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brian_ellebracht 12-05-2003 09:34 PM

The Matrix RELoded: NEW TRAILERS, beware may contain spoilers
here is a link to 9 clips from the matrix, durring action scenes. The longest is about a min. I think, most of them are short. Looks amazing!!!! Some of you may not want to watch these teasers, they are very revealing, as far as special effects go, not story line. Thought that I would let you know, i am going to go see it on WEd!!

ragecgi 13-05-2003 02:16 AM

Me and Michelle are goin on wed night too dude! 11pm.

What time are you seeing it?

I think we should make a joint-post review of the movie?

Wadda you think?

You start the thread, post your review, and email me when you are done, then I'll add my review below yours.

Just a thought:)

adldesigner 13-05-2003 02:23 AM

No way. :cool:
I´ll spam your emails with porn.

ragecgi 13-05-2003 02:40 AM

NNOOOOOOO!!!! hehe...

It will OBVIOUSLY be headed with: **POSSIBLE SPOILERS**

..or something like that:)

..if we even do one at all.


Why don't we all 3 do one after ADL sees it??

brian_ellebracht 13-05-2003 03:23 AM

sounds good to me guys!! I got the earliest show in St. Louis. 10 pm on Wendsday!

Ultragames 13-05-2003 03:42 AM

sounds cool to me. I wont read it 'till I see it. If one of you put a spoiler in a thread not REALY warning it, then i swear...

But I trust you guys. :D

adldesigner 13-05-2003 08:01 PM


Originally posted by ragecgi

Why don't we all 3 do one after ADL sees it??

Sound better Izzy. :p

ragecgi 13-05-2003 09:28 PM

Adl, what day are you seeing it again? (date)

Because if it's too late, then it might be a mute point by then...

STILL, I think it would be a GREAT idea if we all 3 did like an "uber" review after you see it bud:)

ragecgi 13-05-2003 09:31 PM

DAM Brian! You lucky bastard! hehe
..I got the 11pm show...
You're gonna have an extra hour to think about your review!!

hehe.. dam... :)

Hey Ultra, no worries m8:) ...boohhaahaha! hehe.. j/k

adldesigner 13-05-2003 09:34 PM

May 21th bud.
That´s our premiere date, similar to the guys in Germany if I remember correctly.
I´d love to be a part of it.

ragecgi 13-05-2003 09:40 PM

OH! That's just one week away, I can wait for ya bud:)

adldesigner 13-05-2003 09:47 PM

Cool man. :)

brian_ellebracht 15-05-2003 05:56 AM

:) :) Guess what I just saw!!! I won't say much But I came out of the theater like this.... :eek: :) :eek: :) but also like this.... :confused: :confused: All I can say is... Pay attention to the quiet parts!!! Although it may get a little borring, but you have to pay attention to what people are saying in the quite parts with Neo, or else you will be lost! Great movie!!!!

Brian....I'm in

adldesigner 15-05-2003 06:19 AM

Good to know buddy. :D
Start writing up that review.
We´ll complete it afterwards.

Wonder if Izzy is actually at it right now -watching the movie I mean-

ragecgi 15-05-2003 06:57 AM

Two words:



CONFUSING (sortof)

I agree with brian all the way.

It will blow your mind ADL!

adldesigner 15-05-2003 07:21 AM

ARGH!!! I´m all pumped up now!!! :cool:
<adl mutters to himself ... "6 more days 6 more days ..">

ragecgi 15-05-2003 07:25 AM

Well, this may calm us ALL a bit!

adldesigner 15-05-2003 07:28 AM

Oh yeah.
I´ll be keeping an eye out on that one.
Link´s in Favorites now.

adldesigner 15-05-2003 07:48 AM

LMAO! Gotta love critics!
The Matrix Reloaded: We waited four years for this?
The 'Matrix' in the middle

<adl mumbles ... "Still waiting those 6 days ...">

ragecgi 15-05-2003 05:14 PM

It's amazing how pompous and arrogantly sad these "critics" sound.

