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Funky Bunnies 24-11-2005 07:42 AM

an Old Orc-ish fellow
1 Attachment(s)
Greetings, I realize there are a bunch of orcs floating around right now for some reason, but I didn't realize it was so un-original until after I alreadystarted haha.

anyway, here's my last useful update to it:

Sub-D. I plan to switch back into polygons for the rest of the body... guess I was a bit too hasty to give sub-d a try.

Jay 24-11-2005 09:00 PM

Man I cant believe nobody has replied to this.


Looks very good so far, though could use a little more form on the chest as its too flat right now. Look forward to the rest


BMS 24-11-2005 09:04 PM

Looks really good man, would love to see a wire. :beer:

Funky Bunnies 24-11-2005 10:59 PM

Jay: Thanks, man. I think you may be right about the chest seeming too flat, I'll try to rectify that for my next update
BMS: Sorry, dude, but I was using Sub-D and the wires never look good in that stuff...

Anyway, went back to polys and did almost all i need to, I think. Tweaking and Unwrapping up next.

Throw some more crits my way if you get a chance :)

and a wire:

MattTheMan 24-11-2005 11:01 PM

3 letters for you. W O W
Prolly crits though, I would go for that there is something odd about the face, I really cant put my finger on it. But I really shouldn't crit, there is NO way I could do anything remotely close to that.

Funky Bunnies 24-11-2005 11:05 PM

no worries, Matt, there's no quota of experience that you must necessarily reach in order to crit on a piece haha.

Perhaps the face will look a bit better when I go into more detailing, we'll have to see. Thanks for looking :)

DJbLAZER 25-11-2005 10:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Very nice... but are you using a tutorial? It looks very similar to this orc from a tutorial:

Funky Bunnies 25-11-2005 11:13 PM

hmm that is interesting... I assure you, though, that I am not using a tutorial. It does look very similar... strange.

Anyway, there are some differences - just look at the wire. Any similarities are purely coincidental... I was modeling this mask

Anyway, I think I have the guy unwrapped decently... most of the unwrapping I've done was low poly so this is probably inefficient for non-game stuff

metallicjet66 25-11-2005 11:45 PM

sweet, now off to texturing :attn:

DJbLAZER 26-11-2005 01:06 AM

looks like a pretty good uv-layout although it's common to give the head more uv-space since you usually want higher detail in that area.

Funky Bunnies 26-11-2005 01:11 AM

DJbLAZER: Yeah, that's the main thing I was debating, I couldn't decide if I wanted an extra seam and more head detail or to just stick with a contiguous setup...
I guess I'll try it this way this time around... mainly since I'm not sure how to split the UVs of the head into a different channel haha. Afraid we haven't gone over much of anything on the UV front in class yet.
metallicjet66: Hey man, yeah hopefully I can pull a nice shader off :)

utpal 26-11-2005 03:35 AM

hey, very good job of modeling! can you show more wires and close-ups of the face?
the amount of polys seems quite, good luck with the uvs..
and then, are you gonna rig and animate as well??

Funky Bunnies 26-11-2005 03:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
utpal: Thanks, here are some wires of the face. Luckily the UV unwrapping wasn't terribly difficult. I probably won't rig and animate this if I take it back into Sub-D - mostly because I don't yet know how to rig within Maya.

here is a closeup of the face:

Jay 26-11-2005 10:13 AM


Those Loops are spot on!! Nice Job!! Theres just the one on the cheek, the triangular quad that I would sort or get rid of entirlely

I would suggest taking DJBlazers advice with the uv layout though.

Keep up the great work


vladimirjp 26-11-2005 02:28 PM

:beer: great model.
but i think u can do more details with t he body still and fix some areas. like he has no niples modeled but he has a belly button.
and the thighs are too small.
i would make a seperate map for the head, and uv it seperately.

