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mumbojumbo_13 18-05-2003 11:42 AM

Character: Me
1 Attachment(s)
hey started to do me :D

mumbojumbo_13 18-05-2003 11:42 AM

oh yeh does anyone know of any good polygon hair tutorials ?
dont want paint fx i can do that

Kurt 18-05-2003 12:22 PM

mumbojumbo_13, good start little buddy, just watch the shoulder area, move it up closer to the neck and then bring it in a bit under the shoulder as well.

Hair use strips of polys them make a hair texture, with ramp and transparence.

adldesigner 18-05-2003 01:27 PM

You´ve definitely improved a whole lot since we first saw you around here. I agree with Kurt about the shoulder, be sure to check that area good.

By the way, I remember the SM Gang thread, and you didn´t look like you could bully me out, but this model itself looks like it. Are you sure you aren´t overexagerating your features, huh? ;) :D
By the way, still have that open bill.

Raull 19-05-2003 04:10 AM

wow looks like a bit of fred durst ish.

mumbojumbo_13 19-05-2003 11:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
thanks guys did mostly the back today and shoes
can't get hair to work but ill keep trying

I-Iybrid 19-05-2003 04:17 PM

Looking good so far mumbo man. One thing that looks wierd to me is, that his shirt is too perfect. It just goes straight down, with no folds, creases, ect. But other than that, nice man. :)

mumbojumbo_13 20-05-2003 12:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
thanks guys a try at hair now:

Kurt 20-05-2003 12:28 PM

Shoulders are comming along,,,, If you can post a true front pic and i can help you out some more....

mumbojumbo_13 20-05-2003 12:36 PM

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here kurt

Vijay2004 20-05-2003 05:00 PM

WOW. :wow: Nicely done.:D

Kurt 20-05-2003 05:14 PM

Here you go little buddy.... see if you can add some of the suggestions....

mumbojumbo_13 21-05-2003 11:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
ok tweeked some things and the shader thanks kurt man you dont know how much i appreciate some one of your calibur helping me

mumbojumbo_13 21-05-2003 11:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
ok and heres a front

Kühl 21-05-2003 08:08 PM

wow mumbojumbo_13

I just seen this post now... awesome work man! You have really improved...

Keep it up dude.

I-Iybrid 21-05-2003 11:23 PM

Looks really good man. Too bad that nasty watermark is in there. :(

adldesigner 21-05-2003 11:40 PM


Originally posted by I-Iybrid
Too bad that nasty watermark is in there. :(
That ain´t bad at all mate.
On the contrary, I congratulate Mumbojumbo for using PLE as intended. Much to my amazement there´s far too much kids running around with 7.000$ software in their boxes.
At least he has the courage to overcome this and go the legal way.

t|-|3 DoCto|2 22-05-2003 05:52 AM

thx guys :D
this is me at school
if anyone has any comments or crits please tell me so i can make it better i know adls wouldnt hold back :D

mumbojumbo_13 22-05-2003 11:39 AM

ok i think im going to animate him making a bday cake and hopefully ill have it finished for me bday in a few months

mumbojumbo_13 23-05-2003 11:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
ok added eyebrows going to work on my battle peice for a while

M 23-05-2003 03:08 PM

He mumbo, this is lookin great! Its a wonderful model :D. one thing i see is that the forearms look a bit to bulged out, or a weird shape.. the biggest part of the forearm should be just after the elbow.. and not inbetween the elbow and the wrist. Face looks great, maybe thoes eyes could be a bit bigger. Anyways, its looking great as it is so keep up the good work :)

mumbojumbo_13 24-05-2003 11:54 AM

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ok got him rigged :D
and a quick pose

mumbojumbo_13 26-05-2003 11:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
thats two for steps for me my first ever walk
what do you guys think ?
any c + c will be appreciated

Kurt 26-05-2003 12:40 PM

Really nice for you first walk buddy.....

Things to look at....

1) needs some more rotation in his hips and shoulders

2) add a bit more up down as he walks. When his feet are apart that his low point and when hes steping and feet are together, that his high point...

3) the shoulders seem to fall at the end of your last step.. just but them back up..

that good for now, just watch how your feet move and rotate as you walk...

Great work buddy.. you have come a long way in a few months...

mumbojumbo_13 27-05-2003 12:02 PM

ok cheers kurt
anyone else got any opinions ?

BabyDuck 27-05-2003 04:52 PM

if you want to improve the walk, i noticed that the feet are stiff. or at least so it looks like. maybe bend the toes some while walking?

Vectorman 27-05-2003 06:35 PM

theres a weird thing on the shirt in the cycle, around the belt area

mumbojumbo_13 29-05-2003 11:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
ok worked on some of the things you guys suggested what do you think of this one ?

I-Iybrid 29-05-2003 03:34 PM

His head is too....stiff. So isnt the neck area. Loosen 'em up alittle. :)

BabyDuck 29-05-2003 03:40 PM

why is the cyper dog in the zip?

mumbojumbo_13 30-05-2003 11:42 AM

i see what's happen ducky
craig's walk file is in the same folder and called walked 2 and they merged both the walk2's into the zip :(
thanks guys :D
anyone else have somehting to say ?

mumbojumbo_13 01-06-2003 12:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok i got bored and started practicsing a new face
what do you guys think ?

EagleKing 01-06-2003 12:54 PM


great face and better than the last one.

could you please post a wireframe cuz I am a silly newb and want to learn. :D

ereitz 01-06-2003 06:00 PM

Hey mumbojumbo_13 - great face -really fine features - you've learned so much - are you aiming to make 3d a profession? just curious. I learned maya about a year ago myself and it really clicked for me.

c + c: the corner of the jaw is pretty far back - looks a little unnatural. if you think of the the hinge of the jaw opening it just makes sense to have it in front of the ear.

looking forward to seeing this character develop

mumbojumbo_13 02-06-2003 02:53 AM

thanks eretiz ,
yeh i want to october will be a year for me :D
eagle ill have a wire for you tonight :D

mumbojumbo_13 02-06-2003 11:52 AM

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here eagle:

mumbojumbo_13 02-06-2003 11:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
tried blendshapes while i figured out what he would look like - he doesnt have an inner mouth now im modelling it
please have a look trell me what you think

EagleKing 02-06-2003 12:00 PM

1. thanks for the wire
2. polygons?
3. blenshapes = awsome

mumbojumbo_13 02-06-2003 12:03 PM

blendshapes = dodgy :P
the wire is poly but then i convert it to either subd's or smooth it but that's the wire i work with
how do i show the wire on the model ?
how do i change the wire colour ?

mumbojumbo_13 03-06-2003 12:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok done some body work i like the back but dont like the front or arms,
he's going to walk like a gorilla on his hands sometimes and sometimes like golem sort of the weird cautious walk
what do you guys think ? any comments?

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