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M 04-07-2003 04:39 AM


WOOOO, I just went to go see T3 and WOW, I loved it!

The storyline in my opinion was "Ok", but damn, they just keep making Arnolds opponents tougher and tougher! I feel sorry for the guy!

Graphics, WOW... this movie is amazing, there is a scene when she is driving around a crane and tearing up the city, I dont know if they paid for all that damage, or if its all CG. If its CG its some of the best stuff I have ever seen!

For anyone that wants a motivation for 3D design, go see T3 and you will be on your computer all night modelling and modelling away!

I dont want to get into any spoilers so I wont say more until someone else does :).

What did you guys think of this movie?

Kevin 04-07-2003 08:15 AM

Ill be sure to watch it when I can M! cheers for the heads up

Kevin 04-07-2003 09:08 AM

LOL it dont come out in the uk until 1st August... so any one watching it then will know all about it before then! So how come it takes the movie a month to get here???

I only thourht it was a 9 hr flight :saywhat:

slickrenderer 04-07-2003 02:25 PM

Come out on 21 July here in Switzerland

Cyborg Corp 04-07-2003 03:49 PM

awsome movie. I thought the ending was a bit unmoral though :(. And WHY THE HELL did they not play the terminator theme in the opening credits? The bastards!

M 04-07-2003 04:22 PM

Hey guys in far countries other than america ( :p). I will go into the theatre and film it for all of you! LOL, j/k. Anyways, one other thing i wanted to add... is the T-X just makes the movies THAT much better! Decked out in leather, and when she arrives for the first time :O, nice figure. Anyways, other than that.. one thing I was amazed at, is how they had arnolds face half ripped off at the end and all burnt.. and it actually looked like him! That was so flawless!

slickrenderer 04-07-2003 04:51 PM

Hell another 18 days!! This is TORCHER!!!!

BabyDuck 04-07-2003 04:57 PM


Originally posted by Kevin
LOL it dont come out in the uk until 1st August... so any one watching it then will know all about it before then! So how come it takes the movie a month to get here???

I only thourht it was a 9 hr flight :saywhat:

well, dont forget, they have to translate it form american to british english. they even translate harry potter in the us books and change some words. that is sick.


mtmckinley 04-07-2003 05:02 PM

could it also have something to do with different formats? I know TV is NTSC > PAL... don't know if film is different. I wouldn't think it'd be, though.

^^TwEeK^^ 04-07-2003 05:28 PM

its probably just cuz it would be cheaper to buy it then....

Witchy 04-07-2003 05:54 PM

Films are usually delayed because of licensing deals and driven by the way ratings are calculated on box office sales- very few films receive a world wide release.

Few films are 'translated' for the English market, but they are subject to our film classification which is not the same as in the USA. In some respects the UK one is is rather more liberal (mostly concerning full frontal nudity) and in others not (some language can cause a film to get higher age rating in the UK than the USA). Subject to getting a classification certificate, film directors can be asked to remove or censor parts of releases for specific markets. It is a bit like the games market where certain things (blood for example for German releases) are removed for different releases.

It is vastly more expensive to launch worldwide and if a film is bombing in the USA it may never be released here at all. As far as I know we use the same cinema projectors as the USA so I don't think it is about format- it's more about classification and maximising profit.

otaku 04-07-2003 07:29 PM

he was making a part of it a russian great 3D modeller
nice webpage!

russian professional for T3


wicket 05-07-2003 09:25 PM

I saw it on the night before it came out and OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS!!!!!!! YEAH BABY!!!! THAT MOVIE ROCKED!!!!!!!! Like M said story was "OK" typical terminator story! But it does tie things up nice and explains a lot about the whole thing!!! And the CGI was enough to make you cry and beg for more!!!! :D I can't wait to see it again and again and AGAIN!!!! :D
<in my best arnold voice> Come with me to this movie if you want to live!

slickrenderer 05-07-2003 09:45 PM

Some T3 wallpapers-


Cyborg Corp 05-07-2003 10:30 PM

I still don't understand a few things.

1) Why could Arny operate after he took out his second battery?

2) and this one I hate a MAJOR problem with: Why the hell was the T-X roaring when she was trying to get out of Arny's grasp?She's a machine, she didn't have to act like a monster.

