Originally posted by 3djoe
In a class room you can just ask and BAM you have your answer:eek:

Lol, if It only were that easy. I´ve seen more perplexed faces at school by teachers than by us students.

mtmckinley 22-11-2002 02:08 AM

I remember when I was an assistant to a Maya instructor, students would ask me questions that I did not know the answer... I'd find out and we'd both learn. :) It's a good way to go.

mtmckinley 22-11-2002 02:09 AM


Originally posted by adldesigner
Lol, if It only were that easy. I´ve seen more perplexed faces at school by teachers than by us students.

Yeah, it got to a point that when the teacher and I were talking, a student would come up to ask a question and would ask me rather than the teacher.

3djoe 22-11-2002 02:15 AM

Ok maybe you dont get you answer right away but atleast you can have another person to bounce ideas off of.

You know what I mean:(

tariqrf 22-11-2002 02:16 AM

i am still learning modelling... i've heard Gnomon everywhere.. banner ads.. check out the vid tuts as one of my friend is a subscriber.... he told me that, same as 3djoe, 1 hr for a month is damn expensive... but if you are going to the school.... then, hope, you should be having a good career... as i have heard, the instructors are pretty damn good.
hope you will find Gnomon a good place to learn,

laz 22-11-2002 02:19 AM

yeah it's all part of the learning process but I won't have any hair by the time I'm 25 if I keep pulling it out because of Maya.

ps. I think that's a run-on sentence. my boss would kill me if he found out i used a run-on sentence. does anyone ever get any sleep around here? It's 6:30 pm in L.A. I had a long day. I'm crashing.

tariqrf 22-11-2002 02:25 AM

Its ramadan here in Saudi Arabia.. now is 516am... i sleep at 6 am.. wake up at 2pm... then sit on Maya till 6 am again... (holidays)

kbrown 22-11-2002 04:03 PM

I wake up every mornign pissed off like a mad-monkey and cursing that yet again I have to go to work. Recently it's been a bit quiet at there so I get pissed off even more because I'm just wasting my time there. I'd rather be playing with maya.

When I get home, I'm too tired to do anything for a while since I didn't sleep very well the previous night. Around something like 10pm I have the energy to actually do something what I like -> 3D and Gfx. At 2-3am I realize, phuck, I have to go to sleep just to wake up pissed off again... endles cycle :(

I need a way to get out of this. It's not very healthy.

And no, I'm not saying my job is a bad one. It pays my living but I'm just full of it, you know...bored...there is no challenge to it anymore. I'd want to do 3d, vfx, gfx and so on which has been my hobby for about 7 years...

Bah, enough of me. Do you guys have a situation comparable to anything like this?

(sorry about that, just had to blow some steam...)

Kevin 22-11-2002 04:12 PM

Yep I hear you k-brown! and dont worry about letting of steam...we have a "rant thread" in the mods area to do justs that. :)

but it is hard mate, staying up till 2-3 every night, soon makes you feel ill, im sure something will happen for you soon....just keep plugin away and all will come good.

I am just the same, up till early hrs doing bits, so I know how you I hate web deisgn work for customers :(

kbrown 22-11-2002 04:45 PM

Hehe, thanks for the understanding words Kev. Now you know why a while back I whished there was 36 hrs in a day ;)

The thing that will happen to me if nothing changes soon is that I'm gonna pop ;)

3djoe 22-11-2002 04:53 PM

Same here!
I am in a family buisness (Appliance Sales and Service) I have doing that since I was 13years old and I am sick of it! I always loved computers but the buisness was a steady pay check.(plus Dad is not that well so I stay to help him out).

strykernet 22-11-2002 05:07 PM

Studio Arts in Hollywood
Sorry to jump in, but anyone heard of Studio Arts in hollywood, ca? I only know that they used to teach for ppl in the film industry and now they're open for public learning....gnomon seems great but they are expensive

dbirider 06-01-2003 09:01 PM

Im going to bring a post back from the dead here...

I was just wondering if its true that they only allow 8 people at a time in the year and a half course??? i think i read it a few times, but still, i just want to confirm it here :)

Rodi 07-01-2003 02:15 AM


Originally posted by laz
i was actually thinking about taking some classes at gnomon as i live in L.A. but was kind of scared of the pricing. i thought that that was normal in this kind of classes. is this not the case? does anyone know any other schools that offer 3D courses in L.A?

ps. learning on your own sucks. every time i overcome a problem, another one pops up. very frustrating.

hey Laz,

I'm taking 3d classes at santa monica College, They have a whole departament for Animation. And it is very cheap. check their site

raul 07-01-2003 06:01 AM

i got my hands on some of the vidoes when i was still going to school. one of my teahcers had them. and they where really good.

but nothing beats, kevins videos. try them as well. :beer:

gazzamataz 07-01-2003 10:14 AM

I wish that there was a Buzz3D in the UK offering a four weeks course for $2500 (£1600) including accomodation that would be VERY insightful to go to. Not only would you learn but you would meet people with the same interests and make friends. I find this just as useful since you can exchange ideas and tips and tricks in more depth and perhaps work on projects togeher rather than on your own. Bit like a buddy system in weight training or diving, when one of you is fed up the other with help and encourage the other and vice versa. A bit of encouragement doe wonders.

As far as finding time and having a dull job well I can imagine there are tons of us in that predicament. Let's face it though its a tough business to get into and you have to have talent and ability to try and get in so don't get to dissapointed people. As I have said before you may not work for the likes of Dreamworks or Pixar but you can still get the satisfacion that you can produce work that is a good!

I hope to go part-time in my current job by the end of this year so I can spend more time creating my characters and the worlds that they live in - even if they go nowhere I will feel satisfied that I doing something that I love and feel that I am good at. If I don't go part-time I think I'll find a job where I don't have to travel or have so many responsibilities then I can concertrate more on fulfilling my dreams and feeling creative.

There, that's Gazzamataz's sermon for the day! Now get creating as much as possible and sod the boss and everyone else who thinks you are wastig time!!!

nirsul 07-01-2003 06:09 PM


Originally posted by mrmacca
...and so is Jason Busby. I have a few of his Video training magazines and he's a great teacher....
Jason is a huge teacher but he is NOT the one who teaches Maya in the Rennaisance Center.

I envy you guys who have great Maya learning centers.
and who can get to one of them.



alexgc 07-01-2003 08:54 PM

hi guys,

my first post here -

just wondering if anyone knows much about Escape Studios here in the uk - im thinking of enrolling there after i finish my degree. Apparently they have the only official maya course in uk/europe?? - (Dont hold me to that)

here's the link

escape studios

ryan_godridge 07-01-2003 09:23 PM

I've found that the Gnomon school online videos had very good content but the resolution and picture quality (at least the free ones) made them almost unwatchable. I can't decipher the text when they work. I guess if you're completely au fait with Maya that's no hassle, but as a raw recruit so to speak I'm finding them tough. As a total counterpoint the picture quality of the SimplyMaya video tutorials is perfectly readable, I'm looking forward to the CD versions. The content at SimplyMaya is great too. If I can follow it, anybody can.

Cheers Ryan

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