All 3 of the "critics" from those articles reviewed the movie as if they were somehow "hurt" or mentaly scarred as a child by some movie they did not understand, so they complained about it, and everyone told them to eat crap, and they got sad.

So, now they feel they must target the BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR, (imho), and rip it to shreds so they can feel justified that they are somehow exacting "revenge" on those of us with a brain.

ALL 3 reported the scenes in a BIASED, and spitefull manner unbecoming a true critic, not to mention reporting scenes AND actor names WRONG!

Retards... I mean, it was like they were not even IN the theater at all, and just picked out a bunch of teenagers that got in with fake ID's as they were walking out to tell them their version of the story, complete with actor misspellings, incorrect philosophy, and general ignorance.

TRUST me Adl, if you truly liked, AND fully understood the first one, (which is NOT hard at all) you WILL love the next 2:)

Critics are just that, retards with no employment ambition other than to spoonfeed biased, and false impressions to the masses, to furthur thier belief that any press is good press.


adldesigner 15-05-2003 05:16 PM

I trust you buddy. Just found it peculiar.
I know I did invest very well when I got those tickets. :cool:

by the way, cool counter-post;)

ragecgi 15-05-2003 05:55 PM

Why thank you:) hehe...

Yeah, M2 fricken rocks m8!

Kurt 15-05-2003 07:58 PM

Well, just got back form the movie and... dont take this the wrong way.... I thought it was just ok.... nothing special.... It felt like a movie based around eye- candy rather than pushing developement and the plot.

Rage I have a brain=) heheheheheh

Dont get me wrong it was ok.. The effects/Compositing rocked, I just found that the movie lagged a lot for just a little bit more information on the story and whats going on, which all came close to the end.

Thats all im going to say dont want to wreak it for ADL

ragecgi 15-05-2003 09:16 PM

Well said Kurt, and a small part of me does agree with ya:)

There were parts that drug the movie out that made it seem a bit longer than needed.
I was told they did that so the small portion of the audience that did not see the first one, would get a bit more up to speed with us.

Still my years favorite so far! Can't wait for M3!

adldesigner 15-05-2003 09:20 PM

<adl stops monitoring this thread till he watches the movie> :cool:

3rdDimension 16-05-2003 09:08 AM

Well I saw the movie and must admit I was abit disapointed. Damn I wanted this movie to be really hot but I had the same feeling after I saw Final Fantasy the movie. It really felt like they just wanted to give the public a special effects movie which is okay as long as it has a solid story to back it up. When I was in the theater, the reactions were not to good and although I dug the talk with Neo and the Matrix creator, alot of people were lost! Not a good sign. As for the visual effects, they did a good job, but it felt like they did not push the envelope like they did with the first one. So many movies have copied the bullet time effect and added something to the plate, but here they just went with the same old stuff that worked in the first film. The Twins really let me down:( . They were two phat lookn' characters, but after Nightcrawlers opening sequence in X2, the Twins really looked wack!!! They had the power to phase their bodies which was sort of similar to Nightcrawaler teleporting yet their fight sequences was not hot at all!! Also with all the hype surrounding the highway sequence I was expecting this to blow away SW Episode 1 podracing was I let down!!! The Washoski(spelling?) bros. were real secretive about what was shown and released on this movie so it shocks me to find out why all the biggest effects shots were all shown on the trailers leaving nothing in the movie to blow the audience away! The first movie felt like the directors kept all of their favorite influences(anime,kung-fu wire work) to minimum so as to not scare away viewers new to this type of filmmaking , but at the same time kept enough to bring in the fans, but on the second flick they just let the fanboy loose which wasn't such a good thing because they fell into the trap of special effects overkill. I just hope the first Matrix movie dosen't end up being a one hit wonder for the brother directors.