Jay 26-11-2005 02:32 PM

Hey Vlad

I always thought these orcs were skinny emaciated bastards?
Hope ya well, talk soon


vladimirjp 26-11-2005 03:19 PM

lol. depends on the orc ;) and the artist.

but i think the body lacks details compared to the face.
especially the arms. :beer:
great model tho, im working on another orc model atm too.

Funky Bunnies 27-11-2005 06:13 AM

Cool, thanks for the crits, Vlad and Jay. I'll change up the UV layout if I can figure out how. I'm struggling with the chest detailing a bit at the moment, but hopefully I'll get something done by tomorrow - Been a bit busy. I'm going for a fairly skinny Orc creature. This would be a lot easier if I was allowed to use Zbrush for this...

Jay: Thanks, I usually don't put such a sloppy quad in the middle of the cheek, but this saves a lot of geometry from being modeled and fits nicely with the shape of the cheek I think.

vladimirjp: Anyway, definitely looking forward to your Orc, man.

R-Tillery 27-11-2005 07:09 AM


Originally posted by DJbLAZER
Very nice... but are you using a tutorial? It looks very similar to this orc from a tutorial:
Dude where did you get that tutorial from. I want it bad.:bow:

Phopojijo 27-11-2005 07:21 AM


Originally posted by Funky Bunnies
Cool, thanks for the crits, Vlad and Jay. I'll change up the UV layout if I can figure out how. I'm struggling with the chest detailing a bit at the moment, but hopefully I'll get something done by tomorrow - Been a bit busy. I'm going for a fairly skinny Orc creature. This would be a lot easier if I was allowed to use Zbrush for this...

Jay: Thanks, I usually don't put such a sloppy quad in the middle of the cheek, but this saves a lot of geometry from being modeled and fits nicely with the shape of the cheek I think.

vladimirjp: Anyway, definitely looking forward to your Orc, man.

Considering your UserTitle's "Max User" -- was the UV map peltmapped? If not -- awesome attempt. Though -- I should mention that everything beyond the knees are off the plane -- and thats quite high poly for a game... pretty much anything but HL2 would die with that.

Jay 27-11-2005 10:21 AM


Jay: Thanks, I usually don't put such a sloppy quad in the middle of the cheek, but this saves a lot of geometry from being modeled and fits nicely with the shape of the cheek I think.
You dont need to remodel anything IMO, its a case of just deleting the right set of edge into a single flow



Funky Bunnies 27-11-2005 04:13 PM

R-Tillery: Yeah, I was wondering the same thing!

Phopojijo: Thanks, but yes. I was hoping I could leave max out completely for this project, but I had to use its Peltmapping on the torso because I simply could not get it to look right in Maya. The rest was done in Maya. Also I didn't mean that this was for a game, I was just talking about the past experience I had with unwrapping :). I'll see if I can fix those legs

Jay: I'm not sure if I get what you mean, but keeping with the general flow of edgeloops, the most logical place to continue the two loops I cut out would be through the cheek and up the top of the nose. I decided that I didn't really need a whole lot more definition there. I'm not sure if that's what you mean haha and I think now that I may have been able to use those extra loops, but I don't think they are dreadfully significant. But I do need the loops for defining some of his creases in the cheeks. Thanks for the suggestions :) I'll keep them in mind for next time.

mc-fleury 27-11-2005 05:11 PM

i was wondering how you did the uv unwrap.its pretty hard for me to do that.and your uv look awsome.

Funky Bunnies 27-11-2005 05:25 PM

mc-fleury: It took me quite a few hours to figure everything out, luckily I had Leo An explain to me how to do a lot of things in Maya's UV editor. It's basically just a series of cylindrical and planar mappings on different patches of faces and a lot of tweaking. The UV layout looks more complicated than it actually is because I applied a division or two of smoothing to round it out more accurately.

mc-fleury 27-11-2005 05:45 PM

thanx a lot

R-Tillery 27-11-2005 06:00 PM

This would make SM some cash. and have it a bundel from Model / Texture / Rig. :beer:

Anhslaught 02-12-2005 08:49 PM


Originally posted by DJbLAZER
Very nice... but are you using a tutorial? It looks very similar to this orc from a tutorial:
Where can you get this orc tutorial at? It looks really cool.

