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lewisears 15-05-2006 10:16 PM

New character (gun_girl)
This is a new character ive been working on, she is meant to have a slight cartoony feel about her, (im thinkin of toonshading her) I have made her muscleley to justify the large guns she will be carrying around with her (image2). In the end i would like to animate her fighting a large mech. The gun is only half finished with alot of it still only being blocked in at this stage. It is based on a blueprint i found for the Alien pulse rifle. Crits and coms for both would be very welcome, need sum fresh eye thanx!!

MattTheMan 15-05-2006 10:19 PM

good start but the heads needs work

the gun is good :beer:

13th_resident 15-05-2006 10:51 PM

her baggy pants really give me a feel that she is a hip-pop star.
the gun is cool, but still needs some time on it.


lewisears 17-05-2006 03:31 PM

update..toon shading!!
an update, some ideas i was playing with to give an idea of how i want this project to look at the end...crits and coms helpful..thanks

bcrichplayer 17-05-2006 04:19 PM

Firstly i like the model and the gun. They both look really good, although I thiink looking into some anime characters would be extremely helpful.
You have said that you want her to be strong but there must be a better way of going about it. My suggestion would be to reduce the muscles still showing that shes strong but not to the extent of the present model.
The gun looks great and quite detailed without going too far.

Thats my two sent........tences. Actually more than that.
Great models and hope to see what you make with it.

Go to this website and download the trailer of the animation Appleseed it might give you a few more ideas.

magicsy 17-05-2006 04:38 PM

yo mate hows it going?
Your talent is still coming on great!
Love the gun maybe a but smoother for the handle area though.
The girl looks very good! but i dont like the toon shder style personally.

lewisears 17-05-2006 05:47 PM

cheers everyone for the crits and coms, the trailer was inspiring, Hi Magicsy, hows it going, nice Dyson by the way, wicked texturing!, fancy texturing a gun??, do you know of any work goin anywhere?..need a break in life!!

mtmckinley 17-05-2006 05:53 PM

it looks to me like her legs are too short

lewisears 24-05-2006 09:15 AM

an update, hopefully gives more of an idea of what i want frm the scene, lighting is a lil to bright still but crits and coms welcome please!!

bcrichplayer 24-05-2006 10:13 AM

this us developing really well. Nice work
Instead of having a black shadow maybe change the shadow colour to a darker hue of the original so the shadow isn't soo dark.
Just a tip.
Can't wait for it to be finished. Actually i probably could wait but i didn't mean it literally.:p

gohan1842 25-05-2006 07:11 AM

Her arms look like a man's arms.

gster123 27-05-2006 09:56 AM


Originally posted by gohan1842
Her arms look like a man's arms.
Dude try and be constructive with your crit.

arran 27-05-2006 01:45 PM

Excellent model lewisears - I really like the the modelling of her face - very distinctive - and I think the build of your character works well. The only thing that is bothering me are the folds in her baggy trousers which look a little too heavy handed in the model, though in the toon shaded picture they do look fine. Good work. Well done mate!

Hellspawnuk 27-05-2006 02:26 PM

Great model, and something different from the usual realistic stuff.

Will this be used for any projects? Webcomics, animations etc?

Also... is that the Aliens Pulse Rifle I see in that gun?

lewisears 30-05-2006 11:51 AM

Hi , thanks all for your comments and crits, its not that easy to notice on my last post but the arms have now been adjusted to be less 'man-ly' , im hopin to use her in a short animation for jus for a personal project. and yes the gun was based on a blueprint of the alien pulse rifle, cos lets be honest, there is no better gun!!! cheers all and ill put some new posts up soon..

mac762 30-05-2006 01:33 PM

I knew the looked familar to me. :attn:



marlonjohn 30-08-2006 02:33 PM

WOAH! best thing ived ever seen ....

lewisears 31-08-2006 04:21 AM

i almost completely forgot about this thread, thanks anyway for the comments, It reminded me that i never really got to show the finished gun without the toonshading so here is a pic of it with hdri and a bit of blur on ps...hope you like.

marlonjohn 31-08-2006 07:22 AM

what the!? for a sec i though it was real.... are you sure its computeristed? :bow: :bow:

FubaR 04-09-2006 05:21 AM

Besides the ground it looks pretty realistic.

tadpole3159 04-09-2006 02:57 PM

no don't touch the ground, its brilliant! oh sooooo sweet.

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