Cyborg Corp 05-07-2003 10:32 PM

Also (MAJOR SPOILER)...if Skynet was not centralized and was instead in all the computers and internet, didn't it destry itself when it nuked the world?

M 05-07-2003 10:57 PM


Hey hal.. first off... Its a batterypack yes.. but that doesnt mean it will powerdown right away after its taken out, you have no idea of the schematics behind the machine. It could live for days before its internal supply of energy runs out.

For the second thing.. i LOVED how the TX screamed at the end.. didnt you realise that it acted more and more like a beast towards the end of the movie, just the way it standed and gazed. Also if you noticed how she looked at herself in the black marble in the washroom.. then arnold pinned her down... it was awesome because it was like she enjoyed looking at her body and almost had some human characteristics to her.

Also about skynet.. they lead them to that fallout shelter because they couldnt get to the main computer (SKYNET) in time... SKYNET has no desire to have control over any of the dinky computers on earth.. skynet most likely is still underground and wasnt hurt at all by the bombs.. it just took over control :).

Thats what i truly think. Could be wrong. I am just so amazed at the whole movie, i went to go see it again and yea.. its an amazing film. Im thinking that every part of the terminators missions in all 3 movies was all part of what led up to why he became luitenant of all once judgement day is over.. it makes sence. Because theres no possible way that he would of survived the blasts of judgement day, that he would of known anything about the terminators, and no way he would of been the leader of the army.. let alone marry that girl.

The more i think of it, this movie was the best thing for the first 2 terminator movies.. it really wrapped it all up, yet could lead to a T4.. yet i doubt it would ever happen.

Cyborg Corp 06-07-2003 02:42 AM

no. they mentioned in 2 that Skynet was a centralized piece of hardware and that was its downfall. In 3, they actually say its a network of software, a virus, in all the computers. thats why throughout the movie, clerks and all were complaining. so technicly, it was bombing itself

M 06-07-2003 03:15 AM

Yes, i realise in 2 that it was a centralized piece of hardware.. it then released a virus to get control over all of the other computers, to make it like a network of software. The central piece of hardware.. skynet.. would still be intact after the nuclear war. Thats all that matters.

Kevin 06-07-2003 08:53 AM

ok! get this one: If she was a more advanced model then the last dude... then why the hell when she was stuck "near the end" couldnt she just liquidise and then form back up.... then instead of arnie grabbing her buy the leads and tugging her back -she would have been free!

It seems that aside the gun (which broke) she was less of a model then the last one - although better looking :)

all in all though - a good action film! didnt expect any mor eof any less... great effects and devestation but I just think that they could have thought about her a little more!

Cyborg Corp 06-07-2003 11:22 AM


Originally posted by M
Yes, i realise in 2 that it was a centralized piece of hardware.. it then released a virus to get control over all of the other computers, to make it like a network of software. The central piece of hardware.. skynet.. would still be intact after the nuclear war. Thats all that matters.
nono, there was no hardware in 3. Only in 2. That was the difference between the military's and cyberdyne's (i think that was the name)

Kevin. Only her armor or whatever was liquid, her endoskeleton was metal. dont forget she could change into anyone and control all machines.

Kevin 06-07-2003 12:05 PM


Originally posted by HAL 9000
nono, there was no hardware in 3. Only in 2. That was the difference between the military's and cyberdyne's (i think that was the name)

Kevin. Only her armor or whatever was liquid, her endoskeleton was metal. dont forget she could change into anyone and control all machines.

I still think the other machine was harder!

That guys could morph into people... was as hard as nails ! except the remote part whice well lets be honest...didnt do her much good anyway!

even arnie beat it :D

Emo 08-07-2003 05:31 AM

well, I just came back from seeing it!!!

AMAZING movie! I love it and the graphics were jaw dropping!!! :eek:


adldesigner 08-07-2003 05:35 AM


Originally posted by HAL 9000
.. Why the hell was the T-X roaring .. yadayada?
Ahh she roars?
Tasty. ;)

Gotta love roaring women! :p

M 08-07-2003 05:51 AM

Heheh, one of my favourite parts of the whole movie! Just shes only a metal skeleton when shes roarin :(. Still cool, frisky.

Emo 08-07-2003 06:02 AM

well all I know is that I almost had a panic attack when she frist came into the movie all naked :D

man.... she was HOTT!!!