p.s. It really hurts me when movies that have tight visual effects
that people put in alot of hours doing ends up not so good. It makes me almost want to cry when I see people in the theaters either laugh or brush the movie off as trash knowing that alot of talented artist put their blood sweat and tears into the final product and then have people not even think about it all because they could care less about the movie. Final Fantasy, SW Episode 1&2 come to mind.

ragecgi 16-05-2003 02:56 PM

Sorry, made a double post:)

Ignore this one:)

DgAPc 16-05-2003 03:30 PM

I can see your reason why you don't like it. It's going to be a movie you love or don't like. For me I loved the movie, but the ending I didn't care about cause it moved so fast. I was lost when it was over. And 3rdDimension I disagree with the effects being the same with Matrix 1. The story could of been really good, but for the ending kinda ruined the effect of the movie. They had really good points at the end, but like I said it moved to fast.

Know for my question.

Some one was telling me that the ending of the movie was clips of Matrix 3, is that true?

ragecgi 16-05-2003 03:46 PM

Yup, that was the teaser trailer for Revolutions after the credits:)

Now to my post:
I love ya bud, but when it comes to the Matrix, that's ma weak spot:) hehe.

I'm not aimin any of my comments at ya personnally, I've just seen your specific comments made before on other sites, and I thought I would resond to some of them with my personal view.

Take my thoughts with a grain of salt, as we all may change our views about this whole movie once we see it ALL around November:)


It really felt like they just wanted to give the public a special effects movie which is okay as long as it has a solid story to back it up.
Remember, the story has not been told yet:)


...alot of people were lost! Not a good sign.
The same thing was said after the first one came out.
They'll watch it again, and then they'll get it.


As for the visual effects, they did a good job, but it felt like they did not push the envelope like they did with the first one.
Gotta agree to that... only to a point though.
Keep in mind, a LOT of these effects were concepted, and achived 4 years ago...
WAY before production on ANY of the movies that these critics are comparing it to were even done.
Doesn't make M2 any better, just innovative.
..some of the other movies, however, HAVE taken these ideas farther than M2 though....


The Twins really let me down:( . They were two phat lookn' characters, but after Nightcrawlers opening sequence in X2, the Twins really looked wack!!! They had the power to phase their bodies which was sort of similar to Nightcrawaler teleporting yet their fight sequences was not hot at all!!
You know, I've seen this Nightcrawler vs. the twins comparison all over the web, and I gotta say, there is NO comparison.
They were two separate effects altogether.
Nightcrawler vanished completely, travelling point to point.
The twins just phased, and were able to pass through things in one continious movement/shot.


so it shocks me to find out why all the biggest effects shots were all shown on the trailers leaving nothing in the movie to blow the audience away!
It blew ME away, and that's hard to do:) hehe...
And about the trailer revealing the best effects, I would have to disagree.
My favorite effects were not even in the trailer.
-ALL the Neb & ship shots.
-The cg environment of the engineering level of zion.
-The interface in the zion "landing" room.
-And MUCH more that you will notice when we all see it again, and again, and again.... :)

DgAPc 16-05-2003 03:57 PM

I'm gona see it again Saturday can't wait.

3rdDimension 16-05-2003 04:32 PM

If you sat throught the credits of th film, they showed a trailer of Matrix Revolutions which looked hot!!! As for the effects, technicaly wise it looked better than the first flick, but as for what the were doing with it, they didn't do anything new that we haven't saw already! And thats what I thought hurt the film even more. What was so ground breaking about that highway chase sequence?

brian_ellebracht 16-05-2003 04:33 PM

I thought that the story telling was really really well and indepth, and I thought that the chase on the highway, was one of the most intense chases at the end that I have ever scene, (when the trucks crashed! When Link juped up and scremed, so did the theater and everybody started clapping. Well, special effects was great and so was the story in individual spots. but they just did a really really bad job gluing the two together, there was a quite talking scene... then a bunch of fitting/action, then it was time to pay attention again, but there was not much of any transition, or leading up to the exciting action sequences, that there was in the first movie. I think that is the weakest part of this movie, lack of "glu" so to speak. Most parts were really good.. Just didn't fit together. Gotta like the speach at Zion, when he held his arm out! THat was really really good! I think alot more thought went into the movie than it seams, its just a bummer they didn't work on the transitions more. Later,

ragecgi 16-05-2003 04:49 PM

"I'm gona see it again Saturday can't wait."
DAM! hehe... I have to wait till next week's paycheck:( :tears:

"What was so ground breaking about that highway chase sequence?"