Anhslaught 02-12-2005 08:54 PM

Re: an Old Orc-ish fellow

Originally posted by Funky Bunnies
Greetings, I realize there are a bunch of orcs floating around right now for some reason, but I didn't realize it was so un-original until after I alreadystarted haha.

anyway, here's my last useful update to it:

Sub-D. I plan to switch back into polygons for the rest of the body... guess I was a bit too hasty to give sub-d a try.

The neck looks awesome, I've been trying to do a neck like that for my model but have been having troubles trying to get the line works working without having so much lines. Also stuck on doing the legs with all these muscles. Looking at the edges on your wireframe gave me some help. :)

Funky Bunnies 02-12-2005 09:03 PM

Glad to be of help, Anhslaught

Though if you're looking for wires that follow any sort of musculature for the legs, mine is certainly not one to look at haha though I'm not sure where one would find good leg wires.

And I agree about that tutorial, any chance you could tell us where that tutorial came from, DJbLAZER?

Anyway, I'm almost done with the bumpmap for the face and neck areas - I've been busy with other schoolwork. update soon.

DJbLAZER 02-12-2005 11:23 PM

Hey guys, I'll see if I can remember where it was....

DJbLAZER 03-12-2005 12:01 AM

oh man... I almost searched the entire net. All I had was that picture I posted with the name step4.jpg. But as my google skills are amazing I managed to find where it came from. Unfortunately I remembered wrong as it wasn't from a tutorial. It was from a WIP,;start=0

R-Tillery 03-12-2005 12:13 AM

Too bad,, I got my panties all in a bunch waiting for your reply.. Guess I got to wait to see if someone will try to make it. :(

mc-fleury 03-12-2005 01:02 AM

can you show a wire of his back please.

Anhslaught 03-12-2005 01:35 AM


Originally posted by DJbLAZER
oh man... I almost searched the entire net. All I had was that picture I posted with the name step4.jpg. But as my google skills are amazing I managed to find where it came from. Unfortunately I remembered wrong as it wasn't from a tutorial. It was from a WIP,;start=0
aww that sucks. appreciate the effort though. :D

Funky Bunnies 05-12-2005 06:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
ah dang :(

anyway, sorry I'm taking so long... I didn't get anything done all weekend because of other papers and projects for my Uni classes. So I know the neck to the shoulders are rough.

Here's what I have so far on the bumpmap (painted in Photoshop, rendered in Max simply because I know it better and it's faster for me to test things)

[edit: mc-fleury: I was planning on going into Sub-D for the back so the topology isn't all that great, but I'll post one up tomorrow if I can]

R-Tillery 05-12-2005 06:12 AM

Wow man that is so freaken sweet. Awesome work.:beer:

Anhslaught 05-12-2005 07:30 AM

oh man, that is friggin awesome! You think you can render the same thing out again without the bump map? I'd like to see when bump maps are used. :D

Funky Bunnies 05-12-2005 10:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
R-Tillery: Thanks :)

Anhslaught: Thanks, here's the render without bumpmap... more or less the same as the model i showed on the first page... I modeled it in Sub-D but I decided that I prefer the bumpmap over the Sub-D.

mc-fleury: there's the back wire... far from perfect, but it should work for this project.

Anhslaught 05-12-2005 10:23 PM

it looks really cool, but the bump makes it amazing. Is bump map just a blackand white image, where the white is the bump right?

Funky Bunnies 05-12-2005 10:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Anhslaught: yes, the bumpmap is just a greyscale map where the white is up and black is down

here's the facial portion of the bumpmap

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