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Gforce 09-07-2003 05:40 AM

New character WIP
i've put my car on hold so as i can work on a little character i've had in mind for a bit now his name is Albert, he's gona be a chubby middle/old aged chap

here is his head so far .....still tweeking

wire http://www.mayaxtream.pwp.blueyonder...albertwire.jpg

I-Iybrid 09-07-2003 03:25 PM

Damn.....Very nice! :)

Gforce 10-07-2003 07:09 PM

first off thanks I-Iybrid for taking the time to look and post

slight updates working on his skin at the moment {wich isn't my best area by far}
anyway here is the bump so far no col yet that should be soon i hope :rolleyes:

I-Iybrid 10-07-2003 08:20 PM

Are you going to put hair on him, or leave him bald? Other than that, looking good as normal man. :)

Gforce 10-07-2003 09:23 PM

thinking of giving him an hair do like mine and i ain't got much on top but plenty on the top lip ;)

still to decide on that once again thanks for the interest ;)

howardporter 10-07-2003 10:20 PM

wow, that is awesome man. how did you model that? and how did you UV it?

looking really nice! :thumbsup:

Gforce 11-07-2003 12:11 AM

thanks howardporter

as for the modeling just smiple poly modeling that i''ve picked up over the last few years buy reading tutorials over and over and messing about

as for the UV thats take a long time to get anything like right but with help from tuts like this one i'm getting there i think

and here is my very first Human-ish skin attempt

this is the very first render of the colour map still needs plenty doing to it

catch ya

mumbojumbo_13 11-07-2003 11:30 AM

sweet head man :D

Alan 11-07-2003 12:19 PM

damnnnnnn it's a nice head!!, i'm not 100% on the skin shader but it's a good start

kbrown 11-07-2003 12:59 PM

Very nice! I've always wanted to model something like this too. Who knows, maybe I will in near future :) 11 minutes and I'm out from work to spend my vacation... with maya ;)

Gforce 12-07-2003 09:45 AM


i'm not 100% on the skin shader
was only first attempt i'm already reworking the skin

this is just a little play around to get an idea of how i want his hair i think he going to have some specs as well not fully decided on that yet though


Forum_snowboarder33 12-07-2003 11:39 AM

kinda looks like that guy from tekken.. hitatchie (no idea how to spell his name)

I-Iybrid 12-07-2003 05:25 PM

Haha, he does dosent he? :)

Gforce 12-07-2003 07:22 PM


kinda looks like that guy from tekken.. hitatchie
WHO ?? lost me there :rolleyes: ;)

Gforce 12-07-2003 07:31 PM

been in a fool around mood today so just been playing with ideas for the look of him

specs or no specs??


schmick 13-07-2003 11:52 AM

That's a great model, i'd try to keep the shine to his forehead/top of the head though, basing that on the old people i've seen :p

Gforce 14-07-2003 02:48 PM

thanks schmick shine will be back when the skin is finnished
meanwhile Albert went to the dentist and got his new dentures
so he if feeling better now and can get back to solids

Kurt 14-07-2003 02:57 PM

Great work.. can you post up you bump and skin maps?

ereitz 14-07-2003 03:18 PM

nice work!

drknow 14-07-2003 03:23 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA............Those teeth are hilarious. Just the way he is smiling.:):):):)

vertiis 15-07-2003 09:32 AM

i agree with drknow... true... true... teeth are awesome :))))


Gforce 16-07-2003 12:07 PM

will show the bump and skin maps when i get um more finnished they are still in very early stage ;) no were near happy with um yet

thanks for comments on the teeth they just plain blinn shaders for now gone do some work on them make um look used :)

at the moment i'm working on doing the blendshapes so things are a bit slow going at the moment :rolleyes:

this was a test on the eyes and mouth being closed

Albert Asleep

will update again soon ;)

Gforce 28-07-2003 06:30 PM

rumaged deep in the depths of S M and dug this guy up having a rest from the blendshapes and stated working on his skin again
still a long way to go but thought i would show some "progress" ok mybe not progress but i'm haveing fun

Ultragames 29-07-2003 03:52 AM

tone down the bumps and your close to a final bump map i think.

Gforce 29-07-2003 09:09 AM

ooooops actually posted the wrong pic :rolleyes: (should not post late at night)

your right about the bump this is what i ment to post
http://www.mayaxtream.pwp.blueyonder...temp/skin1.jpg :rolleyes:

traveler 29-07-2003 02:35 PM

hey gforse i like it,one thing though the veins in his head rise when they overlap.

Kurt 29-07-2003 02:59 PM

Nice stuff mate.. can you post up your bump map for me.. really like the suface....

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