-Um, a latex hottie goin 90 or so without a helmet? hehe... sorry.
Na, the Rig Crash sold it for me as well:)

"its just a bummer they didn't work on the transitions more. Later,


3rdDimension 16-05-2003 05:03 PM

I admit the rig exploding was hot but that was at the end of the sequence! And the part were Morph cut the truck...I thought it would have been so hot if he stood in front of the truck and cut the joint in half like i thought they would have being that the directors reference anime so much! This is the Matrix and aren't they at the point were they can bend the rules?? Also that part were Trinity is dying, didn't they say in the first movie that if you beleive you are hurt it will happen and that nothing is real in the Matrix? So why was Trinity dying when her and the whole gang know that nothing in the Matrix is real?:(

ragecgi 16-05-2003 08:40 PM


Originally posted by 3rdDimension
Also that part were Trinity is dying, didn't they say in the first movie that if you beleive you are hurt it will happen and that nothing is real in the Matrix? So why was Trinity dying when her and the whole gang know that nothing in the Matrix is real?:(
The quote was:
"So if you die in the Matrix, you die here?", then morpheus says, "The body cannot live without the mind."

So, even though we are treading on thin philosophy ice here, hehe.., I'll try to explain:

Trinity died for a moment because she "lost faith".
Only lesser so because of her "simulated-by-the-matrix" physical/psycological injuries.

The oracle did not prophisize her death, which made her more mentally weak
and doubt herself and the mission, and that helped to push her
mind "over the edge" into thinking that her time had come.....
so she just.... let go.

So, when you die in the Matrix, you die in the "real world" as well.

BUT, because Neo's is the "one", he is/was able to bring her back because of his "psuedo-superior" abilities by massaging her heart in "code-view".

Which was publicly accepted, and understandable seeing how good of a hacker (code-whiz) he was anyway.

She also lived because I told the Wachowski's that if they kill off Trinity, Adl and I would beat thier asses!


GCastro 17-05-2003 06:15 PM


I saw it last night! and it was one of the best movies I've ever seen! A really great film indeed. The effects were awesome, the story was great because it was difficult to understand, which kept me into the movie, trying to figure it out while be entertained by the fights, car chase, effects.

I'm always reluctant about sequals, but this one did very nice.
I gotta watch it again!


Neo flying like Super Man with his fist out forward! Dang! I wish I could fly!

adldesigner 17-05-2003 10:21 PM

Hehehe, couldn´t help reading the thread.
I now trully feel more pumped up than ever to go watch it.
What I´m noticing is the fact that the controversy around this one is exactly like the first one.

I remember my dad told me something which has stayed with me ever since, just after watching the first one. He said: "I don´t like it." to which I replied with my usual egotistical self "You´re crazy ol man, very good movie indeed", he said "did you see Superman?" ... "Yes" .. "well this is just like it, either you like it or you don´t."

adldesigner 17-05-2003 10:21 PM

4 days to go now by the way ...

adldesigner 17-05-2003 10:23 PM


Originally posted by ragecgi

She also lived because I told the Wachowski's that if they kill off Trinity, Adl and I would beat thier asses!


F*cking agree! :cool:
Where the hell is the beer?!
Ah here it is! ...
Cheers buddy!

adldesigner 17-05-2003 10:25 PM


Originally posted by 3rdDimension
when her and the whole gang know that nothing in the Matrix is real?:(
You need to watch those movies again mate.

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