It makes me wish she was the normal girl who got locked up and the other girl was the terminator... (of course, I wanna be the guy in there with her ;) )


M 08-07-2003 06:06 AM

Wouldnt you love it if your GF was a T-X. Just imagine the things she could do for you. *Drool*..

she woudl be roaring.. roaring in bed! Mwa ha ha... ha...........ha.


adldesigner 08-07-2003 06:21 AM

I´d love Kristanna Loken as my GF .. not that frigging terminator. :p

Emo 08-07-2003 06:31 AM

yeah, I'd love her as my GF but dont ever cheat on her or.....


M 08-07-2003 05:00 PM

Hyeaaaa.. theres arney in the background holdin her back!! ANd that black at the top of the image is the gate :).

Cyborg Corp 08-07-2003 05:35 PM

***Spoiler***Why not in that scene, she just simply beat the terminator up again and *then* go after Connor? I mean, she did know there was no danger to skynet there right? and why didnt her skin come back? she can make it come back at will

M 08-07-2003 05:57 PM

Man, machines get destroyed.. and it takes her a while to regenerate skin. I think regenerating her skin was not a main priority at that time, and she was damaged, her legs were gone and could of been half malfunctioning. I almost felt like arnold powered up and held with his life or somethign.. because that part was one of the best in the whole movie. The way arnold was holding her, and her time remaining was making it hard for her to exactly go and beat the shit out of arnold.. because of course its not like she can do it in 3 seconds either. These are my thoughts.

Cyborg Corp 08-07-2003 07:02 PM

oh right, i forgot the atom bomb was bout to go off. well i still agree with kevin that the old T-1000 'felt' more powerful. Also, t2 had that dark blue look throughout the movie which made it feel machiny, t3 didnt. :(

kornkidpr 17-07-2003 08:48 PM


well i still agree with kevin that the old T-1000 'felt' more powerful.
Agree to that and i didnt liked the movie they did it all for nothing and they didnt explained very well about skynet i hope that in the matrix the damn mainframe doesnt crash and reboot adn restart for the 7 time it would sux LOL

i gotta agree in one thing thats the hottest robot ive seen :P

dave_baer 19-07-2003 05:07 PM

"Talk to the hand!"

I thought it sucked. Tis a bad season for sequals. First The Matrix Reloaded, now T3. What's next?

lun4tic 20-07-2003 05:38 PM

I am still waiting to see it, and i am very excited, and i think it will be cool movie.
though i dont think it has arrived at Norway yet?

Well, i just have to wait and see...

otaku 20-07-2003 07:07 PM

i just think both of the movies are high professional level ok the directors did remix of a story but matrix and t3 are masterpieces of cgi!

i would be very pround of it if im the maker of sutch great cgi movies!

Ghost-VE 20-07-2003 07:21 PM

I don't see what everyones problem was with Matrix Reloaded. It's an action movie and had some story to it what did you expect. I still think it was better then the first. IMHO, I mean the awe and shock of effects isn't there. However the cheography was great for the fight scenes. As well as the continuation of the story line. All in all i enjoyed it quite a bit as a sequal.

dave_baer 20-07-2003 09:22 PM

otaku: I agree that they were both good for their CG stuff, but as for the movies themselves, I didnt like either of them. Not what I expected from them. As George Lucas once said, "You can't build a story around a special effect. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." -- from The Making of the Star Wars Trilogy

Ghost-VE: IMO, it sucked. What did I expect from it? Way more than it delivered. The fight scene was way too long and over-exaggerated. The whole movie was pretty much a "do what we did last time but only more of it" type of production. And as for the story, well... A lot was left out and more should have been added. Some was too hard to comprehend, and other parts were totally unnecessary. In The Matrix, you could follow the characters, you knew who they were and you knew, at least a little, of where they came from. In Matrix:Reloaded, most of those characters just showed up, with no explanation as to what they're doing there or why they were there.

Perhaps they will better the trilogy with part three, but Reloaded needs to be Remade.


Cyborg Corp 20-07-2003 09:57 PM

more like Reloaded needs to be Rebooted :)
anyways, i still think the worst movie of the summer was Pirates of the Carib....I hated it so much, its not funny :banghead:

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